- abandoned houses
- accents
- when I adore something or someone
- airplane meal trays
- airports
- allusions
- antimacassars
- antiques & antique shops
- the idea from Japanese culture that, when a household item is 100 years old, it acquires a soul.
- April
- aquariums
- archaeology
- experimental archaeology
- architecture
- art
- Japanese
- Chinese
- Art Nouveau
- Rococo
- Early Italian Renaissance
- Arts & Crafts
- Early Impressionist
- folk art
- art journalling
- asemic writing
- Asian pop
- autumn
- autumn leaves
- avocado
- things that inspire a sense of awe
- babies breath (flower)
- baby animals
- Baby Kruffy
- bacon
- baking
- balconies
- bamboo
- bananas
- bare feet
- bargello work
- bubble baths
- being in bed
- beauty products
- being alone
- bell jars
- belly dancing
- bento & bento boxes
- bibliomania
- Christmas biscuits
- biographies & autobiographies
- blackwork
- snuggly blankets
- bonsai
- board games
- books
- books that smell good
- second hand book shops
- Borrowers
- botanic gardens
- bread
- Bread Top
- twin sausage bun
- spring onion bun
- milk bun
- taro bun
- breakfast
- breakfast in bed
- Brussels sprouts
- bubble cup
- matcha green milk tea with egg pudding topping
- choc-caramel crunchy tea with taro pudding topping
- cacti
- calendars & almanacs
- candles
- capibarasan
- cardigans
- castles, preferably decrepit
- when things are categorised &/or compartmentalised
- catering
- cats
- caves
- chai
- cheese
- chilli
- chiropractic
- chocolate
- chocolates in a box with a guide to their fillings
- seeing an enjoyable movie at the cinema
- cinnamon
- cities
- cladistics
- clawfoot bathtubs
- clean sheets
- clouds
- cocktails
- coffee, all kinds
- coincidences
- collections
- collecting things
- commitment
- computer savvyness
- consoles
- people who are so passionate about something that they'll make a spectacle of themselves for it (e.g. cosplayers)
- cozies
- making cozies for unexpected things
- crafts
- when I find a craft project that I made years ago, and I'm pleased by my own skill
- crochet and crocheting
- crochet hooks
- retro & vintage Christmas decorations
- Christmas trees
- Christmas tree decorations in the shape of Christmas trees
- croissants
- eating good croissants dipped in good coffee
- crystals
- Daiso
- damper cooked over an open fire on a stick
- dancing, of all kinds
- dates with my husband
- daydreams & daydreaming
- DDC 21
- December
- deco tape
- deer
- deja vu
- Delfts blue china
- desserts
- dew
- digging in the sand
- dimples
- having dimples
- dinosaurs
- dioramas
- dip
- dogs
- doilies
- doorways
- drawing
- drawing paper & pens
- dreaming
- dreams that are historically accurate
- dreams where I fly
- dream catchers - the concept of them, not so much the look
- dressing in layers
- dressing up
- drifting off to sleep
- drinking games
- going on a long drive
- driving around on my own
- realising I was driving too fast and I wasn't scared
- potsticker dumplings & xiao long bao
- being Dutch
- earrings
- when I have occasion to wear my pearl earrings
- the earth
- eclipses
- eggs Benedict
- elephants
- embroidery & embroidering
- gingham embroidery
- eucalyptus oil
- Europe
- the Eurovision Song Contest
- evolution
- exploring
- eye shadow
- eyes
- meaningful eye contact
- face washers
- fantasies
- fashion & fashion theory
- historical fashion (particularly)
- late 14th- to early 15th-century
- early to mid 18th-century
- early 19th century
- 1870s
- 1910s
- 1940s-1950s
- Japanese fashion
- Mori girl
- Fairy Kei
- Yume Kawaii
- Dolly Kei
- Himegyaru
- Oji
- Ojikawa / Obakawa
- feathers
- ferns
- cultural festivals
- fields
- figure skating
- twee figurines
- finding things I've lost
- flaneury
- flocked things
- florals
- flowers
- when flowers actually smell like something
- flying
- flying: the moment after the plane leaves the ground
- flying: the moment after the plane touches down, especially when I'm home
- flying: the fact that, after the plane touches down, I always have silent tears streaming down my face, and my husband has never asked me about it
- fondue
- fonts
- food
- foot baths
- forest
- fossils
- fountains
- freckles
- fudge
- galaxies
- open-world games
- gardening
- gardens
- Japanese gardens
- Chinese gardens
- garments with twee images or patterns
- gemstones
- geodes
- ghosts
- glass bottles
- glow worms
- Godzilla
- correct grammar
- graveyards
- the Great Barrier Reef
- green
- green tea
- green tea flavoured things
- grids
- when things grow
- haiga
- haiku
- braided hair
- red hair
- thick, wavy hair
- wavy/curly hair
- my hair
- washing my hair
- when my hair is really wet and heavy and warm
- handmade things
- handwriting
- arriving home
- haunted houses
- headphones, big ones
- fresh herbs
- history
- historical accuracy
- holding hands
- holidays
- Hollandaise sauce
- honey
- native honeysuckle
- hot wheat bag
- hugs
- well, my husband
- icicles
- icing
- iguanas
- innocence
- sudden inspiration
- invitations
- jade
- jambalaya
- Japanese culture
- Japanese bath
- jewellery
- journals
- kakapo
- kewpie dolls
- kigo
- kaleidoscopes
- things that come in kits
- kittens
- kiwi (bird)
- kiwi (fruit)
- knitting
- knicknacks
- Kpop
- kranskies
- lace
- lakes
- languages and linguistics
- efforts to prevent the death of languages
- laughing
- when someone has a laugh that makes you want to laugh too
- learning
- left-handedness
- libraries
- knowing where to find something in a library because I'm familiar with Dewey
- lightning
- strings of lights or lanterns
- when I hear that people like my country/city
- lip balm
- lip balm that tastes like things I should eat rarely (chocolate, fudge, etc.)
