468 – The Truth Teller Archetype

These 2 tritypes come across as very different because the 8 in the 486 makes the 6 counter phobic and therefore comes across as more aggressive. The 469 comes across as more passive aggressive. The 468 reacts and rings the alarm to prevent makind a mistake to calm down and the 469 doubts and procrastinates to avoid making a mistake.... To calm down.

  • most reactive-468, 864, 648

The 468 is constantly calling off truth as they see it and sees it as their business to warn people of the potential downfalls and pitfalls in the emotional and mental world. It's the type in each center that is "truth telling" and tends to be the most reactive, even hyperreactive. She said it's typically sx subtype, but she's seen social too. There's a tendency to feel an acute sense of disappointment because their incredibly acuity at seeing the problems ahead or the potential pitfalls of any situation causes people to misunderstand their reactivity and emotionality.

If you are 468, you are intuitive, inquisitive and direct. You want to be original, certain and straight-forward. You are highly sensitive, track inconsistencies and are like the ‘canary in the coal mine’ calling off unspoken agendas, motives and emotions. You are also very intense and can at times be rebellious and emotionally reactive. Your life mission is to identify what is insincere and not what it appears to be, and alert others of potential hazards. A whistleblower, you are happiest when you are in a position to help others from being misled. You can be so focused on what can go wrong and on potential hazards that you miss how controlling you become and your impact on others and what is truly important and meaningful.

  • ..intensity

where 468 push for a response while 459 move away.

You have all three Immediate Responder Enneacards (Enneagram Types: 4, 6 & 8) in your Enneaspread. You see yourself as intense, responsive, challenging and instinctive. You avoid insincerity and people with hidden agendas. Like a canary in a coal mine, you are sensitive to what others miss. You tend to react strongly to pretense, seeking to call off the truth before moving forward.

I was asked the differences between the 361, the 368 and the 369 tritypes. Since the question is which gut type is dominant. At a glance, it is most helpful to look at activity levels. The 361 is very industrious and busy doing to avoid anxiety, the 1 brings a need to do what is morally correct. The 368 is focused on fighting for justice, the 8 brings a need to overcome and prevail. The 369 is highly adaptable and focused on being in comfortable alignment with others.

the 468 is a true challenger and truth teller. The 4 may be shy but this Tritype is very intense and reactive--quick to speak their mind. The 485 is the true intellectual that has strong opinions about their feelings and thoughts but less reactivity. Sexual instinct with 4 dominant makes both tritypes more intense. The 468, however, is more dutiful and feisty whereas the 458 is one of the tritypes that lives in their head researching and following their own muse.

As a sx468, It will feel counter-intuitive but you can learn ways to manage the anxiety that is underneath the reactivity. When you feel threatened and the fear of being inadequate rises, take a long deep breath and exhale....first...It is simply your adrenaline running and filling you with emotional anxiety. It is emotional panic and fear of isolation, blame, abandonment and/or separation. It feels life threatening so remind yourself that the intense feelings will decrease... stay connected to your gut and you will feel more connected to yourself. That way you can deliver your truth of the message and be heard rather than becoming the problem.4s in general hold the archetype of the mystery, the erotic feminine principle, chaos, beauty, tragedy, and most of all the role of emotional familiarity. The 468 is meant to name the emotional truth that is unspoken and therefore missing and to go on a quest to find it.

Each Enneagram Type has a trap, a hook so to speak. The trap for the 468 to believe that your identity is tied to what you name and to need others to acknowledge it or believe it. If you hold on to the higher truth of your intuitive insights rather than your feelings surrounding them, more and more, they will flow through you to the right person, at the right time. I have found the 468 to be at times one of the most challenging Tritypes but more importantly, by far one of the most sensitive, intuitive, compassionate and heroic.

The 468 has a counter-phobic 6 and.... the 4 is counter-envious... as in...they hate being envious and try to contain their their negative emotions. The problem is that the 468 is impulsive and emotional....often confronting before they think about it.

The 486 is much more assertive that the 416. The 461 tends to being very critical of themselves to avoid being criticized. This tritype is very particular The 416 hesitates and the 486 impulsively reacts. A perceived threat to the primary instinct triggers the tritype.

‎846 vs 845. These two tritypes are very different. Both take charge and seek solutions. The 846 is one of the most confrontational tritypes. The other is the 836. The 6 amplifies the 8 need for loyalty and trust. The 845 is more introverted and introspective. The 854 has 5 as a line of connection as well as in the tritype and makes this 8 more scholarly and focused on depth.

4-6-8 - The Hot Head

This type is characterize by their reactivity. The tend to initiate conflict and take offense easily. They me feel that everyone is out to get them.

468 - Inquisitive and direct 4. Most rebellious, reactive and direct 4, especially if sx subtype.

The 458 is an active archetype...just more withdrawn...not passive like the librarian... more the expert as they gather knowledge but have a very definite point of view like the 478 and 468.

