• How adorable you look when you're all bundled up in your hat and scarf
  • How when we kiss standing up, our heads literally have to be turned horizontal- it's inconvenient but endearing
  • That feeling I get in my stomach when I'm waiting to see you
  • That feeling I get in my stomach when I *actually* see you
  • That purring noise you make sometimes (don't even try to deny it)
  • How when I asked you what your favorite color is, you answered "Bluish gray- like the color of your eyes before they turn green"- I know it was probably bullshit and I doubt you even remember saying it, but it meant a lot to me
  • How adorable you are when you're tired- you're very monosyllabic and caveman-like but in the cutest way possible
  • The way you walk me to class like a true gentleman, even when it's the most inconvenient thing for you to do
  • How cute you are when I tickle you- all of your squirming and giggling, and ESPECIALLY when you try to get all serious by grabbing my hands and saying "STOP IT. NOW." in that fake serious way
  • All of your laughs- your chuckles, your giggles, your all-out guffaws, all of them are wonderful
  • Your little sideburns. They bring me joy and delight on a daily basis.
  • Oh my god your abs. Yourabsyourabsyourabs. They're just. Like. What? How did I get a guy who looks like you again?
  • Your hairy arms. I may make fun of them at every possible time, but I really do love them.
  • How peaceful I felt when I was sitting up on the monkey bars with you listening to "All I Want Is You"
  • How sometimes you say EXACTLY what I'm thinking at that moment.
  • How I can lie next to you and be completely silent and not feel awkward at all.
  • That ridiculously cute way your wrinkle your nose when you're frustrated. It is probably one of the cutest thing I've ever seen anyone do. Everytime you do it, I just want to grab you and kiss you and snuggle with you and never stop. Is that weird? Yeah. Probably. Whatever. It's your fault for being so cute.
  • The way your hair smells. I know, I know, I'm a huge creep, but it honestly smells good! Smells like Kit.
  • The way you get along with my friends so well- or at least how you tolerate them. Most of the time.
  • The way you make me feel like the prettiest girl in the world, even when I'm wearing no makeup at all and basically look like shit.
  • When you play with my hair. I really don't know why I love it so much, but I do.
  • Your style. I really could go on and on about your style- it's perfect. I love it.
  • Your hands and your fingers. They're the size of dinner plates but I love em.
  • Your indecisiveness- oh wait. No. I hate your indecisiveness. Well... only a little. It's frustrating, but you know, it's what makes you, you.
  • The way you indulge in my childishness- I know you probably think my obsession with blanket forts and climbing trees and other immature stuff like that is boring and uncool, but you go along with it, and I appreciate that a lot.
  • Although I know you hate the comparison, you make me feel just like Hermione Granger, who is pretty much my idol.
  • How adorable you are when you lick your lips. I know all these weird little things seem silly but I am honestly so head over heels for you, I can't help but notice them.
  • The way you look when you're reading. You get this really peaceful look on your face and I just want to grab you and kiss you, but I also don't want to disturb you.
  • The way we always fight over who pays. Ha. Like I'll ever let you win, but it's nice to see you try to be chivalrous.
  • Your complete and utter lack of a butt. Also, just a little thing, but it's so charming. Plus, I obviously have enough for the both of us.
  • Your invisible braces. I know I make fun of them sometimes, but they're just another small and adorable thing about you.
  • How motherfucking sexy you look in a tee shirt. Oh my lord. I remember sitting in Nolte one time and watching you walk towards me- you were wearing that teal tee shirt and all I was thinking was "Holy shit, my boyfriend is so fucking attractive."
  • You actually legitimately make me feel almost pretty. That really doesn't happen often. Thank you.
  • How I really just love to look at you. Honestly, you are singlehandedly the most attractive guy I know. Like... I can't even begin to describe just how attractive I think you are. Sometimes I just sit and look at you when you're not looking and thank my lucky stars that I even know you.
  • All of our late night text conversations. Some of my favorite moments of the day are spent huddled underneath my covers, my face lit up by the glow of my cell phone, fingers tapping away.
  • Your striped boxers. Yet another little thing, but I think they're so cute. Ha, I'm such a creep, I know, but it always cheers me a bit to see them peeking out from above your jeans. I KNOW I'M CREEPY.
  • You make little Star Wars jokes. Sometimes you say something so adorable and quirky and nerdy and perfect and wonderful that I just want to grab your face and kiss you all over and hug you and snuggle with you and just be with you. Yes- Star Wars jokes have that effect on me.
  • How all I ever want to do is just gush to everyone I know about how wonderful and amazing you are. Seriously, everyone. Pretty much everyone I know, from my neighbor to my cousin's nanny to a random friend of a friend that I just met has heard my "Kit is so great and wonderful and perfect and amazing and I like him so much" spiel. It's pretty spectacular.
