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If you can walk, you can dance. If you can talk, you can sing.

milkywaydelight books (read 2025)
reckless notes (scrapbook (2025))
Jodie 2025 (books)
emerson names (fav)
えりい cinema
(not) zayn jenn
921 jenna
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Amanda jo
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Amber jodie
Anhchara joey
Autumn joker
Aya'ka jongsass
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Bliss julia
Bru julie
C.D. june
Candice jy
Candice Austen k
Carmela kait
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Clara katie
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Em kerrigan
Emily kety
Feroxis system kim anh
FiSweet kimi
H kinky
Hannah klaudia
ITZA klem
Iszi koga
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Jen kyutiful_hae
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L lunya
Larissa m
Laís m
Leah mae
Lexy mae
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Lyn manda
M marah
M marcelovdo
Megan mariana
NeverShoutHada marido
Olly marina
Partly PDX marisa
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Rachel melissa
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RonroLove micaela
Savina michelle
Shannon michelle
Stefanie Jane milk
Stiles Winche... milkywaydelight
StormFyrie mimi
Syeon Anderson mina
Thuy Lien minji
Tyra minnie
V misa
Zuzanna mitsu
a mon
a ~ monica
abbi monika
abby moondvste
abi mya
abraham n/a
aiden nancy
alexs nari
ali natalie
ally natalie
ally nemo
alyssa nessie
amanda nicole
amy nicole
amy nicole
andie nina
andrea nut
andżi oh
angel ohdeer
anisha ot9
ann pam
annie patty
apricotty patxu
argentum paula
artemis phoenix
ashton pinku
b rachel
baba yaga raine
baechu rainpotion
barbi reckless
beatriz red
becky rhys
beloniika rian
bin rian!
candice rocío
casper ross
cassandra ruptures
cassidy s
cassidy s.
cat s. n.
cat g. salsaverde
cathy sam
celine samuel
chancey sarah
chelsea sarah
chenae saturn
cheryl saur
chris selin
ciel shana
claire shantell
crawfish shey
cris sienna
cyborgella soh
daysha soph
dee sophie
dmbrantley soymilktea
duda speedtrials
dyanne steph
e stinky spider
ecLIPse summer
edith sunnydust
eduarda sydney
eevee tam
ela tanya
elisha taylah
elliot taylor
elouise tenneil
emerson teresa
emi theoddgothic
emily three
emma tiffy
emma tristen
erika tysol
erin val
eva valee
evann van
fireofhell vera
forest vian
giu vicki
glasskies vicky
grasiher victoria
guk violet
gunwu vivian
gwisoonie yanna
h yeolo
han youth
hanies yui
headvsheart érika
holly ᴄʜᴀʀʟɪ
honey ᴅ ᴇ ᴇ
honeybee えりい
indigo ㄱㅈㅁ
jaclyn 라일라
jen 재리
  • The sound of Styrofoam. Really not pleasing to my ears, seriously, who the heck invented Styrofoam? I recently called out one of my best friends for squeezing a Styrofoam cup. I don't mind holding a Styrofoam cup, or storing anything with glass (when it's necessary), but the sound of it!
  • The classic sound of nails on the chalkboard. It makes me cringe!
  • The sound of motorcycles driving through a quiet neighbourhood. If you want to ride a motorcycle, do so on a highway, or on a busy street.
  • The sound of the alarm when it comes to fire drills, especially when you're in the hallways. I always have to plug my ears, because it buzzes in my ear and it drives me nuts! Some elementary school teachers don't allow you to cover your ears for the drill, but the noise is damaging my eardrums.
  • The sound of out-of-tuned instruments. Because I have perfect pitch, out-of-tuned instruments will perk me to no end, and I would have to either go up to the person and tell them to tune it, or tune the actual instrument myself (if it's a guitar or a piano).
  • The sound when people keep on honking the cars for no particular reason.
  • The sound of glass or pottery shattering on the ground. That kind of traumatized me.
  • The sound of people constantly making snapping noises when chewing gum. So annoying...
  • The sound of fireworks on gun shootings. Thanks to watching Schindler's List during History class and hearing gun shots every five minutes or so makes me scared of anything of that sound. I can't go watch fireworks up close anymore because of this!
  • The sound of squeaky clotheslines when you're pulling it in and out. The squealing seriously irritates my eardrums.
  • Random sound effects in songs. Recently I heard this song called Tender Love by EXO, and at the rap breakdown, this voice, of a girl went "oppa, oppa". I think I cringed. And I thought the girl moaning in Lady Luck was horrible and definitely cringe-worthy.
  • The sound of people trying to rap, especially when it comes to free styling. Just no, please stop, if you can't rap, then you can't rap, it's final, end of story. -_-
jun 13 2015 ∞
aug 29 2015 +