• I want to write a letter
  • for the first time in my life, things are happening. not so great things. big things. not to me, necessarily, but to people around me, and it's really overwhelming.
  • there are so many options in life, so many things that could happen, and so many people that things could happen to.
  • the future is so vast and dark and unknown. I don't like that.
  • I have lots of thoughts that I don't ever seem to get out. I need to fix that.
  • anytime I post a sad/not really happy status on facebook, no one replies. I think it's because people like to not have to put effort into things, so if someone posts a happy/funny/whatever status they can just like it and move on, no real interaction, no words said. that is frustrating.
  • I want to write lists but I can't think of anything to write lists about.
  • I want a boyfriend, I don't want to wait to have a boyfriend. but I also don't because relationships are big and scary.
  • I hate winter.
  • I am excited for trunk or treat.
  • I wish the seniors would actually do stuff.
  • I want to write but the thought of getting it all out is holding me back. like it takes too much energy that I'm not willing to expend right now.
oct 26 2009 ∞
nov 13 2009 +