ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏs ┋ hard ones ┋ irl ┋ website ┋ wishlist
✦⸻ doable
- ▣ caixinha de som
- ▢ go to the theater more often
- ▢ go to the movies more often
- ▢ go biking more often
- ▢ dvd player
- ▢ toca fitas
✦⸻ dream
- ▢ rog ally extreme
- ▢ keycaps fofinhas
- ▢ teclado TKL
- ▣ relógio digital (auntie's gift!)
- ▢ alphasmart dana
- ▢ sandisk clip
jan 3 2025 ∞
feb 19 2025 +