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19, Philippines

This is my very own time capsule of thoughts and memories encapsulated in words and letters, after years and years i will be looking back in these writings I've done and be able to evoke past feelings and memories.

I and this mystery here we stand.
- "Song of Myself" - Walt Whitman

lisa FILM
littlewhitehouse BOOKS (read in 2025)
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These are actors and actresses that I am willing to watch anything they cater:

  • Al Pacino
    • He is a legend. He embodies this character perfectly and molds it as his own. His accent, his posture and his husky voice when delivering lines makes those lines resounding and convincing. This guy knows how to make a good speech, even his simple lines could make you shiver. Simply he's a devil incarnate but in a good productive and entertaining manner.
    • My Favorite Pacino movies: The Godfather 1 & 2, Dogday Afternoon, Devil's Advocate
  • Rachel McAdams
    • She was a total bitch in Mean Girls but you can't deny it that a bitch she may be you still adore her. But when she stepped in the Notebook everything changed, that spoiled brat we've seen before matured into a great actress. I don't see that actress but the character within, she is very believable and genuine. Her smile, her eyes, her cheekbones she is simply captivating that the camera can't bugger off.
    • Favorite movies: The Notebook, Time traveler's wife
  • Meryl Streep
    • Her beauty is eternal and never fading, she delivers drama scenes in a very empathizing way. I adored her in Bridges of Madison County, truly romance is not only for those young adults and teenagers who couldn't get hold of themselves but in her depiction in the movie the love she had was mature, full of wisdom and yearning and that was very endearing.
    • Favorite films: Bridges of Madison County, Mean Girls
  • Johnny Depp
    • He is very versatile, he could unleash a pirate, a chocolate lover, an evil barber, a weird naive scissorhanded guy and even a cowboy how is that? He is a risk taker, he doesn't care what people say or how horrendous he would look he would just take the role and make the best out of it. He is too good for his age, he seem to fit the saying "aging gracefully or aging with style". A funny fact is that he doesn't watch his own films, he feels awkward or weird seeing himself in the screen and he dress-up in his own accord, no stylists, no designers just him and his jeans. He is not one attention whore, he maintains his solitude and behaves himself. He's not married! But he's been with the same woman that bore his lovely children and that is a rare show of devotion in the world of the famous.
    • Favorite movies: Pirates of the Caribbean, Sweeney Todd, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  • Edward Norton
    • Edward Norton's features is not actually loving and all, he is more of a dark and mysterious face. He is a good actor he portrays disturbed characters very well, he also did a great job in portraying Will Graham in the Red Dragon. There is something beneath those very mystifying eyes, he depicts someone who is about to cry. Somehow he is similar to Ryan Gosling.
    • Fave films: Red Dragon, Fight Club
  • Ryan Gosling
    • Ryan depicts different characters, when he is bearded he looks much like a dark, villainous character but when he is all cleaned up he is this young fresh and adorable man. I love the way he licks his lips every time he speaks. His acting is superb and very convincing, when he cries i feel grief stricken and when he smiles he is very genuine. He is one of the silent ones, he doesn't fancy Hollywood popularity, his voice seem to be so lazy, sluggish yet when he speak a word it mesmerizes you.
    • Favorite movies: The Notebook, Murder by Numbers
  • Emma Watson
    • Emma fits the title renaissance, the transition from classic to modern. She is a very intelligent actress that she prioritizes study before any, she also has elegance and style fit to royalty. Her english descent is very apparant in her accent which she really has trouble in hiding it and also in which i really enjoy hearing. Even her acting career mostly revolved in Harry Potter, it is undeniable that her skills in acting are beyond excellent. And also I am a Dramione fan :)
    • Favorite films: Harry Potter series, Ballet Shoes
  • Tom Felton
    • I haven't seen Tom's versatility in acting he mostly do simple villainous acts like arrogance, scorned and other haughty scenes which is only appropriate for his role as Draco Malfoy. We seem to hate his character yet love him. Tom also sings and composes his own songs, he has this very sweet and funny voice and Oh! he also plays the guitar, what a man. Contrary to his roles, he is a very funny man off-camera. And of course what reason could it be I love Dramione ;)
    • Favorite films: Harry Potter series
  • Hugo Weaving
    • Well must I admit that I am not that really hooked up on his acting and lot. I've been captivated more in his voice and way of delivering speech. His voice is very convincing, especially in V for Vendetta whenever he delivers a speech or a line.
    • Movie: V for Vendetta
  • Gary Oldman
    • Well I admired him for being Sirius Black. His physical features with his hair shoulder length and curly depicts a Jesus Christ image. His eyes are very heartwarming, he looks pleading and all. I've seen him in Hannibal but his face is distorted and you could never tell that it was him yet he delivered a very convincing act. If you'd ask he actually looks a bit like Johnny Depp
    • Favorite movie: Harry Potter 3
  • Anthony Hopkins
  • Tim Roth
  • Julianna Marguilles
    • Julianna is one of my recently finds though she's been quite a while in the business. I find her acting in The Good Wife very interesting that I had to google her up. The less she talks the more emotion she shows though she may bit depict a non-emotional that she needs real facial movement to express her emotions. Her beauty is a bit different, it's not a typical american woman or british her features are unique and out of the box but in a very gracious and strong manner.
    • TV: The Good Wife
  • Robert Downey Jr.
  • Zooey Deschanel
    • I adored her in 500 Days of Summer, she is very happy-go-lucky she seem to not care and just do things arbitrarily. She is the very person that the word darling resonates. Her style is fascinating she loves wearing vintage dresses. She is also part of a duo called She and Him, her voice is cool and sweet it may not be diva-like but after hearing her voice my heart feels happy.
    • favorite movies: 500 days of summer
  • Alan Rickman
    • Professor Snape as we all know him has more to offer than raising eyebrows and doing his poker face, he could also sing as seen on Sweeney Todd. Alan is an actor i must say molded in age, he has wisdom in acting he knows how to portray characters and do them convincingly.
    • Favorite films: Harry Potter series, Sweeney Todd
  • Christina Ricci
  • Winona Tyder
  • Russell Brand
  • Helena BonHam Carter
  • Timothy Spall
  • Josh Charles
  • Charlotte Gainsbourg
  • Michael Fassbender
jan 3 2011 ∞
nov 6 2014 +