✦⸻ log
- 25.03.18 ⠀┋ ⠀madrugada; no meds.
- ↳ symptoms ・ neck stiffness; pain on both sides of the head; sensitivity to light and sound; muscle weakness; difficulty speaking; trouble sleeping.
- 25.03.17 ⠀┋ ⠀morning; no meds.
- ↳ symptoms ・ neck stiffness; pain on one side of the head; sensitivity to light and sound; difficulty concentrating; muscle weakness, difficulty speaking; trouble sleeping.
- 25.03.11 ⠀┋ ⠀morning; 50mg Sumatriptan.
- ↳ symptoms ・ neck stiffness; pain on one side of the head; sensitivity to light and sound; difficulty concentrating; muscle weakness, difficulty speaking. Prodrome was prob Sun/Mon, VERY sleepy.
- 25.02.09 ⠀┋ ⠀enxaqueca leve; 50mg Sumatriptan.
- ↳ symptoms ・ neck stiffness; pain on one side of the head; sensitivity to light and sound; difficulty concentrating; muscle weakness.
- 25.01.27 ⠀┋ ⠀enxaqueca leve; no meds taken.
- ↳ symptoms ・ neck stiffness; pain on one side of the head; sensitivity to light; difficulty concentrating; trouble sleeping.
- 25.01.26 ⠀┋ ⠀enxaqueca leve; no meds taken.
- ↳ symptoms ・ neck stiffness; pain on one side of the head; sensitivity to light; difficulty concentrating; trouble sleeping; muscle weakness.
- 25.01.16 ⠀┋ ⠀Idk abt time anymore; 8mg Dexamethasone (2 pills, taken hours apart); my period came.
- 25.01.15 ⠀┋ ⠀3pm thru the whole day; 100mg Sumatriptan, 550mg naproxen; PMSing???
- ↳ symptoms ・ neck stiffness; increased urination; pain on both sides of the head; pain that throbs or pulses; HIGH sensitivity to light and touch; nausea; difficulty concentrating; trouble sleeping; fatigue; increased thirst; muscle weakness; difficulty speaking.
- 25.01.14 ⠀┋ ⠀3am thru the whole day; 50mg Sumatriptan; PMSing?
- ↳ symptoms ・ neck stiffness; increased urination; pain on both sides of the head; pain that throbs or pulses; sensitivity to light and touch; nausea; difficulty concentrating; trouble sleeping; fatigue; increased thirst; muscle weakness; sweating and shivering.
- 25.01.13 ⠀┋ ⠀brief head pain, only in the early morning; no meds taken.
- ↳ symptoms ・ neck stiffness; frequent yawning; pain on one side of the head; difficulty concentrating; trouble sleeping; fatigue; increased thirst; tinnitus.
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✦⸻ symptoms (x) (x)
- prodrome
- Constipation
- Mood changes, from depression to euphoria
- Food cravings
- Neck stiffness
- Increased urination
- Fluid retention
- Frequent yawning
- Aura
- overall
- Pain usually on one side of your head, but often on both sides
- Pain that throbs or pulses
- Sensitivity to light, sound, and sometimes smell and touch
- Nausea and vomiting
- Difficulty concentrating
- Trouble sleeping
- Fatigue
- Increased hunger and thirst
- Frequent urination
- aura
- Muscle weakness
- Vision loss
- Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
- Sensitivity to touch (feeling like someone is touching you)
- Numbness and tingling
- Difficulty speaking or concentrating
- Visual phenomena, such as seeing various shapes, bright spots or flashes of light
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✦⸻ all symptoms
- constipation; mood changes; food cravings; neck stiffness; increased urination; fluid retention; frequent yawning; pain usually on one side of the head, but often on both sides; pain that throbs or pulses; sensitivity to light, sound, and sometimes smell and touch; nausea and vomiting; difficulty concentrating; trouble sleeping; fatigue; increased hunger and thirst; frequent urination; muscle weakness; vision loss; tinnitus; numbness and tingling; difficulty speaking or concentrating; visual phenomena.