Other persistent tritypes are the 125, 145, 468. Aggression with tenacity or persistences makes one able to be relentless in their pursuits.

The 468 has the instinctual, emotional type in each center. And, there is a need to call off the truth of what is unspoken. I find the 468 to be very persistent... relentlessly so when seeking whatever ignites their passion

eight with a four fix: the moody, loner eight. distinct outsider quality; as if on a highly personal mission. tendency to feel exempt from conventional rules and circumstances.

6-4-8 Direct and intuitive 6, most reactive and feelingful, most rebellious tends to vacillate between feeling 8ish or 4ish.

Another example would be a 4-6-8. Here we have a more aggressive and reactive Type 4 than say a 4-9-5, who would be more withdrawn, passive (9) and avoidant (5).

The 468 is always visible as this tritype shoots from the hip and voices their concerns and opinions. They are the truth tellers.

I'm a 468. I'm direct, as I find this is the best way to communicate my feelings, or myself to others (being as sensitive as I am, I try my best to be compassionate, or not step anyone's toes while doing this. My mom says this makes me articulate). I feel confident in certain areas, but not so much in others (though I'd die if anyone knew that.) Others have told me I am funny, and seem tough (though I cry at the drop of the hat.) I'm a good judge of character, and am very intuitive. I can tell when people are dishonest or not how they want to seem, and it frustrates me when others do not see things from my perspective. If a friend undermines my judgment, I feel betrayed, and they seem disloyal. I find my biggest struggle is feeling hypersensitive. I can recognize when I'm being that way, but if something upsets me, it's often an incredibly overwhelming and powerful feeling that I feel I can't just put aside. At the time, I feel reacting is standing up for myself, but I later feel badly for hurting someone else.

In that case is much more possible the 468 because adds an intensity in 6 that makes it look like a 4.

Sx 4s, 6s and 8s can all be pretty [blocked due to guideline #4 violation]ing ruthless in their extermination of foes; take a sx 684 and you have a veritable pit bull, someone who potentially sees extermination as their mission. And given the truth telling nature of that tritype and sx/so (at least their truth), that tendency is also compounded. (Truth telling= extermination of lies)

I think all the emotion and reactivity of the 684 tritype and the passion and impulsiveness of sx/so is more than enough to over-ride the typical 6w5 characteristics of caution and consideration.

As a 468, I find it tough to be up all the time. I see the darkness, the shadow, that the emperor has no clothes, I see the truth behind the persona, the lie we tell collectively to avoid the pain underneath...

When the 4 and 6 are in the tritype there is more negativity as a strategy to prevent making a mistake that will bring shame, blame and criticism. This is most true of the 461 and then 468 and then the 469.

Has anyone else with this tritype had trouble letting things go? When I finally got that I was a 6 I was able to see how I tested and provoked all the time. Finding out that I am a 684 really helped me to see even more. Most of the time, I am playful and teasing. I watch 8 come in and push my 6 even more into justice issues. I am super loyal, too a fault. I like to have fun but I can be trouble now and then. I get that 4 is my heart type so I can be over the top at times. My emotions take over and it happens so fast that it is hard to manage my tendency to blurt. I call a spade a space which is why I thought I was an 8. I can see that I also need depth and meaning and am moody like a 4. When they all come together in reaction I am way too intense for people. I still fight this tendency.

I also know a sp/sx 6w7 684. He's probably the most independent 6 I've ever known. Could be mistaken for an 8. His reactivity and intensity comes out much more in his actions and the sp hides a lot of it from view. You see the consequences of his reactivity rather than the reactivity itself.

Rebelling, reacting, and defending. (4-6-8)

Being a 468 and with the sexual instinctive center I find myself in a constant exploration of truth, and I find I discover my truth most profoundly in meaningful,open,intimate,honest connections that serve this higher purpose and not the relationship itself. It is the honest healthy mirroring that propels this quest into an accelerated personal growth of enlightenment.

The sx 468 is very impacted by truth and speaking to what is hidden, unknown or unspoken. The intensity of the sx 468 puts this tritype on the fast track.

sp 468. Truth is fundamental in my life too, it requires calm, openness, free from mental noise or emotional reaction. Slow exploring and understanding. It feels like being free from emotional hooks and forget false views from the society without fighting them, to restore a peaceful and benevolent sense of my own goodness and truth at 1. After that I can become really happy and powerful at helping others by simply explaining what I've understood about life.

The 458, 468 and 478 are all truth tellers in their own way. The 468 is the one that is hyper reactive and still seeks a fair authority.

as an Ennea-type 8 with a tritype of 846, the 4 heart fix plays out in an 8ish way. You still see the 8's motivations driving the 4, but the outward appearance of the defense mechanisms or behaviors becomes 4ish in nature when the heart fix gains prominence. This would be the same for the head fix.

