For the holistic-creative practice prompts, I suggest saving them for some quiet moments. Take them out in nature, light a candle and meditate with them, free-write in your journal, or make a page in your art journal intuitively and just see what comes up.

Trust your instincts and deeper truths - even when they seem especially simple or obvious!

Here they are:

- Above all else, what I really want is to.... - My mood always improves when I.... - I feel most at home in my own skin when I....

It's perfectly normal to answer these initially with our minds. Just also consider seeing what comes up when you try to quiet your mind and drop your attention or focus out of your head-space, and down into your heart-space or body... and then visit these questions a second time.

Ask your mind, heart AND body what the answer is... and leave space for the answer to reveal itself to you through the combination of those perspectives - whether you explore them in word, meditation, dance, paint, collage, or whatever your choice of expression+exploration happens to be.

I know for me, my first answers were more about DOing, and they weren't un-true, but they were only a one-sided view of my truth. My truer, most centered answers were more about ways of BEing and HOW I do things.

As funny as it might seem, these questions are also related to how Sun and Moon sign energy shows up and shines out in each of us, according to the symbolic language of astrology. And these energies show up in us - as do all the planetary energies - as INSTINCTS that make each of us unique.

Maybe they'll help center you as you do any of your other New Year's reflections or traditions, helping you find alignment between your outer and inner worlds - and how you can both shine and nurture the needs you have within and without.

dec 30 2016 ∞
dec 30 2016 +