- buy furniture
- make internet set up appt
- finish RAZA paper
- get battery from morgan for camera
- do laundry
- call to refill BKP, switch brands
- design press badges, get them printed
- clean room
- email sadie
- email julie
- email yumi
- email abby + jennifer
- email galeria
- email yoproco
- pick up pay stubs from THP, email monica about hours
- GV field trip
- go to DMV to replace I.D.
- upload goldsweat photos
- thurs doc appt
- replace SFSU student I.D.
- pay PCT fee
- order ink and paper for PCT
- pre-shoot utopia
- RAZA readings
- apply for more internships
- write chatterton bio for chip
- write noise pop preview
- wallpaper
- hunx
- four tet
- geographer, magic wands
- write ebony bones
- blog top shows and photos
- upload flickr
- organize upper art loft
- move ladder
- draino sink
- take out old fridge
- vaccuum rug
- appliances to buy: toaster oven, coffee maker
- furniture to buy: table + chairs
feb 21 2010 ∞
feb 28 2010 +