• read articles on gardening
  • had the cat sit on me for about an hour in bed when I was planning on getting up at a reasonable time, sheeeeesh
  • daily oracle card
    • AUTUMN EQUINOX: Release. Let go of anything in your life that is holding you back. Shed anything that is no longer congruent with your soul's purpose. Trust that something better will take its place.
  • Daily B4 list
  • hid behind the couch when the courier man came, ahahhahah
  • read blogs - 1/2 hour
  • {B4}{☆彡} gardening -- started my veggie/herb garden, for the win!
  • {B4} finish tagging tumblr posts (worked on)
  • read inspiring articles
  • watched YT videos ... while drinking a cup of tea I know!
  • {B4} answer email from CN; email DJ; anyone else who needs answering
  • {B4} make nectarine relish
  • {✷} wrote in journal
  • meditated
  • rune studies
  • KonMaried emails
  • linked up some tumblr tags
  • {✷} worked on my conscript
feb 9 2016 ∞
feb 12 2016 +