• Stop doing your daily habitual routine. Rest. Recover.
    • Hit the STOP button and change your habitual daily grind. Share your kids with your relatives and give yourself some time to do nothing, so you can refuel and completely relax.
  • Reflect on the past year.
    • In your quiet time, reflect on what you enjoyed and what you didn’t, what you want less of and more of next year. Think through every area of your life systematically, leave nothing out. Family, Finances, Relationship, Sex, Health, Energy, Fitness, Body Shape, Social, Friends, Career, Spiritual, Personal Development, Education, Hobby, Travel, Rest & Relaxation.
  • Decide how you want to feel.
    • How do you want to feel in your ideal average working day? Many people set goals, achieve them and still feel unfulfilled, because they haven’t given any thought to how they would like to feel on an average day in their lives. What kind of feelings would you need to feel in order to know you were living a fulfilled, happy life? What were the feelings you experienced on your favourite days of the past year? To give you an example, some of my “ideal average day” feelings are; joy, love, inspiration, empowerment, growth, grace, vitality, strength, discipline, connection, contribution, peace. I make sure that I feel these feelings every day. Even just for a little bit.
  • Get clear on your priorities.
    • Knowing your true values is a key factor in success and happiness. One of the main causes of unhappiness is attempting to live your life by someone else’s values, in conflict with your own. Knowing yourself and being true to yourself will help you to shine and be a happy, loving person. A person who is an inspiring example to those you care about. What are the really important priorities that you need to experience and improve on in order to feel those awesome feelings every day?
  • Decide on your criteria for success.
    • By what criteria will you judge if 2013 is a success? My prediction is that you will judge 2013 a success if you live and make progress in accordance with your true values. So, what really matters to you? Quality time with loved ones? Dollars earned? Savings in the bank? Health and vitality? Slimness and beauty? Learning and growth? Laughter with friends? Career progression? Business Success? Travel? Spiritual connection? Contribution? Remember there is no right or wrong, so be honest with yourself.
  • Set your yearly goals by priority, and break them down into small habits.
    • Set your outcome goals for each priority/value area of your life, and then break those goals down into the small habits (process goals) that are required to achieve that outcome. Breaking your big picture outcome goals down into the small daily and weekly tasks, the process, is what will help you to achieve them easily and without overwhelm.
  • Diarise your holidays and rest and relaxation events.
    • Planning and diarising your rest and relaxation is a critical factor that gives your unconscious mind relief that there will be breaks and time to rest and recover. It also gives you something to look forward to when the days get long and busy.
  • Plan your key milestones.
    • Strategise your goals like a business. What targets do you need to hit by what dates in order to achieve your goals. If you aren’t sure how you will hit your targets, instead of shutting them down and saying “it’s not possible”, ask yourself: “If it were possible, how would I….?” Your unconscious mind will mull over this question, see possibilities you would not have noticed before, and may come up with a surprisingly creative solution.
  • Diarise your priority events.
    • Diarise all your priority events into your life so that you know they are planned in, and won’t be forgotten or missed. If you are certain, planned and diarised for 2013 then you will easily be able to say no if someone asks you to do something that doesn’t fit with your priorities. Set your own course and you won’t be swayed and influenced by others.
  • Set repeating calendar reminders for check-ins to keep yourself on track.
    • Use repeating calendar reminders weekly, monthly or quarterly to review your goals and milestones. This simple strategy will help to remind you to step out of the daily grind and check in with your big picture plans and outcomes, and ensure you stay on track through the whole year.


dec 29 2012 ∞
dec 30 2012 +