some things i am doing right now, summer 2009
always important to realize what i'm getting myself into, and how to breathe
academic + $
- trying to figure out if now is a good time to go back to school (six classes left, i mean, dude)
- figuring out loans + tuition
- going back full time! and see below...
- paying my credit card off
- saving $ for a new camera (see: above conflicting)
- helping to shape a new union and protocols
- working at the non-profit job full-time
- but thinking about taking a new direction
- quitting to become back on-call to finish my two (!) degrees
- joined a softball league, first game 7/31
- running + cutting out junk food
- using my health care to the best of its advantage
- freelancing for the tripwire
- trying to figure out if to freelance for impose
- developing new blog section for popscene
- thinking about learning code for own website
- nursing a bruised heart
- thinking about dating (see: above)
- trying to keep in touch with my family in far locations
- thinking about growing out my hair