  • As a 4, I don't like doing things. I like living things. So I try to find the things in which doing becomes living. It's wrting novels, short stories, writing and recording music. What I like best is listenning to the result when it's, beautiful, touching, complete and magical. I'm my geatest fan. But also love learning from people that have gone further than me, in reading or talk. Now I develop an other mode of doing where discipline is focused on. This is training. I love training to play or sing as perfectly. as I can. I relax, concentrate, leave eveything behind. It's energizing and brings clarity and purity. In this mode, 6 disapear, 4 stops self absobtion. 1 rules.

I can't speak for other 486s, but I like ideas and the search for truth and meaning, which means I'm constantly searching for new information, constantly curious, and one train of thought leads to another. (I even speak in parenthetical notes!) However, I feel better about myself when I get up and do more physical tasks, such as doing artwork, gardening, organizing, or cooking. I also find that when it comes to my teaching career, I'm motivated more by calling than duty. The focus on reading and research in order to understand theoretical foundations, derive meaningful insights, and gain inspiration to share with students is my constant driving force. (i've got a big, strong 5 wing operating underground, too.)

684 The Truth Teller. Direct and intuitive 6. This is the most reactive, creative and feelingful 6. Highly rebellious, this 6 is almost always the counter-phobic 6 with a heroic nature. Generally this 6 vacillates between being 8ish or 4ish.

The core fears are of fear itself, danger, being alone, cowardice, submitting, deviance, uncertainty, being targeted, chaos, weakness, being controlled, disempowered, humiliated, vulnerable, at the mercy of injustice, being inadequate, emotionally cut off ordinary, commonplace, and abandoned.

Both 4s and 6s can be emotional. The questions is what are you emotional about? In terms of difficult behaviors...6s identify a source to prove4s identify a source to impress648 reactive, edgy

The sx with 4 brings emotional intensity and a need for closeness with desired intimates...and, there is anger if intimacy is thwarted or denied. The 468 is impulsive and highly reactive... the focus is on immediate resolution. The 469 feels a great deal of doubt and in general is not as reactive. There is more of a tendency to hesitate, plan and prepare with more anxiety.

The 469 is more phobic than the 468.

As 4 is dominant, in addition to seeing themselves as intuitive and deep with a need for beauty and aesthetics....The 479s see themselves as loving, innovative and gentle, the 468 as intense and iconoclastic and the 469 as thoughtful and introspective.

The 468 feels more inclined to be the truth teller at all costs so they take greater risks

I'm pretty intense and reactive. Inside I carry alot of anger, shame, protectiveness, and courage. I have to take alot of deep breaths throughout the day to center myself...I'm willing to confront people which has gotten me in alot of trouble, if I have a conflict with someone I like it to be finished...I like things out in the open...I am very invested in what is really going on underneath the surface...so I'm thinking 468.

sexual instinct combined with the 6 and 8 brings a strong sense of justice and a great need for loyalty. The sx 468 craves and gives devotion. The 468's heart is broken if they feel unseen or invisible to those they are bonded to...it feels like a deep betrayal if they feel like their feelings don't matter. They can't move forward until they feel heard. David says love your 4, hate your 4 but don't ignore your 4. When hurt, this tritype can come across as an emotional 8. I know that in an intimate relationship that I feel deeply hurt and betrayed when my partner doesn't validate what I see or feel. For example, I have said to boyfriends "that girl was flirting with you and she was disrespecting me." If my partner dismisses me, doesn't acknowledge what I know happened, then I am deeply wounded....I start attempting to drive my point home by getting louder or being persistent. I wanted him to let me know that my intuition was right and display to the girl that he was taken. I have found that it helps the 468 and the 4 in general to remember that others for the most part are not trying to be insensitive. They simply see the situation through a different lens. The key is to remember that as a 4, you know and feel things at a deep and intuitive level. But....it is also important to remember that you will feel much better about your circumstances when you put your insights into context ...Think of how the other person might be feeling based on their type and life experiences rather than your own. The trap for the 468 is to feel hurt by drawing the wrong conclusion from a disappointing interaction. Your intuitions are correct but your conclusion may be flawed if you haven't considered the context....

Do you feel angry with him and then angry with yourself for being angry? Most sexual 468 do....It triggers the feelings of being inadequate. Be kind to the part of you that feels insignificant to your mate. Remember who you are...find the way that you unconsciously denigrate your feelings. It may elude you, but it is always there for 4s. Your reality is real. Simply add the critical data that will remind you that you are whole and complete regardless of how you feel treated, It is a very tall order for any 4 or sx subtype but especially for the sexual 468. It can, however be the way back to your true self when you feel hurt and disoriented. Don't be [angry/ashamed], it's the way you were made. And, that 4 intensity, when channeled, can change other's lives for the better. 4s are pioneers in their own way, and Sx4s can be very powerful. The fear of abandonment with 4s is very high, so they unconsciously over blame themselves for relationship issues. The more autonomous types have the opposite problem and need to become more self aware of their healthy dependencies and of their role in impacting others.

nov 28 2018 ∞
jan 14 2019 +