• 22/2/18: ok so this dream was weird. i was talking about 1818 to mingyu and wonwoo. we were walking to zuleide, but suddenly wonwoo disappeared. we didn't care lol!! so we just kept walking to the school, then I felt he was coming to me. it was memories from a young me. he was rly young, the fatty I remember lol!! he made me laugh a lot I remember that, and he was really kind and sweet . so he just appeared as he is today, but also as a memory. it was like a vision or something. he smiled and I was SO happy to see him. after he left I looked at mingyu, he was rly proud for some reason. then we left and I woke up lol
  • 2/3/18: ok i was in the street. my street!!! and i was outside for some reason, and it was playing day6 for everyone to listen. but get this: the dogs loved listening to it? it was playing "how can i say" and they were enjoying it so much it was. weird. but then i woke up and i was like... mood.
  • 29/4/18 [as i told renata]: eu tava num lugar tipo bem longe daqui, num sítio ou algo assim. minha mãe tava lá, tava todo mundo da parte da família dela lá, a gente tava posando lá ou sla não sei. e ontem eu assisti Bob's burgers antes de dormir (é uma animaçãozinha de uma família q faz burgers, tem o Bob a esposa dele e as três crianças) e ele também tava no sonho lmfao ele tava conversando comigo lá nesse sítio e aí saiu uma notícia na internet, falando que linda belcher (mulher dele) e mais três crianças morreram num acidente de carro. ele ficou tipo SUPER mal nossa senhora foi horrível ele gritava esperneava meu deusss foi HORRÍVEL ver aquilo. e aí um tempo passou e eu me liguei que minha mãe tinha morrido também???? idk tinha acabado de acontecer não entendi a relação com a família dele, mas ela não tinha ido embora ainda. ela tava com a gente mas EU SABIA QUE ELA IA MORRER A QUALQUER HORA. which is kinda weird bc that's real life too you know? she might be here right now and not be here in ten seconds, I don't know! e eu chorava demais, dava pra sentir meu coração doer puta que pariu. foi horrível parece q eu fiquei 10 anos chorando meu DEUSSSSSSSSS. e aí eu acordei finalmente. e ela tava aqui no corredor limpando o chão LMFAO um dos piores pesadelos da minha vida, nem os que eu acabo morrendo são piores que esse...
  • 13/10/18: he was so angry!!! we were at this weird class and he was really stressed out :/ but when he looked at me everything became nothing. he started smiling, talking to me... then we started joking around, and he kissed me :( next thing we know we were lying down, I was touching his face and he was touching mine :( I kissed him so bad. when we got up he hugged me sosososo tight!!! and kissed me one more time. i miss him so much
  • 28/11/10: it was 1212. i was uhhh at statistics class and he was with me bc something shitty had happened and he noticed how bad I was feeling. he pulled me to him and kissed my forehead >:-( he's tall right? it looked so cute bc when u dream you see as yourself and you see as other ppl too... weird but it was rly cute he was kinda defending me idk
  • 10/1/19: ahhh omg. he was with me at this party I think? it wasn't a party we all lived there. and then we all woke up, it was early Morning (like waking up at a cottage feels like)! but here's the key: we were pretending to be together. he offered to make me some coffee and ahhh he touched the low of my back... he made me coffee and there was so much lol his coffee was soooo good it had this cream that reminded me of some familiar taste and I said "ohhh this reminds me of-" and then he said the name of the product I don't remember lol and we started laughing sososososo hard. he was so pretty, so tall and the place was so cozy... he looked so happy and I felt SO happy........ you have no idea oh my god....... thank u universe I really needed to see him and feel him and hear his voice FUCK
  • (unknown date): this was WEIRD. but i woke up regretting because i should have done SOMETHING more. ok it was 888. he looked so different in my eyes, i felt like he was so young? maybe i was a bit older in the dream, i don't know. so it went like this, we texted each other, he told me to find him in his office because he wanted to meet me and he missed me. it made my heart flutter and melt right there. i told him i would, "but what if someone sees us? is anyone going to be there as well?" i asked. he told me it'd be his office hours, but no one ever came, so it'd be okay. but yeah, when i got there (uni i suppose, but it didn't really look like_our_ uni lol) there were SO MANY PPL. idk what the FUCK was happening there but there were so many girls in the bathroom too omfg. when i got to the bathroom, he met me there somehow? and gave me his phone??? idk what the hell was that for, but it felt like a safety measure. i knew we were hiding from everyone including his w*fe. so he left, and i was just standing there in the bathroom stall (which had mirrors, god knows why) and checking myself out. i wore this BEAUTIFUL red lingerie, it made me look so fucking tasty!!! and nasty!!! just thinking about it makes me wanna scream. so anyways i left the bathroom to go straight to his office, but there were a bunch of highschool kids in there, fucking TALKING ABOUT PHYSICS LIKE???? so he made it look like i was, too, interested in whatever the hell they were talking about. he told the students i was his partner in some research he took part in, which led me to believe i actually looked older!!! so we never kissed, we never even fucked :/ those dumbass kids jfc.
  • 3/2/19: grandma!!! she was so pretty and she hugged me so tight!!!! i touched all of her hair and I told her it was so big when are you gonna cut it??? she was very alive and it was so sweet:(
  • the numbers meaning
jan 20 2019 ∞
feb 9 2019 +