
  • Circus Gold
    • colour: is labelled Circus Gold, but there's a bud coming through that looks red.
      • has turned out to be an orangeish-gold.
    • status: was quite runty, but is starting to come on. Just about to flower. 5-JAN-14: has one goodly flower. 16-JAN-14: has about 3 goodly flowers now. 3-MAR-14: still flowering well.
    • 10-AUG-15: pruned and re-staked. had died back almost completely.
  • Blue Moon
    • colour: light lavender
    • status: growing quite well; flowering strongly; just starting second flowering. 5-JAN-14: tried to flower, but the bud went dry & brown before opening. 16-JAN-14: seems to have finished flowering now. 3-MAR-14: second flowering started about a week ago.
    • 10-AUG-15: pruned and re-staked. had died back mostly but still had some fruit on it.
  • {unknown} rock rose
    • colour: lightish red
    • status: a little runty; just finished flowering. 3-MAR-14: has quite a few flowers on it now.
    • 10-AUG-15: pruned and re-staked. had died back almost completely. seemed to have grown a little better in the last year.
  • Julia's Rose
    • colour: very light pastel pinky-peach
    • status: some black spot, small but strong; just starting first flowering. 5-JAN-14: several lovely flowers. 3-MAR-14: a couple of flowers.
    • 10-AUG-15: pruned and re-staked. had died back almost completely.
  • Hot Chocolate
    • colour: strong, deep red.
    • status: growing extremely strongly; some black spot, finished flowering. 3-MAR-14: tons more flowers over the last month.
    • 10-AUG-15: pruned and re-staked. had grown very strongly; cut quite a bit off.
  • Oklahoma
    • colour: deep red.
    • status: some black spot, seems a little weak; no flowers yet. 18-JAN-14: has one flower emerging. It smells amazing. 3-MAr-14: another flower came up, but no more it seems.
    • 10-AUG-15: pruned and re-staked. had died back almost completely. only pruned a tiny bit.
  • {unknown} Rose --- is this the Oklahoma? x-check.
    • colour: ?
    • status: quite small and runty; lots of black spot. no flowers.
    • 10-AUG-15: pruned and re-staked. had a few leaves still on it. still quite runty.


  • Flamingo
    • colour: clear light pink.
    • status: growing vigorously, despite bad black spot. Has been flowering continuously since late Nov. 16-JAN-14: still flowering strongly, however they've dried out on the bush due to the heat. 3-MAR-14: no more flowers in the last few weeks.
    • 10-AUG-15: pruned and re-staked. had not died back at all, so just pruned a little in the centre.
  • {unknown} yellow rose
    • colour: clear medium yellow.
    • status: quite poorly, some black spot, but growing. Being choked out by agapanthus. 5-JAN-14: has several goodly flowers; new growth. 18-JAN-14: black spot seems to be easing off; recovering well. 3-MAR-14: started flowering again, has been for the last month.
    • 10-AUG-15: only pruned off a few small dead twigs. did not flower or grow at all last summer, but new growth is appearing very strongly.
dec 26 2013 ∞
aug 11 2015 +