maura's listography
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Bored Meeting Bingo
Abby Applesauce
Eric, Krautro...
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(of the rest of my life)
jun 9 2022
fun and games
jan 5 2022
Post-Employment Goals
(for fun and profit)
dec 23 2021
Atlas Aurora
(Built environment bucket list)
dec 23 2021
In the Year of our Tube
jul 30 2021
Kvetch Blog
(of things I am actively trying to improve through kvetching)
jul 30 2021
Ice Creams
(In order from most recent to least recent)
jul 26 2021
Quarantine Summer Break
may 7 2020
Plague Camp
(Vacations that have caused me to contact the Center for Disease Control )
apr 2 2020
(Books I want to read)
apr 2 2020
oct 7 2018
jul 18 2018
(To watch and/or download)
jul 18 2018
(Beyond South Africa)
jul 18 2018
to do
jul 18 2018
jul 18 2018
The Fifth Element
(Some lingering questions)
jul 17 2018
(Inspired by aerial dance moves)
jul 11 2018
Trouble Oh Trouble Move Away
(I have seen your face and it's too much for me today)
aug 14 2017
Panic at the Disco
(Things I'm pretty paranoid about)
aug 14 2017
(Why I didn't see the Duckling Slip N Slide at the Farm Show)
jun 20 2017
(of our lives)
mar 19 2016
Things strangers said to me
(while I shoveled my car out of the snow)
jan 27 2016
Pop Culture
(Inspired by the Holocaust)
jan 27 2016
(Which have made me sob like a baby)
aug 13 2015
(Songs to sing round the ol' campfire)
jan 12 2015
Daily Rituals
jan 12 2015
TV Shows which I have followed religiously
jan 12 2015
Obscure Celebrities I've Met
jan 12 2015
"In my Father's House there are many rooms"
(Wonders of the Farm Show)
jan 12 2015
Downton Abbey
(Characters Who Are Totally Going to Get Together)
jan 12 2015
He was playin' real good for free
(Things that don't cost money)
dec 7 2014
(Personal Heroes)
nov 26 2014
Yoga Class Bingo
(Inspired by Shana's Bored Meeting Bingo)
nov 26 2014
People who are basically iterations of Sherlock Holmes
nov 26 2014
This I have found
(while packing up my room)
aug 24 2014
Something Wicked this Way Comes
(The girl in the maze)
aug 14 2014
Things my yoga teachers say
jul 27 2014
Edible Book Fest ideas
(With help from Debra, Miriam, Shana, and Matt Poland)
apr 5 2014
Things I should probably get
apr 5 2014
Signs of Spring
(in Baltimore)
apr 5 2014
Famous People
(with face blindness)
apr 5 2014
Order in which Things should happen
jan 14 2014
Great things people have said to me at Swing Dances
jan 12 2014
Lynn Rosetto Kasper, how I love thee
(Great things she says)
jan 12 2014
The Ocean of Samsara
(Things That Shouldn't Be Depressing But Are)
oct 28 2013
Praise the Lord, I saw the light
(Things about Lindy Hop that now make sense to me)
aug 13 2013
Things I'm the Worst At
may 12 2013
Game of Thrones
(Characters who are totally gay for each other)
may 7 2013
Things to do in B-more this Fall
may 6 2013
My Dreams
may 6 2013
Mother Knows Best
(!?*& My Mom Says)
may 6 2013
Reasons Why I'm an Asshole
(Things I might judge you for)
apr 28 2013
Unanswerable Questions
apr 1 2013
In the year of our lord, 2013
jan 1 2013
(Great things which our libertarian head chef says)
aug 29 2012
Kinetic Sculpture Race 21012
(Things I did as a Kinetic Kop)
may 6 2012
Things that are Magical
apr 22 2012
Ian's Loves
apr 22 2012
Central PA
(Things you can do for fun while living at home unemployed)
mar 23 2012
Awesome Things which Hooper has done as a House
mar 15 2012
Favorite Latin Sayings
mar 15 2012
(Things I Want)
oct 25 2011
