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19, Philippines

This is my very own time capsule of thoughts and memories encapsulated in words and letters, after years and years i will be looking back in these writings I've done and be able to evoke past feelings and memories.

I and this mystery here we stand.
- "Song of Myself" - Walt Whitman

lisa FILM
littlewhitehouse BOOKS (read in 2025)
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  • jimparedes: A myth is a public dream. A dream is a private myth--Joseph Campbell
  • Lord_Voldemort7:Ever think & realize that a "friend" is really just someone with the same enemies you have?
  • jimparedes: There were times when the Church went horribly wrong--Galileo, Crusades, colonialism, burning 'witches'. pedophilia.
  • Ihatequotes: Being on top of the world doesn't mean anything unless you know what it's like to be at the bottom. -Devon Wordlaw
  • jimparedes:Every teacher's dilemma.RT @jcgosj: The finest challenge is to discuss intellectual topics without sounding intellectual.
  • Deepak Chopra: The day before change occurs, there's every reason to think it won't
  • jimparedes: Jesus even liked the company of prostitutes, thieves, etc. more than the goody two shoes ppl of his time.
  • jimparedes: Jesus was a politically incorrect guy during his time whose views were contrary to the existing order. Think abt that.
  • jimparedes: Which is a bigger transgression? Suicide or contraception? The church changed its stand on the former. But not on family planning.
  • A true friend: Will be more happy than you in your success. A fake friend: Will die of jealousy in your success.
  • jimparedes: Which is heroic and which is cowardly? Suicide or whistle blowing? We are handicapped by moral ambiguity throughout history.
  • jimparedes: because we never solve epic crimes of plunder, murder, we easily getconfused abt who the heroes and villains are.
  • jimparedes: FVR, Reyes' suicide was tragic but it was not a 'sacrifice for the common good.' Knowing the truth is the common good.
  • loyoung: Hell is empty and all the devils are here -william shakespeare
  • Lord_Voldemort7:Everyone is crazy; it's only a question of to what degree.
  • Lord_Voldemort7 :#imjustsayin is a passive-aggressive way to say "I'm right, you're wrong, you suck." Man up, & say what you think outright. I'm just saying.
  • Lord_Voldemort7 :I wish Death Eaters would stop accidentally touching their dark marks in the shower. This is starting to get awkward...
  • Lord_Voldemort7 :If you attempt to write my name in your phone it will be changed. Auto-correct knows I must not be named.
  • Lord_Voldemort7:Greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies.
  • Lord_Voldemort7 :Nothing was ever accomplished with tears.
  • baboyron:sometimes we have to be very careful on dropping things. Because they may fall into places where we cannot pick them up anymore. #omgquotes
  • the99percent :“Money grows on the tree of persistence.” -Japanese proverb
  • Lord_Voldemort7:The fundamental human flaw is people try to please others instead of doing what they want. The majority of other people suck. Stop it.
  • Lord_Voldemort7 :You know what's fantastic? Knowing you're better than someone. Even if they don't know, you do. Savor it.
  • Women fall in love by what they hear. Men fall in love by what they see. That's why women wear make up. That's why men lie.
  • karencatearabit: "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - Emerson
  • Lord_Voldemort7 :#thingsthatpissmeoff "Hey". "Hey". "What's up"? "Nothing much, you"? "Nothing". What the hell was the point of this communication?
  • lizzzuy :Ignore the critics... Only mediocrity is safe from ridicule. - Dita Von Teese.
  • andimanzano:all have excuses why. living in fear something in us dies. like a bird with broken wings, its not how high he flies but the song he sings
  • loyoung :Who I need is somebody to eat up all my free time, my ego, my attention. Somebody addicted to me. A mutual addiction. -Chuck Palahniuk
  • loyoung :Forgive your enemies but never forget their names. -John F. Kennedy
  • loyoung :don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon
  • The worst thing you can do to an artist is limit his imagination
feb 19 2011 ∞
nov 6 2014 +