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If you can walk, you can dance. If you can talk, you can sing.

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  • Favourite Group: I have way too many, but Super Junior will forever be my number one group. But EXO is slowly making my way up to my bias group list!
  • Favourite Guy Group and Bias: Super Junior. Biases are between Donghae and Kyuhyun.
  • Favourite Girl Group and Bias: f(x) and my biases are Amber and Luna.
  • All-time bias: LEE DONGHAE!
  • Favourite maknae: CHO KYUHYUN!
  • Favourite leader: Either between Leeteuk, Onew, Zico and Suho. Well, every leader is a good leader, in a K-pop group, they go through a lot.
  • Favourite song: Damn, that is a tough one. It's either: Butterfly by Super Junior, El Dorado by EXO or Hurt by EXO.
  • Favourite Japanese Version of a song: Dream Girl by SHINee.
  • Favourite English Version of a song: Can't Nobody by 2NE1.
  • Best actor in Kpop: CHOI SIWON!
  • Best group on variety shows: Definitely Super Junior! They were born for variety shows!
  • Best Looking: Tough one, damn. It's either between Suho, Chanyeol or Chen. Or also Donghae! Damn, I can't decide!!!!
  • Cutest couple: EunHae, KyuMin and BaekYeol!
  • Who would I date: Chanyeol from EXO, we have a lot of things in common. And I do enjoy having a piggyback ride from him.
  • Who would I date if you were the opposite gender: Dara from 2NE1.
  • Who would I want to have as an older brother: Definitely Yixing, he would be the most caring and selfless older brother ever! And he would be fun to tease.
  • Who would I want to have as an older sister: f(x)'s Luna. Just so I can tease her about her height, even when she's older than me by five years.
  • Who would make a good husband/wife: Donghae or Suho.
  • Favourite Albums: For my top five, A-cha repackage (Super Junior), XOXO (EXO), Clue+Note (SHINee), Pink Tape (f(x)) and Overdose Mini-Album (EXO). I know, I'm SM biased. Bonus: EXODUS (EXO)
  • Favourite solo artists: Ailee, IU, Jung Joon Young.
  • Favourite under-appreciated group: Block B, SPEED, SPICA.
  • Favourite music video: Super Junior's Mamacita. I love the Western cowboys ideas, and Eunhyuk makes a great matador!
  • Favourite dance: EXO's Growl.
  • Favourite remix: Damn, another tough one. I like the Super Junior/SHINee Bonamana/Lucifer mashup and EXO's Overdose with SPICA's Painkiller as the instrumental. Also the G-Dragon/EXO One of a Kind vs. Two Moons.
  • 2NE1 or KARA: 2NE1!
  • SNSD or After School: I'm actually not a fan of any of those two.
  • Big Bang or 2AM: Big Bang
  • Dalmatian or TRAX: Don't know any of them.
  • SHINee or 2PM: SHINee!!!
  • CN Blue or SM the Ballad: SM the Ballad, even though I like CN Blue, but I like the former more.
  • Super Junior or B2ST: SUPER JUNIOR FOR THE WIN! SUPER JUNIOR, THE LAST MEN STANDING! *starts singing the chorus of Superman, while singing Yesung's and Kyuhyun's ad-libs*
  • Yuri or Yoona: I don't like SNSD, but I would go with Yuri...
  • Jonghyun or Key: Another tough one, but I would definitely go with Jonghyun. Sorry, Key...
  • Minho or Taemin: Taemin the cute maknae of SHINee!
  • Yoseob or Dongwoon: Yoseob, I like his singing voice.
  • T.O.P or G-Dragon: I like T.O.P the most between the two. His dorky personality never fails to amuse me.
  • Kikwang or Hyunseung: I'm picking Hyunseung for this one.
  • CL or Minzy: I love them both but I'm going with Minzy.
  • Dara or Bom: Once again, I love them both, but I have to go with Bom.
  • Luna or Krystal: Luna!
  • Victoria or Sulli: Victoria!
  • Amber or Amber: What kind of question is that?!
  • Jessica or Tiffany: To be honest, I like Tiffany.
  • Sooyoung or Sunny: Sooyoung, I wish I was her height.
  • Yonghwa or Jonghyun: I think I'm going with Yonghwa for this one.
  • Siwon or Heechul: SHISUS! The Lord of Derp!
  • Yesung or Donghae: LEE "FISHY" DONGHAE! My ultimate bias!
  • Leeteuk or Kyuhyun: KYUHYUNNIE! (Damn, that sounded cheesy)
  • Funniest girl group and member: f(x); Amber.
  • Funniest guy group and member: Super Junior; Shindong.
  • Funniest group of all: SUPER JUNIOR!
  • Funniest person of all: I don't know...
  • Funniest dance: PSY's Gangnam Style, what is up with the horse move.
  • Funniest song: EXO's MAMA. At the beginning of the song, I thought they were singing in Latin (my first impression of them).
  • Funniest costumes/outfits: The beginning of EXO's MAMA. I thought they were nuns or hobos chanting in an ancient Latin choir.
  • Funniest music video: Super Junior's Rokkugo! The first time watching the music video, I nearly peed my pants.
  • Funniest couple: EunHae!
  • Funniest parody: I don't know, even though I watched a lot of fan-made parodies on YouTube.
  • Funniest buffalaxed version: Two Moons (Roll Like A Buffalo version) by EXO!
  • Funniest variety show with a K-pop artist: Running Man, Weekly Idol and Beatles Code.
  • Funniest impersonation: EXO's Lay imitating Christina. First time watching it, I was crying from laughing so much.
  • Funniest face: Chanyeol, Suho, Siwon, Eunhyuk, Zico and Onew. Their faces are priceless!
  • Funniest mistake on stage: When Onew's voice keeps cracking or when Onew keeps on falling down. #OnewCondition
