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The tv shows of the year. I keep track on imdb➚ and post any reviews there. ┋ key
✦⸻ W A T C H I N G
↳ platform: MTV ※ style: reality tv ※ rating: adults ※ keywords: competition, fashion, queer, heartwarming, drama
↳ platform: HBO Max ※ style: animation ※ rating: kids ※ keywords: cute, soothing, witches, queer
↳ platform: Apple TV ※ style: live action ※ rating: adult ※ keywords: scifi, dystopia, revolutionary, elder representation
✦⸻ C O N C L U D E D
↳ platform: Netflix ※ style: reality tv ※ rating: teens, adult ※ keywords: heartwarming, queer, hopeful, informative
↳ platform: HBO Max ※ style: live action ※ rating: teens, adult ※ keywords: dark comedy, feminist, female-centered, elder representation
↳ platform: Netflix ※ style: live action ※ rating: teens, adult ※ keywords: romance, comedy (?), jewish rep, girly