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  • 2NE1 - Goodbye - It makes me feel sad that 2NE1, one of my favourite girl groups had disbanded, and Minzy (who was my second bias after Bom) had left prior to their disbandment. But they ended off with a good note.
  • AOA - Bing Bing - I liked Excuse Me but I preferred Bing Bing because of how jazzy it was and I liked the circus concept. I'm still bitter that this was Choa's last comeback though...
  • CLC - Hobgoblin - This was an unexpected concept change from CLC. But then again, Hyuna helped produce the song so it was her style and was also reminiscent of 4Minute's style. But yes, this song was a bop!
  • Day6 - I Wait - I was into rock before getting into K-pop so this song also gave me nostalgia
  • Dynamic Duo and Chen (EXO) - Nosedive - this is such a good song from Dynamic Duo! I am a huge fan of ballads so this one definitely struck a chord with me!
  • Hello Venus - Mysterious - now, I'm not the biggest Hello Venus fan, but I liked how jazzy it was, with the piano in the beginning. I couldn't get it out of my head.
  • NCT 127 - Limitless - I liked NCT in general, so when I heard that they're coming back, I was hyped, and Johnny (after 9 years in the SM dungeon) has finally debuted, and Doyoung is now part of NCT 127 (and he's my second bias besides Jaehyun). The song was really good (although Yuta, Haechan and definitely Winwin should have got more lines). YES, I AM NCT TRASH!
    • Plus I could not get Good Thing and Back 2 U out of my head!


  • Chen (EXO) - I'm Not Okay (from the Missing 9 OST) - I don't watch dramas, but I love listening to soundtracks from dramas, and as expected, Jongdae has slayed it!
  • Cross Gene - Black Or White - I am finally glad that Cross Gene is starting to get the recognition they deserve! This song was a total bop!
  • Gugudan - A Girl Like Me - I did not expect myself to listen to a song from a group like Gugudan! This song is so catchy and it did bring out the inner sass in me!
  • Junggigo and Chanyeol (EXO) - Let Me Love You - this song is so soothing! I can just sleep to this song (in a good way) like a lullaby!
  • Red Velvet - Rookie - I love Red Velvet's songs in general so when they came back with this song, it became a massive earworm that I could not get it out of.
  • NCT Dream - My First and Last - MY SONS! Like they are so talented and me being older than them, I am just a potato! The song was actually really good (even though I normally don't listen to cute songs), and they are also really talented dancers.
  • SF9 - Roar - I liked the song because of the heavy beat and how some of the members (was it Youngbin?) did the little "roar" sound before the chorus!
  • Soyou (SISTAR) and Baekhyun (EXO) - Rain - this song is so good, and I'm not going to lie, Soyou's vocal delivery is really good here (even though I don't listen to Sistar's music as much)
  • Suho (EXO) and Yoo Youngjin - Curtain - Because Suho is my EXO bias, I had to go check this song out! This song was so good, his voice was so good, the piano is so good! Like I love EXO's Main Vocal Line's vocals but Suho's is also really good, his voice is actually one of the most stable besides Jongdae.
  • Taeyeon (SNSD/Girls' Generation) - I Got Love - this song is so sensual! Now, I actually don't listen to SNSD's music, but this song was so good! Such a bop!


  • B.A.P - Wake Me Up - this song kind of reminded me of Angel, but slightly toned down. But nevertheless, I love the song, the music video is great! I miss them a lot, especially when they were on a hiatus during 2015
  • GFriend - Fingertip - this is such a change of concept from GFriend, and I liked it! It reminded me of the retro anime openings with badass girls fighting off crime!
  • Girl's Day - I'll Be Yours - Minah's vocals had gone through the roof with this song! I love how sassy and jazzy this song was!
  • GOT7 - Never Ever - I decided to give GOT7 a second chance, and they do not disappoint! The song was really good, I love how the song broke down, the quirky bits of the instrumentals.
  • K.A.R.D - Don't Recall - I normally do not listen to this kind of music, but because so many people have asked me to listen to this song, and so I did. It was really good, I found myself singing to this song a lot!
  • Monsta X - Beautiful - I also decided to give Monsta X a second chance, and my expectations had exceeded. I love the song, I even found myself rapping to Jooheon's rap at the beginning! I thought my bias was Kihyun, but Wonho is threatening me to take that position from him!