  • Do you own any K-pop posters? If so, how many: I have yet to have a K-pop poster.
  • Do you have any actual CDs: Sadly, I don't.
  • If you ever buy a song from ITunes, how many have you bought: None.
  • Have you ever covered a K-pop song or dance: Yes, I have. I have covered many K-pop songs on the piano, and I am planning to post some on Tumblr!
  • Have you ever participated in a K-pop flashmob: No, but I wish.
  • Have you ever been to a live concert: NO, but I want to!
  • Have you ever talked to a K-pop artist in person: No, but I wished! When EXO was on the After School Club show with Eric Nam and Hanbyul from LedApple as hosts, it was aired on my birthday. I was like, if I was a fan before this, then I would have planned to be part of a Google hangout, on my BIRTHDAY!
  • Do you have anything signed by a K-pop artist: No, but I wished.
  • Do you check allkpop for any other K-pop news website daily or on a regular basis: Yes, but I sometimes feel that the information is not as reliable as I feel like it would be.
  • Do you have a K-pop tumblr, if not, do you check out any k-pop tumblr: Yes I have my own tumblr account, for my K-pop cover songs, but not just K-pop.
  • How did you get into K-pop: Well, I had a friend who was really into Super Junior. Her bias is Kyuhyun. So, she showed me, my best friend and her sister one of Super Junior's music videos (it was actually Mr. Simple). My best friend and her sister were into it right away, I however, was not. I was too caught up with my rock music to be listening to K-pop. So, my best friend and her sister forced me into K-pop for three years trying to get me to be a fan.
  • What was the first song that you ever heard: Super Junior's Mr. Simple.
  • First group that you knew about: Super Junior
  • First group you really got into: Super Junior
  • How long ago did you discovered K-pop: Since 2010-2011. Didn't become a fan until late 2013.
  • Did you like it or dislike it when you first discovered K-pop: I disliked it at that time, I thought K-pop was really cheesy, and it was because I was into my rock music that it was clouding my judgment.
  • Is your current favourite group the first one you discovered: Yes and no. Yes because Super Junior is my favourite group of all time. No, because EXO is slowly becoming my bias group.
  • If not, how long did it take to discover your favourite group: Well, it took me three years to realize that Super Junior is going to be taking over my music interest. Thanks to Super Junior M's Break Down.
  • First variety/reality show that had a K-pop artist in it: Hello Baby with SHINee. My best friend forced me to watch it with her. To admit, Yoogeum was really cute, especially in the one episode when he went "APPA!"
  • First song/MV/pic/whatever that made you fangirl scream: Hmm, I was so close into getting into EXO's MAMA. My best friend showed me the music video and said that it would be something that I like. The violin orchestration, the electric guitars and the screams just made my day, as in, it was totally my aesthetic. It was like the pop version of a metal band. But then again, I was hesitant to getting into K-pop.
  • Least favourite group and member: SNSD and Yoona.
  • Least favourite guy group and least favourite member: Hmm, that is a hard one. I think I have to go with GOT7. I don't think their music is my style...
  • Least favourite girl group and member: SNSD. Their songs are too cheesy for my liking.
  • Least favourite member in your favourite group: Heechul of Super Junior. His bluntness is hard for me to handle.
  • Least favourite song: That is a hard one. I was so close to saying EXO's Wolf because of how much dubstep was in the song, and I hate dubstep, like a lot. Now, that song has grown into me (plus, I had a lot of fun playing that song on the piano). But, now I have changed my mind about it, it is actually EXO's Baby. That song made me cringe, especially at Baekhyun's part " girl please come closer". So much cheesiness!
  • Worse looking: NO ONE! Absolutely no one is worse-looking, that's just harsh!
  • Who would you never want as an older brother: Chanyeol or Kris from EXO, they would make fun of me because of my height.
  • Who would I never want as an older sister: 2NE1's CL. She has too much swag for me to handle.
  • Least favourite solo artist: I don't know!
  • Least favourite music video: I would have to go with BASTARDZ Conduct Zero. The girls in their lingerie are completely unnecessary, although I definitely like the song.
  • Least favourite dance: BTS' Danger. Enjoyable to watch (for an average fangirl like me), but hard to flipping learn! I am not a professional dancer!
  • Least favourite costumes/outfits: I would have to go with SISTAR's Touch My Body. I'm not the kind of bright summer-y person, despite being born in the summer.
  • If you were only able to say five words max to bias, what would you say: Thanks for ruining my life!
  • If your bias kissed you, what would you do; I'd probably had my eyes wide open at the guy who just kissed me, and perhaps blush wildly. Or make some weird dolphin noises.
  • If your bias asked you to marry him or her, what would you do: I would perhaps cry.

Credit to iheartyangyoseop on AsianFanfics.

may 29 2015 ∞
aug 29 2015 +