• Started playing Fun Hospital.
  • My DNA analysis results came in. It's not what I expected. I'm not sure if it's a good thing. However, it's led to a frenzied read-up on history, so that's good.
  • I accidentally read "in-progress blankets" as "in progress-blankets"; I love the idea of a Progress Blanket. That should definitely be a Metaphor Mouse for something.
    • Is the blanket assisting your progress, or protecting you from it?
    • Or, protecting you from the sadness of not making progress?
  • When the cat flicks his tail on my arm or on my keyboard or over my stuff that I'm tring to stick down, it's really cute.
  • Had lunch in the gardens with the Mushrooms. Even though the food took ages to come, it gave us more of an excuse to talk.
  • Went to the Little Library and donated 3 books and 'accidentally' took 3. I'm enjoying the first one much more than I thought I would.
  • I just re-checked my 1,001 Things to do before I Die list (it seems I have't looked at it properly in nearly 2 years, oops!) and I ticked off about 6 things! yay!!!!
  • Why have we not been to the Indian grocery before??! It's amazing!
  • So many opportunities to listen to rain on the roof!
  • My guts have been behaving themselves quite well lately.
  • I laid outside under the fruit trees for the first time this year, just feeling the sun on me.
  • Started reading Good Omens again and I'm pleased and relieved to find it's just as good as I remembered.
  • Me: Kitty-zens on patrol! Dah-dah-dah!
    • Husband: See, you are delirious!
    • Me: But this is how I always am!
  • I went for a walk before work and saw beautiful sunlight.
  • I picked up my book from my parcel locker. Convenient!
  • I planted a lavender bush.
  • I made myself a bento box and had a cherry blossom viewing picnic.
  • I went to Bunnings and spent my birthday vouchers and bought a lot of good things and plants.
  • I did my first Kanban.
  • Me: "So I guess there's a good range of covers to choose from for the iphone 5?"
    • Husband: "Oh yeah, they have covers on them like this, with cute My Little Ponies and some shit on them"
  • I started this tradition again even though it's halfway through the month, because I needed somewhere to record the tiny things.
oct 12 2016 ∞
oct 31 2016 +