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There were a lot of great comebacks this year, but these are my favourites. In no particular order:

  • EXO - Love Me Right and Sing For You: It was hard to pick which one out of these two, so I chose them both. I like Love Me Right because of how fun the song sounded (and the effort they made with the Alice in Wonderland concept because I didn't quite get it right off the bat). I like Sing For You because it was a ballad with a nice melancholic feel. I liked Call Me Baby (I had been waiting for the day for that song to be released, to be honest) and Lightsaber (more of a promotional single for Star Wars rather than a comeback) but Love Me Right and Sing For You won my heart for me.
  • Red Velvet - Dumb Dumb: out of the comebacks from them (Ice Cream Cake, Automatic and Dumb Dumb), I love Dumb Dumb. It was such a fun song to listen to and it was on replay for me. It kind of reminded me of Bang Bang by Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj, but they are both really good songs. It helped me get through the day, especially at school.
  • f(x) - 4 Walls: I love the song, love the music video, it has the nice weird feeling to their videos like how they usually do. The song has more of a house (as in the genre) feeling to it, even though techno and house are the genres I rarely listen to. I found myself singing this song a lot these days.
  • SHINee - Married to the Music: The music video was quite hilarious when each member lost a body part. The song was fun to sing along to and dance to as well. View was okay for me, but Married to the Music won for me the instant that song was released.
  • Boyfriend - Bounce: The music video concept was great, they got it spot on that they were doing an Alice in Wonderland concept. They came back with great songs last year like Obsession and Witch, and they did it again with Bounce. I love the mysterious feeling that the song and the video gives.
  • Gain (Brown Eyed Girls) - Paradise Lost: I am a huge fan of mysterious-sounding songs, and this song takes the cake. I really love how the snake was used as symbolism as temptation, and how they alluded to Adam and Eve.
  • Amber (f(x)) - Shake That Brass (feat. Taeyeon of SNSD) and Beautiful: I could not choose between these two. I love Shake That Brass because of how much of a fun song it was, and I love the fact that Amber decided to invite her friends for this music video! I love Beautiful because it truly showcases her talents and her singing abilities (because to be honest, I don't actually consider her as a rapper, nor I see SM rappers as rappers), and the song was really empowering.
  • Kyuhyun (Super Junior) - A Million Pieces: This song has driven me to way too many feels! Kyuhyun has always been my favourite K-pop vocalist of all time (and he is my second ultimate bias, right after Donghae), so there's no surprise that his voice is still as brilliant as usual. The plot of the music video was pretty sad to be honest (go watch it, and you'll get what I mean). And it wasn't a boxed video, like how SM usually does. But now I think of it, SM videos this year wasn't boxed!
  • Ailee - Mind Your Own Business: This song was super badass! It totally demonstrates girl power (well, after all, she is the epitome of girl power in the K-pop industry). I also like the fact that it broke down the generalization that boys are the ones that go to jail, even though a girl may have done the same offense that a guy does and may get away with it.
  • FT Island - Pray: This was the song that I was looking for in the K-rock world. Seriously, this song definitely suits the stuff that I listen to like Three Days Grace, Linkin Park, Green Day, Fall Out Boy, etc. I hope that more K-bands follow this style because Korea definitely needs more of it. It also kind of reminds me of J-rock, since it kind of follows the same sound as J-rock bands like One OK Rock.
  • Donghae and Eunhyuk (Super Junior) - Growing Pains: The instrumental of the song was really nice, with the strumming guitars and the piano melody at the beginning. And yes, because Donghae composed the song, it was a great one (like all of his composed works are, to be honest). The songs about recovering through break-ups are my favourite types of songs (even though I have yet to be in a relationship altogether).
  • VIXX LR (Leo and Ravi) - Beautiful Liar: I really love this song, very ballad-y in a sense, with the pianos in there. Also like Growing Pains, this song is one of those songs when a guy reminiscence about the girl after their relationship was broken and I have to admit, I cried when Leo ran over and grabbed Ravi.
  • 4Minute - Cold Rain: Once again, I love ballads, so this song takes the cake. I liked Crazy, I was hyped up about Crazy, and I was crazy dancing to this song (see what I did there?) but Cold Rain has a special place in my heart (gosh that sounded cheesy). It really showcased their vocals, especially Gayoon's (well, she is my bias in 4Minute, before Sohyun).
  • Big Bang - Loser, Let's Not Fall In Love and Sober: Out of the comebacks that they made this year, these two were my favourites. Loser speaks to me for some reason, so I ended up singing this song to myself, to show how much of a loser and a weirdo that I am (see what I did there?). I liked Let's Not Fall In Love because it has a nice calm vibe to it. I liked Sober because of how much fun this song sounded, and it made me go crazy with it too (kind of like 4Minute's Crazy).
  • UP10TION - So Dangerous: Okay, I know I had promised myself that I would not be getting into any new groups, since rookie groups aren't necessarily my thing (the newest group before them that I liked was Red Velvet), but dang, this song was dope! This song was on replay as soon as the song was released, it was so good, and epic, and epic is my style. And yes, I'm going on the bandwagon that Hwanhee resembles and sounds like Baekhyun because it's pretty true (they even have the same birthdays, except different years though).
  • APink - Remember: Okay, I am slowly becoming a Pink Panda, because I really love this song. I know, I'm not a fan of really cute songs, but this song was an exception, it's a fun song to sing along to, and the song is quite catchy. If I have to pick a bias for APink, it would have to be Eunji.
  • AOA (Ace of Angels) - Heart Attack: This year was definitely the year for me on discovering new girl groups to get into, and AOA is one of them. I love the song, it's actually quite catchy I have to admit, Jimin's voice is pretty cool (even though some say that it's weird and annoying), and the girls actually play a Canadian sport!
  • Rania - Demonstrate: I am also now turning into a Rania fan. This song is really catchy and Alex who is not even Korean, rapping in this song, is really cool. The girls are also really pretty, my biases are Xia and Seulji. Because of this, I started discovering more Rania songs like Dr. Feel Good and Just Go. It's quite upsetting that it took them five years just to get recognized by the public, and they also had to make some lineup changes (like with Alex, Seulji and Hyeme), but hey, at least they're going to get recognized.
  • BTS (Bangtan Boys) - I Need U and Dope: This list will definitely not be complete without any BTS songs. It was hard for me to choose between I Need U and Dope so I chose both. I like I Need U, because of the idea of breaking up with someone, and also how depressing the music video was. I liked Dope because it was a fun song to sing along to, and the choreography was really cool. I also liked the idea of them dressing up as a different occupation (and Jungkook makes a sexy police officer, no I am not a pedonoona, he's older than me by nine months).
dec 31 2015 ∞
dec 31 2015 +