
  • July is the month of HARMONY
  • mid-winter
  • 6 - Frida Kahlo's Birthday
  • 20 - Marine Day (Japan)

happened & did

  • Stewart's birthday lunch: had a lovely time talking with everyone.
  • had a very lovely day when Anth and I took a bunch of stuff to the tip shop, and I bought a handmade afghan and a cute little jar, then we went to the park and played pokemon go.
  • went back to the park the next weekend and had lunch at Misty's Diner afterwards.
  • Decided to get a job ; had to sign up with 2 agencies and have an interview. *sigh* Done. Played Pokemon Go for 2 hours afterwards to re-balance myself.

learned & discovered

  • apparently my ovaries are shrinking. Oh well.
  • The emperor Hadrian was from Spain. Apparently his father was a rich olive oil merchant.
  • Cats lick you as a sign of affection and acceptance - they groom members of their own tribe.


  • started working on my grannyland blanket again a little bit, after no craft for a couple of weeks. Why do I not craft for so long?!


  • Jamie's balls
  • GF Yorkshire puddings
  • a nice slowcooker chilli
  • biscuits a couple of times
  • something that was going to be lasagne but ended up being techinicallly pastabake.


  • read Nine Coaches Waiting (for LL)
  • red River Murray Mary (still need to read 2nd story in book)


  • continued Sailor Moon S01
  • continued & finished Harry Potter re-watch
    • Feeling a bit bereft now.
  • Roots started on live TV and we've been watching it even though it's incredibly harrowing.


  • well, I was totally gamed out until A bought Stardew Valley for me. Now I can't remember what my life was like without it.
  • I also DLd Pokemon Go
    • I fucking played Pokemon Go until the little fuckers were practically coming out of my fucking ears.

memes, words & quotes

  • Nigella: A French historian once said: the only safe way to eat in England is to have breakfast three times a day.
jun 30 2016 ∞
aug 3 2016 +