- liqueur & making liqueur
- listening to languages I don't understand
- lists, oh my yes
- tickable lists
- when I think of a good idea for a list
- literature
- living with someone
- loanwords
- looking off to the side demurely
- loose/oversized clothing
- love
- being in love
- when people acknowledge love as a vital component to the human experience
- lucid dreaming
- macadamias
- macadamia white chocolate biscuits
- salted caramel slice with macadamias
- magical realism
- Majolica ware
- making love
- manatees
- maple syrup
- maps & globes
- marsupials
- mazes
- hedge mazes
- pavement mazes
- mead
- men in cardigans
- mid-century aesthetic
- Milford Sound (the head end)
- mini golf
- mini horses
- miscellanies
- Miyazaki films
- mocha cake
- Mori
- moss
- mountains
- movie marathons
- mugs
- museums
- uplifting music
- mysterious disappearances
- mysteries in general
- Mysterious Universe
- mythical creatures
- mythology
- nachos
- nail polish
- names
- having a nap on a hot afternoon
- nature
- New Zealand's efforts at conservation
- Nordic patterned jumpers etc.
- not being here
- nuts
- Brazil nuts
- macadamias
- cashews
- olive oil
- the Olympics
- op shops
- originality
- when people refer to others in their group/family as "our ..."
- outer space
- product packaging with many different languages on it
- mixing paint colours
- painting
- paintings
- apple, cinnamon and raisin pancakes
- parcels
- parks
- pastel colours
- patience
- patterns
- cat and dog paws
- peaches
- peacock feathers
- peanut butter with chocolate
- pens, esp. fountain
- people who are different
- petting animals
- petting zoos
- picnics
- comfortable pillows
- pizza
- phenotypes
- old photographs
- twee photography
- seeing a photo of a place and thinking I've been there in another life
- the planets
- plants
- small plates with sweets on them
- pompoms
- SBS Pop Asia
- portraits
- positive thinking
- postcards
- privacy
- psychology
- self-saucing puddings
- purple
- pyrex
- quiet moments
- the fact that there's only one entry under 'Q'
- rabbits
- the way drops of rain makes leaves shiver
- sitting in the car listening to the rain
- lying in bed listening to the rain on the roof
- rainbows
- rainy days
- reading
- reassurance
- researching
- recipes
- ribbons
- when things are rimlit
- rivers
- roasts
- rocking chairs
- rocks
- brightly-lit rooms
- large rooms
- roses
- the concept of round robin tournaments
- rum
- the Runes
- feeling safe
- saikei
- interesting salads
- cross-stitch samplers
- sauces
- a sauce that's cooked especially to accompany a meal
- saunas
- sausages
- scarves
- schnapps
- sea glass & sea ceramics
- sea mammals
- seashells
- shadow boxes
- sharing things with my husband
- shopping
- long, hot showers with my bath puff
- the side pony
- sight-seeing
- mismatched vintage silverware
- sleeping in
- sloths
- smells that bring back memories
- mango or melon-scented hand cream makes me think of being in Japan
- cafe latte-scented candles & lotions make me think of being in Amsterdam
- the smell of Baviphat Shiny Reflection BB Cream makes me think of being at Franz Josef Glacier in New Zealand
- the smell of my husband's side of the bed
- smiling so that my eyes crinkle
- snowdrops
- solitude
- when I remember a line from a k-pop song even though I have no idea what it means
- soup & toasted sandwiches
- tacky souvenirs (but only from other countries, not my own, ha!)
- speculaas spice
- souvenir spoons, especially ones with pictures on the end
- things in squirty bottles
- cake & sandwich stands (but only ones with multiple tiers)
- stalagmites & stalactites
- stars
- the steam from a hot drink
- both looking at it and smelling it
- interesting sticky notes
- stamps
- stickers
- stories of past lives
- stormy nights
- strawberries
- stretching
- structure
- Studio Ghibli films
- succulents
- sundresses
- sunlight streaming onto my bed in the morning so I can sleep in it (I so miss that)
- bright green dappled sunlight filtering through deciduous leaves
- suiseki
- sushi
- synonyms
- Mediaeval tapestries
- tao
- tattoos
- tea
- drinking tea on a slow rainy day at home
- teapots
- tennis
- terraria
- tesserae
- thesauri
- people who think
- having time to think about things
- tins
- toast
- cheese toasties
- the smell of unlit tobacco
- tomten
- tor-ii gates
- tortoises
- warm, fresh towels
- finding cultural/religious/spiritual traditions that I relate to
- travelling
- researching travel destinations
- trees
- trivia
- true crime books
- turquoise
- vintage typewriters
- cute and sturdy umbrellas
- undercrofts
- underthings
- uniqueness
- urban planning
- being validated
- vanilla taste & scent
- Vaporub
- Gothic vaults
- vegemite on toast
- vegetables
- roast vegetables
- a pan full of a single type of vegetable, sauteed with fresh herbs
- velvet
- vintage things
- voting
- wabi sabi
- weddings - mainly because I love seeing all my friends beautifully dressed and happily tipsy
- walking
- warmth from the sun on a cold day
- the warmth of my Husband's hand on me
- wandering
- washing my face
- washi tape
- waterfalls
- watermills
- being well
- Wikipedia
- witty comebacks
- wrapping my hands around a hot mug of coffee or tea on a cold day
- writing in my notebook
- writing systems
- constructed writing systems
- wrought iron fences
- wunderkammers
- well-maintained yarn bombing
- yoga
- yoghurt
feb 10 2012 ∞
jun 30 2018 +