Dr. Sebastian Hemsworth-Chamberlain

  • location: Gold Coast, Australia
  • occupation: school counsellor ; psychiatrist ; swimming instructor ; gym reception
  • love life: gay ; married x1
  • age at death: 100
  • finances: rich
  • My parents were working class but did well for themselves. I had a half-brother who was 3 years younger than me. He tragically died at the age of 32, but my parents lived into their 80s. I kept in touch with them throughout their lives.
  • I wasn't too smart to begin with, but I studied really hard. I studied psychology and became a school counsellor. Then I went back to medical school and became a psychiatrist. To support myself while doing this, I had a part time job as a swimming instructor. Once my student debts were paid off, I quit my second job and concentrated on my main career. I became respected in my field and by the time I retired was renowned for my knowledge and caring.
  • I met Noah when we were in high school, and we were together until he died at the age of 94. Despite my being smokin hot right into my 90s, I didn't wander -- he was the love of my life. We had a rocky period in our mid-20s when he wanted me to sign a pre-nup. I refused. It nearly tore our relationship apart. We resolved this however, and married happily. Once I finished medical school, we went on several holidays together and were happy.
  • Noah and I bought a tiny house and lived in it all our lives. We never had children, so never felt the need for a bigger house. I never learned to drive.
  • I had terrible luck with pets. My childhood dog lived to the age of 20, but after that, every pet I got only lived a couple of years before succombing to a disease or an accident. This was heartbreaking for me.
  • After Noah died, I briefly dated someone I met at the gym, Tyler. This was unsatisfying for me, though. I offered to take him with me on a trip to the French vineyards, but he didn't want to go. I broke up with him soon after that.
  • I died in my sleep at the age of 100.
sep 1 2019 ∞
sep 18 2019 +