(Why people come to the restaurant)
oct 7 2011
Secret Pleasures
sep 20 2011
I wish that I knew what I know now
(Restaurant Edition)
aug 28 2011
The Characters of Lost
(and how I feel about them)
aug 12 2011
(Things people can give me)
jun 9 2011
This I Believe
jun 2 2011
(To check out or read up on)
may 22 2011
I wish that I knew what I know now
(People I have Gravely Misjudged)
apr 25 2011
Good Advice
((I know I'm ripping off Abby here))
mar 15 2011
For Jill
(Wherever I may find her)
feb 6 2011
Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
(The Aftermath)
feb 2 2011
To everything, turn, turn, turn
(2011 Resolutions)
jan 26 2011
Movies Abby should watch
jan 10 2011
Ruby's Loves
jan 3 2011
"A Room with a View"
(Other possible titles for this movie)
jan 1 2011
(That I shouldn't Freak out about)
nov 10 2010
Things I'm Into
(Inspired by Abby)
nov 10 2010
Things with which I've had on again off again Relationships
aug 29 2010
Things Which I have survived
aug 29 2010
Things you shouldn't say to your orthodox neighbor on Shabbos
aug 27 2010
Things I've Collected
(approximately in order)
aug 25 2010
To do in St. Michaels!
aug 25 2010
Barbara Kingsolver's Greatest Hits
aug 25 2010
Cape Cod
(Things we have mistakenly called you)
aug 7 2010
Adult things I should do
jul 15 2010
Hilarious Things Ballet Teachers have told me
jul 15 2010
to do
(at Goucher (the final year!))
jul 15 2010
It's a Mad mad mad mad world
(Things which Ruby is afraid of)
jul 15 2010
The Many Incarnations of Oliver T. Archives
jul 15 2010
Oral History of Coeducation at Goucher College
(This is it, folks. The big one. )
jun 29 2010
(Places I want to travel in South Africa)
may 4 2010
Things to do with Shana in Baltimore in May!
(I guess I can think of a lot of things to do in Baltimore...)
apr 4 2010
Things that suck about having a cold
mar 31 2010
2010 resolutions
mar 7 2010
Shameless Self Promotion
(Obscure Social Networking Sites I'm on)
feb 21 2010
Hilarious things I've read on Fashion Blogs
jan 28 2010
Winter Break! Winter Break!
(Oh golly, it's almost here!)
jan 19 2010
Books Of the Winter Months
jan 19 2010
(Things that are pleasant)
dec 14 2009
to do
(Over Thanksgiving Break)
dec 1 2009
(Possibilities after graduation)
oct 14 2009
Things I need Mom and Dad to bring from home
oct 4 2009
Jill Recommends
aug 27 2009
(I acquired this summer)
aug 27 2009
(I'd like to get from the warehouse)
aug 27 2009
Things that make me proud to be American
aug 9 2009
(Of the Summer!)
aug 9 2009
(Summer 2009)
aug 9 2009
Seattle 2009
(stuff i'd like to do)
jul 21 2009
(Post-South Africa)
jul 1 2009
Shana Recommends...
jun 29 2009
(Conversation overheard between two seventh grade girls in the pool locker room)
apr 30 2009
(Things that seemed impossibly complicated)
apr 22 2009
Things that are nice on a Thursday night
mar 9 2009
Some short stories that have yet to be written
feb 21 2009
Goals for yoga club in the coming semester
jan 26 2009
Harrisburg 2008
(because everybody's making one...)
jan 15 2009
(Books I've Read so far in South Africa)
dec 10 2008
Personal Growth: Things I've gained in South Africa
nov 20 2008
Favorite Movies shot in South Africa
nov 3 2008
To be or not to be a Vegetarian
(Alternative Title: To Meat or not to Meat)
nov 3 2008
Mother Figures I've aquired in South Africa
oct 29 2008
(Things that are unpleasant)
oct 21 2008
Things to avoid
oct 21 2008
(Project Runway Buzzwords I can't get out of my head)
sep 25 2008
Top Five Favorite Words
aug 22 2008