  • Not only did you sit through my whole play, but you brought me beautiful flowers that are still sitting in my room as I write this. Granted, they're browning a bit at the edges, but doesn't that show how much I liked them? I still don't want to throw them out. 20 points for Kit.
  • The way just a single text from you brightens my entire day. One of my favorite things to do is glance at my phone during an especially boring class to find a wonderfully sweet text from you. It makes the most tedious class that much better.
  • How fun it is to mess with your hair. It's so gravity defying! It's just so entertaining.
  • The little texts you send me ever so often in Spanish. Just little things like that make me melt- even if I sometimes have to google translations for them, I adore your Spanish texts.
  • Sitting with you at lunch. Hands down, best part of every day. There's just something so peaceful and nice about sitting there with you in the sunlight- even if it's freezing cold and the ground is muddy and there's a bunch of people milling around, I just love spending time with you.
  • How just plain cool you are. Seriously, you dress well, you have great taste in music, you're talented, AND (here's the icing on the cake), you're not a douchebag. That's practically impossible.
  • When you tease me. I hate it but I love it. It's... it's hard to describe.
  • When you put your hand on my back and guide me through a crowd. Little thing, but it makes me feel protected- I always just love it when you touch me. Also, I think I like when you do little things like that in public- I doubt anyone notices them but me, but those tiny little PDAs are what gets me through the day.
  • How you're not ashamed to write on my Wall- again, little PDAs. This probably should be a given and not make me as happy as it does, but I'm happy you're not ashamed of me and to show that we're a couple.
  • Xoxop- enough said.
  • How happy and comfortable I am with you. It's hard to describe this one- I just get this wonderful feeling where nothing else seems to matter and I can't think about anything but you.
  • How there is rarely a moment where I don't wish you were with me. It's true- no matter where I am or what I'm doing or how much fun I'm having, I always think to myself "This would be better if Kit were here".
  • How you sat through New Moon with me. There was much whining and complaining, and admittedly, we didn't exactly watch much of the movie, but you sat through it.
  • Our very awkward and inconvenient but very wonderful hugs in the middle of Blair Blvd. It took us a while to get them down, and the height difference/backpack problem still get in the way, but we have gotten a bit better at it.
  • The way you always smell like peppermint and fresh laundry, not some skeezy overpowering cologne.
  • You wear good shoes. It matters much more than you'd think.
  • The way that I've fallen in love with every thing you do- literally, every single thing. It's ridiculous, but I notice every thing you do, and every thing you do makes me love you more. I love the way you eat a sandwich, I love the way you hold onto my face when you kiss me, I love the way you take of your hat and mess up your hair, I love the way you wrinkle your nose, I love everything everything everything. But then again, that's what this list is for.
  • How you were completely and totally willing to spend your Saturday night at a really bad high school play with a bunch of loud, extremely annoying freshman girls. That actually meant to much to me.
  • How you say things like "camel flavored snuggie" and "i am dum" and "physics dunga hard". They make me grin like an idiot.
  • How you're just so amazing that there are literally 12 pages devoted entirely to you in my journal. 12 pages. And I write really small.
  • You're a professional ginger. It's true. You are just the epitome of a ginger.
  • You make me feel better on rainy days. I mean, you make me feel better on pretty much any day.
  • You're very very honest with me, which I appreciate a lot. I've never had much experience with honest boyfriends before.
  • The way your neck smells. Just one of the many reasons I love hugging you. Trust me, if I could stay like that, arms wrapped around you, my head buried in your neck, forever- I don't think I'd mind a bit.
  • Your eblows.
  • The way you call elbows eblows.
  • Your reaction when I nibble your ear. It's just... I mean... mm. I like it. I like it a lot.
  • The little ways you make fun of me. They make me feel like you're not just my boyfriend, but also my friend. You know you're my best friend? I love you. Sorry. Off topic.
  • The way you've got me walking around my house humming stupid little love songs, or skipping down the street with a big smile on my face. Seriously, I look stupid so much more often just because I get a text from you or I remember something sweet you said.
  • How you let me borrow your hat even when it's raining. You are seriously such a good boyfriend. No. Scratch that. Not good. AMAZING.
  • How even the most dreary, boring chores like shoe shopping are enjoyable and appealing when done with you.
  • The way you walk. Yeah. Sometimes I check out your butt when you're walking. WHAT? Who said that. Not me.
  • How you're always the first person I think of when I wake up.
  • And the last person I think of when I go to bed.
  • How absolutely terrible your manners are. But it's okay, because mine are worse.
  • How smart you are- you like pirates better than ninjas. That, my friend, alone is evidence of what a BAMF you are.
