• 4 Birthday (Karmic) Number
  • The day you were born bears great significance in understanding who you are and where your talents lie. The day of birth indicates some special talent you possess. It is a gift to you that will help you along your Life's Path. Your day of birth is the least significant of the four core numbers, but perhaps the most finite, in that it reveals a specific ability you possess in a marked degree.
  • Four represents Enclosure, Completion, Foundation. It is a symbol of Earth, the 4th element. Fours are here to build a firm foundation, to labor with concentration and secure the right to work out their patterns of freedom from any obstacles - poverty, heartache and failure. Fours are very down-to-earth, good grounded people. Four is associated with home, stability, security, contentment, a good supply of things needed in life.
  • Protection is Four's birthright. All dreams will be fulfilled if the Four is willing to work for things in his or her life. Security is another keyword for number Four. Building a perfect secure environment, at work or home is the natural desire of all Fours. Four's perseverance applied to the job to be done, or gaining their objectives; organizational skills and productivity make Fours most of the beneficial people in the community. Fours are very detailed and organized, and might appear too stubborn and overly critical to someone with a perceiving personality. The qualities of number 4 can be best described as a "Judgmental" personality type in psychology.
  • Birth Card: Six of Spades
  • Six of Spades learn easily, and success is immediate and comes early in life. Six Of Spades are designed for success and leadership. They intuitively know how to makes things pay and how to control
  • 28/10/1 Life Path number
  • Your Life Path number is derived from your date of birth, and is considered to be the most influential number in your numerological chart. It is sometimes referred to as the destiny number. Life path number tells you what path you need to take in order to fulfill your destiny, and indicates the traits that the individual should adopt in order to reach his or her full potential.
  • The Number 1 suggests a strong sense of independence, desire to excel and to lead. It is the most ambitious number and can bring those who identified with it to the greatest heights. "Dream the impossible dream" is the deepest motivation of these people, and the hidden motive is self-acceptance. Number 1 promotes masculine energy expressed as action and accomplishment.
  • Number 1 represent Desire. It can be a desire to love, knowledge, wealth or wisdom. Number 1 isn't usually known for their patience, because they have so much to accomplish in this lifetime and so little time to do it, and there's no time to stay and look inside themselves, or waiting for others. They may appear selfish at times, but it comes from a compelling urge for freedom and action, and preoccupation to establish their identity.
  • 7 Attitude Number
  • The Attitude Number is the outlook a person present to the world. The number 7 is the most mystical of all numbers. Seven is the number of a Soul and symbolizes "Spiritual Victory," quest for higher truth. In silence, peace and self-examination we go toward perfection. In a criticism of others, suspicion, judgment, and sharp practice, we create our obstacles and difficulties.
  • Sevens are highly intuitive. They have a reservoir of inspired wisdom combined with inherited analytical ability, which could reward them through expressions of spiritual leadership, business analysis, marketing, artistic visions, and scientific research. Operating on the spiritual side of their individuality can bring Sevens to the great heights, and drop them off if they neglect their true spiritual identity.
  • 1 First Challenge Number
  • The Challenge number represents the main issue you must deal with during this period of your life. There are only 4 periods and 4 challenge numbers. If you have this number in your core numbers or in your Hidden Passion Number this challenge will not be as difficult to learn, nor as strongly felt.
  • The Number 1 suggests a strong sense of independence, desire to excel and to lead. It is the most ambitious number and can bring those who identified with it to the greatest heights. "Dream the impossible dream" is the deepest motivation of these people, and the hidden motive is self-acceptance. Number 1 promotes masculine energy expressed as action and accomplishment.
  • Number 1 represent Desire. It can be a desire to love, knowledge, wealth or wisdom. Number 1 isn't usually known for their patience, because they have so much to accomplish in this lifetime and so little time to do it, and there's no time to stay and look inside themselves, or waiting for others. They may appear selfish at times, but it comes from a compelling urge for freedom and action, and preoccupation to establish their identity.
  • 1 Second Challenge Number
  • The Challenge number represents the main issue you must deal with during this period of your life. There are only 4 periods and 4 challenge numbers. If you have this number in your core numbers or in your Hidden Passion Number this challenge will not be as difficult to learn, nor as strongly felt.
  • The Number 1 suggests a strong sense of independence, desire to excel and to lead. It is the most ambitious number and can bring those who identified with it to the greatest heights. "Dream the impossible dream" is the deepest motivation of these people, and the hidden motive is self-acceptance. Number 1 promotes masculine energy expressed as action and accomplishment.
  • Number 1 represent Desire. It can be a desire to love, knowledge, wealth or wisdom. Number 1 isn't usually known for their patience, because they have so much to accomplish in this lifetime and so little time to do it, and there's no time to stay and look inside themselves, or waiting for others. They may appear selfish at times, but it comes from a compelling urge for freedom and action, and preoccupation to establish their identity.
