- How did you know you were pregnant?
- My period was late and I started to experience all the normal symptoms.
- How old were you?
- Was it planned?
- Not exactly but we weren't using protection either so I knew the consequence was there.
- What foods did you crave?
- Any morning sickness?
- In the first 3 months, yes. -_-
- What was the worst side effect?
- The morning sickness and back aches.
- Who was your doctor?
- Did you find out the sex?
- Due date?
- Were you induced?
- Yes, my blood pressure was high and wouldn't go back down so my doctor decided it'd be best if I were induced.
- Where did you start labor?
- How long were you in labor?
- How long did you push?
- Did you have an epidural?
- Vaginal or C-Section?
- I ended up having a c-section because I was in labor for 18 hours and had only dialated 4 centimeters.
- Was there complications with the labor and delivery?
- Did you cry when they were born?
- Of course. I cried as soon as I heard his first cry, it was absolutely beautiful.
- Who was in the delivery room?
- Have an episiotomy?
- Vacuum or forceps used?
Basic Birth Info.:
- Name:
- Boy or Girl:
- Weight:
- Length:
- Date of birth:
- Time of birth:
- Hair color:
- Eye color:
- Pediatrician:
About Baby- NOW:
- How old are they now?:
- What kind of diapers?:
- What kind of formula?:
- What theme did you do their nursery in?:
- Jungle. ^_^ Green walls with monkeys, lions, and all sorts of jungle animal decorations.
- Are they a smiler or a cryer?:
- What makes them fall asleep?:
- Being nursed or rocked. He's able to fall asleep on his own now, though.
- Are they the first?:
- If not what number are they?:
About Mommy:
- Name:
- Age now:
- Did you ever consider abortion or adoption?:
- Were you married or dating the father?:
- Are you now?:
- How much weight have you lost?:
- I lost all of the baby weight plus an extra 10 punds than gained it back, ugh. :/
Friends and Family
- Who is the Godmother?:
- Who is the Godfather?:
- I guess he doesn't have one.
- How did the grandparents take it?:
- They were all so excited.
- Did your friends stick by you?:
- Did anyone throw a baby shower?:
- Yes, my mother-in-law did. It was perfect.
- Has anyone helped since the birth?:
- Are you happy you're a mommy?:
feb 27 2012 ∞
mar 2 2012 +