- should one believe in that sort of thing...
- unfinished
Envy // I am jealous of...
- people who interact with others easily
- people who can concentrate and finish things
- people who look graceful, all the time
- people who are fit
- people who can create without crippling doubt
- thin people
- animals: they have no consciousness, only instinct
Pride // I'm good at...
- good eye for detail; observant
- sorting, organising, categorising, and similar
- matching and mixing colours
- recognising bullshit
Sloth // What makes me lazy...
- the internet!
- hot days
- getting home from work
- a big dinner
Lust // Weaknesses...
Gluttony // I can't get enough of...
- butter menthols
- the internet
- imagery
Greed // I desire...
- unconditional love
- just a bit more money
- heck, a lot more money so I can be independently wealthy and travel all the time!
- all of the butter menthols
Wrath // What pisses me off...
- bigots and intolerant people
- people who step out of a doorway and just stand there in the middle of a busy footpath