  • 0 Main (Third) Challenge Number
  • The Challenge number represents the main issue you must deal with during this period of your life. There are only 4 periods and 4 challenge numbers. If you have this number in your core numbers or in your Hidden Passion Number this challenge will not be as difficult to learn, nor as strongly felt.
  • 0 means you will not have any significat challenges at this period.
  • 0 Fourth Challenge Number
  • The Challenge number represents the main issue you must deal with during this period of your life. There are only 4 periods and 4 challenge numbers. If you have this number in your core numbers or in your Hidden Passion Number this challenge will not be as difficult to learn, nor as strongly felt.
  • Pinnacles: Pinnacles show the major transformation in our life. The pinnacle numbers show the direction we precede in certain times and changes we are destined to make to fulfill our mission in life.
  • 7 First Pinnacle: Age 0 - 34
  • First Pinnacle number is associated with Spring of your life and also with Heart Suit and the element of Fire. Your early associations with family and friends, the fist call of love and the urge for mating. You are learning the main principles of parent and child, husband and wife, brother and sister, friend and friend.
  • The number 7 is the most mystical of all numbers. Seven is the number of a Soul and symbolizes "Spiritual Victory," quest for higher truth. In silence, peace and self-examination we go toward perfection. In a criticism of others, suspicion, judgment, and sharp practice, we create our obstacles and difficulties.
  • Sevens are highly intuitive. They have a reservoir of inspired wisdom combined with inherited analytical ability, which could reward them through expressions of spiritual leadership, business analysis, marketing, artistic visions, and scientific research. Operating on the spiritual side of their individuality can bring Sevens to the great heights, and drop them off if they neglect their true spiritual identity.
  • 25/7 Second Pinnacle: Age 35 - 43
  • Second Pinnacle number represents changes in your life during your Summer period. This period is associated with Clubs suit and the Air element. This is second stage of life: the educational or learning period, the period of developing mental strategies and raising intelligence. The number associated with your Second Pinnacle correlates to debates, arguments, disputed, all mental processes, psychological reactions, news, media.
  • The number 7 is the most mystical of all numbers. Seven is the number of a Soul and symbolizes "Spiritual Victory," quest for higher truth. In silence, peace and self-examination we go toward perfection. In a criticism of others, suspicion, judgment, and sharp practice, we create our obstacles and difficulties.
  • Sevens are highly intuitive. They have a reservoir of inspired wisdom combined with inherited analytical ability, which could reward them through expressions of spiritual leadership, business analysis, marketing, artistic visions, and scientific research. Operating on the spiritual side of their individuality can bring Sevens to the great heights, and drop them off if they neglect their true spiritual identity.
  • 32/5 Third Pinnacle: Age 44 - 52
  • Third Pinnacle number represents changes that are due in Fall quarter of your life, the season of Diamond suit and Water element. At this time we receive Abundance are reap the harvest of our effort in first two periods.
  • The number 5 represents Changes, Variety, Opportunity, Travel, Escape and fluctuating Life Experience. Number 5 is the "Number of Man" and his original five senses. Fives are restless. They are seeking Freedom, and in this pursuit might never be satisfied with whatever they have now. Every time they are getting something they want, they are still uncertain and sometimes fearful of what lies ahead, so there is a new change must be made. For them, there is more freedom just around the corner.
  • Fives stand in the center and try to reach all point at the same time, always seeking new places, new faces, new changes, new experiences. They are very welcome by others, because of their honesty (unless operation totally negatively). Fives have their 6th sense of being honest in order to expect honesty and justice from others. It doesn't mean Fives are always reliable or responsible. Their growth is vital, and they don't like to be tied up by rules and obligations.
  • Fives restless spirit might best be controlled by choosing the field of work that meet their demand for action and adventure.
  • 24/6 Fourth Pinnacle: 53 & beyond
  • Fourth Pinnacle number is associated with Winter season, Spades suit and the Earth. Winter is a period of rest, stillness, hardness, cold. This is time for Truth and Wisdom, spiritual awakening and initiation.
  • The number 6 has a special significance. It represents the "Law and Order" and also associated with a Karmic Law of cause and effect. Number 6 is a perfect number, symmetrical in all parts, the number of the Soul. Therefore, people of number Six have a special mission in their life.
  • Sixes are obligated to hold justice and truth very high and most of them do it naturally. The biggest challenge of Sixes is in their tendency to laziness and monotony, the enemies of growth and progress. Those sixes who flee their responsibilities, refusing all adjustments, preferring action to protection, selfishness to love, freedom to responsibility, gain the effect of their doings in this lifetime. Others, who follow the law, obtain the wonderful contentment and serenity associated with number Six.
  • Six is a natural diplomat who needs involvement with other to share his or her warm charm, intuitive intellect and a friendly responsibility of well-being of others.
oct 28 2015 ∞
oct 28 2015 +