  • OH MY GOD YOU GOT THE SHAUN OF THE DEAD TEST (aka the "what would you do if I turned into a zombie test). Seriously NO one has ever passed it before. Congratulations.
  • How proud I am to say to people "Yeah, I go out with Kit Durban". I have to admit, I've had boyfriends in the past who I was embarrassed to say I go out with them. You're not one of them. 10 points for Kit.
  • How I honestly don't care if you give me a Snuggie for Christmas, as long as I get to spend time with you.
  • How you're seriously like the coolest guy I know. I know I've said this already, but it really needs to be restated. You're honestly just like... really cool. Yeeeah.
  • How much my parents approve of you. As lame as it is, my parent's opinion matters a lot to me, and it makes me unbelievably happy that they like you so much.
  • The way I feel like I can spend hours, days, weeks just sitting next to you and talking. Talking about anything- road trips, favorite places, snuggies, cheeseballs, good music, bad music- everything.
  • How you like when I call you darling. At first I was afraid you wouldn't like me saying that, that'd it be too girly or clingy, and the moment you told me you liked it- I was quite happy.
  • The feeling I get when you hold my hand in public. It's hard to describe, but it's wonderful. I talked about it a while back, but just those teensy tiny PDAs make me so much happier.
  • How on some days, you are the only reason I come to school. Seriously, there have been multiple days this year that I have considered faking sick, and I've decided not to just because I want to see you.
  • How absolutely drop dead sexy you look in a suit. Seriously, the moment I saw that picture of you, my jaw hit my keyboard and I made this kinda gurgly noise like "Qiroivlbafguhhhhhhhhhh". It was a happy moment for Clare.
  • How when you feel tired and stressed and upset, I feel tired and stressed and upset, but when you're happy, it's the best feeling in the world, because I'm like, doubly happy. It's hard to explain but it basically feels like I'm radiating sunbeams.
  • How nice it is when I unexpectedly bump into you in the hallways. Kit Durban=best surprised a girl can get.
  • How you like it when I don't wear makeup- it'll take some getting used to, but it'll sure make my morning routine a hell of a lot easier.
  • How terrible we are at sledding together. We're a wonderful couple but let's not ever try to become bobsledders.
  • You will take off your gloves in the middle of a blizzard just to wipe the ice off my face or hold hands with me. I make you put them on a few seconds later anyways, but it's the thought that counts.
  • You'll watch silly Pixar movies with me and not complain about how stupid and sappy they are. P.S. Carl and Ellie kind of remind me of us sometimes.
  • How you walked nearly four miles in the snow just to make sure I got home safely. That is just ridiculously amazing boyfriend behavior.
  • The way you lick my face. It's gross, unsanitary, and very very disgusting, and I love it so much. I don't know why, but I do.
  • You lend me your clothes when I get mine wet because I wear ridiculous attire during blizzards.
  • You're not afraid to snuggle with me or even kiss me in front of your parents. Once again, I don't know why, but I'm just very glad that you're not ashamed or embarrassed of me.
  • The way that anything even remotely related to love reminds me of you. Literally, everything. Romantic movies, love songs, the romance section of Borders, young couples, old couples, Valentine's day cards, flower shops- everything. You're always the one I think of.
  • The way I'll get home from a date with you and think "That was the best day/night of my life." And then I'll go on a date with you the next week and come home thinking "That was the best day/night of my life". And it'll happen again. And again. Things just keep getting better.
  • The way that the only way I've been able to get to sleep for the past few weeks is to curl up and close my eyes really tightly and imagine that you're right there, sleeping beside me.
  • You just... you do everything right. You say all the right things, you do all the right things, you seem to know exactly what to do to make me fall more in love with you every time I'm around you.
  • The way I hate not being around you. It's gotten even worse lately. When you're not around, the thought of you is constantly looping in the back of my mind, underneath the rest of my thoughts.
  • You are willing to take tons of stupid webcam pictures with me
  • You're so responsible around my family- you don't want to both be under the covers at the same time in case they come in
  • The way I care more about your feelings then my own. The way I'm willing to do pretty much anything for you. The way I want the best for you, even if it would hurt me or make me sad or just be really inconvenient for me. The way I cheat when I write 100 Reasons Why I Love You and shove a bunch of extra ones into the very last reason. The way you eat burritos. The way your ears are shaped. The way your stubble feels against my cheek when we kiss. The way you sometimes make me want to cry because I just like you so goddamn motherfucking much. The way I want to write books about you, whole series of books about how amazing you. The way I want to tell the world about my perfect boyfriend. The way you make me feel beautiful. The way you make me feel loved. The way you make me less lonely.
dec 17 2009 ∞
jul 24 2010 +