March on the Fluent Self calendar is the month of LUSCIOUSNESS.

  • reading articles
  • daily oracle card
    • TREE: Grounding. Spend time in nature and do grounding things today.
  • Daily B4 list
  • {B4} finish a book
  • cleared out emails
  • read blogs - 1 hour
  • aettir memorisation practice
  • cleared out second email inbox
  • {✷} Wrote and posted 30DoWC, day 8
  • cleaned out the fridge
  • youtube vids (only a few)
  • took photos of garden
  • pre-posted tomorrow's 30DoWC
  • {B4}{✷} Summer update blog post
  • {B4} reply to AG and MV's emails
mar 3 2016 ∞
mar 5 2016 +