I work in translation and copyediting, compiling these lists while working on a book are super useful in future jobs. Some are new words, some are not. The focus here is translation, not building new vocab per se (that might be considered just a consequence).
✦⸻ tips for self
- two screens is better than one.
- 50min pomodoro is better than 25min.
- have water and a physical copy of dictionaries, grammars and thesaurus at hand; sometimes the internet does disappoint.
- never underline, highlight or use bold in any part; if you want to go back to a specific place, leave a comment for yourself. (copyediting)
- sometimes it's better to first read the translation and then the original; it prevents "tradutês" while ensuring clarity. (copyediting)
- only tools you (actually) need:
- reference:
✦⸻ expressions & words [eng-ptbr]
- Amido Black - amido black
- close range - queima-roupa
- scraps of fabric - retalhos (de tecido)
- scent in the air - empesteia o ar (negativo)
- monotonous voice - voz monocórdia
- caked with - emplastrados de
- mishmash - mixórdia
- shorten his lead - diminuir a vantagem
- court of appeal - tribunal de segunda instância
- be released (from prison) - sair em liberdade
- anti-wave rope - raia (de piscina)
- bloodshot eyes - olhos injetados
- reeded glass - vidro canelado
- dormer - água-furtada
- dormer window - janela do sótão
- flutter - adejar
- tensing - retesando
- Snorts - resfolega
- supporting wall - muro de arrimo
- sound/noise - alarido
- dresses properly - se veste com apuro
- gasping - arquejo
- overwhelm - arrebatar
- unusual urges - impulsos insólitos
- smells - recende
- rain - aguaceiro
- bed (of a truck) - caçamba
- fallow - pousio
- sweeping the room - esquadrinha o recinto
- * battering ram = aríete
- straining = extenuante
- leaden sky = céu plúmbeo
- glistens = refulge
- (rain) getting heavier = recrudesce
- blinks = pestanejar
- the gears screech = guincho estridente da troca de marchas
- level out = amainar
- Prosecution Authority = promotoria
- dressed up = vestiu-se com apuro
- recoil = coice (de arma)
- abutment = pilastra
- spray = esguicho
- window frame = esquadria
- engine ticking over = carro em ponto morto
- puts the car into gear = engata a primeira
- handbreak = freio de mão
- interchange = trevo rodoviário
- recede = arrefecer
- spill out = despejar
- noise = alarido
- hacksaw = arco de serra
- breathing quickly = ritmo precipitado
- battering ram = aríete
- straining = extenuante
- leaden sky = céu plúmbeo
- glistens = refulge
- (rain) getting heavier = recrudesce
- blinks = pestanejar
- the gears screech = guincho estridente da troca de marchas
- level out = amainar
- Prosecution Authority = promotoria
- dressed up = vestiu-se com apuro
- recoil = coice (de arma)
- abutment = pilastra
- spray = esguicho
- window frame = esquadria
- engine ticking over = carro em ponto morto
- puts the car into gear = engata a primeira
- handbreak = freio de mão
- interchange = trevo rodoviário
- recede = arrefecer
- spill out = despejar
- noise = alarido
- hacksaw = arco de serra
- breathing quickly = ritmo precipitado