  • Dreamcatcher - Good Night - I also like Chase Me, but Good Night took the cake for me! I love this concept so much, you have no idea! And I can't wait to see what Dreamcatcher has in store for us in the future.
  • SF9 - Easy Love - I didn't like the song at first listen, because it was not something I expect from them (especially given their previous releases). But after listening to it for a few times, it began to grow on me.
  • Winner - Fool - out of their comebacks, I preferred Fool! I love sad ballads which was why Fool took the cake for me.


  • KNK - Sun, Moon, Star - I really like how waltz-y this song was. Plus, I should really start getting into this group!
  • Kyuhyun (Super Junior) - Goodbye for Now - I really appreciate Kyuhyun's work since he's already now doing his military service. Plus, Kyuhyun is my favourite vocalist of Super Junior so it was refreshing to hear his voice again.
  • PSY - I LUV IT and New Face - both of these songs are bops! I feel like PSY was popular because he was the meme guy who was famous for Gangnam Style, but his songs are actually really good! And I appreciated APink's Naeun in the New Face music video!
  • TWICE - Signal - this song still keeps Twice's cutesy style, but it is starting to become more mature! This song was also an earworm that is hard to get rid of!
  • VIXX - Shangri-La - This was a really unique comeback from them! The music video is so aesthetically pleasing, and the song was well executed and MY BOY HYUK IS GETTING THEM LINES!!


  • MAMAMOO - Yes I Am - another bop from one of my favourite girl groups! Everyone looks so good, and SOLAR WITH PINK HAIR!!!
  • NCT 127 - Cherry Bomb - I was so hyped up for this comeback! The song was a bit strange but I love it, and everyone looked so freaking good (especially Doyoung with the bluish-purple hair, Johnny is bringing back the emo vibes with the blue-black hair with the fringe)
  • Nine Muses - Remember - It was refreshing to hear their comeback since I missed them, a lot! But I was upset that there was only four girls participating in this comeback (plus Sungah who is currently in a hiatus). So this is basically 9Muses A promoting as 9Muses. I really love the concept for the song and music video, it suits them a lot!
  • Pentagon - Critical Beauty - THIS SONG IS A BOP! But I was a bit sad that Yanan could not participate in this comeback...


  • Dreamcatcher - Fly High - I mentioned that I liked Good Night the most out of the singles that they released so far, but this song was so good!
  • EXO - Kokobop - This was such a really strange concept from EXO (and their hair looked pretty ratchet, I have to admit), but yes, this song is a bop! It's quite sad that Lay isn't in this comeback, but the song is good (and they could possibly have a repackage, so Lay could join that one). Yes, the entire album was a bop, but my favourite from the album is Going Crazy!
  • Red Velvet - Red Flavour - I cannot stop listening to this song! It is literally the perfect summer jam to go have a pool party with and potentially have some fruit punch and pina coladas!


  • NCT Dream - We Young - yes, the smols are back! And this song is so good and a bop! A+ summer comeback!
  • Red Velvet - Rebirth - this is a boppy ballad from one of my favourite girl groups! The music video is hilarious and I live for Seulgi's reactions!
  • Yoo Youngjin and Taeyong (NCT) - Cure - this song made me cry a little on the inside. The music video was beautiful, the song was beautiful. What can I say? As an NCTzen, I am proud of Taeyong and how far he came as a trainee from SM Rookies and as the leader of NCT.
jul 5 2017 ∞
aug 18 2017 +