• I want to spend less than $5000
  • I want to make my own dress and the cake
  • I want my husband to have input on my dress, and he can see it, but I don't want him to see me in it til that day (and I don't want to see him in his suit til that day, either)
  • I want to get married in my parent's backyard, in front of a tree
  • No wedding party
  • Benches instead of chairs
  • NO GARTER TOSS. No bouquet toss, either, but I hate the garter toss more
  • I want to make lots of fabric garlands to decorate the backyard with.
  • Under 75 people, please. Closer to under 40 would make me happier.
  • I will be wearing my glasses
  • I want a really good photographer, but if I don't know I could justify it.
  • Badminton, croquet, makeshift photobooth, Proust questionnaires. Fun, basically.
  • I think I maybe want to have a party thing instead of a rehearsal dinner, then have the ceremony and maybe a tiny celebration right after.
  • I either want to have chicken salad sandwiches and other side items or just a cake and punch sort of thing
  • I think I want it to be in the spring, even though I love fall weddings. it's just that in my mind, my spring wedding is full of colors and my fall wedding is on a cloudy day and colors don't go with that
  • I want my dress to look a lot like the dress Jane was wearing when Mr. Bingley proposed to her in the 2005 Pride and Prejudice
dec 16 2008 ∞
nov 13 2009 +