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Here are my favourite EXO songs! At least I could use the whole discography to work with (because I love their discography). Because there were 12 members in EXO (OT12 forever!), I will list my top 12 favourite EXO songs!

Note: First song on the list, is my top it works from my most favourite to my least favourite on the list.

  • Peter Pan (XOXO album) - my favourite song to date. The song was rather sweet with a bit of melancholy, how a boy saw a girl, possibly during the summer days, but then she had to leave once the summer was over, and the boy hoping that their story together would never end. It kind of reminds me of One Direction's Summer Love, because it has that kind of message, especially in the chorus "you were mine, for the summer, now we know it's nearly over, feels like snow in September, but I'll always remember...". I really like the kind of pop/rock vibe with this song, especially with the drums and the piano together (despite not being a fan of the two instruments clashing together). However, I do kind of wish that the lines could be distributed evenly, because Suho only had one singing line + a few ad-libs. But overall, I love this song very much that it's #1 on my list!
  • Promise (EXO 2014) (Love Me Right Repackage) - this song was so beautiful, of course, I didn't watch the live fancam of the song, but I heard it the first time through the repackage album, Love Me Right. I also heard that Lay composed the song, with Chen being the lyricist and Chanyeol being the rap lyricist for the rap part, and yes, they have done a very great job, and I can see potential of them having their own composed songs on an album. I think I was about to cry from how deep and beautiful the song was. I think I gave my reaction on my "100 Favourite Songs of All-Time" List for this song, but seriously, that song is definitely a must-listen. I think this could beat my favourite EXO song for the title of my favourite EXO song.
  • El Dorado (EXODUS album) - this song is epic! I like the beginning with the celesta (I think), and also the drums and the orchestration used in this song. This song is also really deep, as in what the message is, in that kind of sense. I actually kind of wish this song was promoted, instead of Call Me Baby, because there would be a better music video with that song. We could have EXO members from different corners from the world, given some clue to find the "El Dorado", and facing with difficult obstacles like a hurricane, or travelling on a hot desert or something!
  • Hurt (EXODUS album) - this song would kind of be what Panic! At The Disco would write (and I like that because Panic! At The Disco is one of my favourite bands ever!). The piano in the beginning had this nice haunting feeling that I like in the song, and the song just gets progressively better from there (it reminds me of The Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic! At The Disco). The lines were nicely distributed in, and also, Kai has some singing lines! The nice thing is that, I can imagine a music video in my head with this song, being in a masquerade ball, meeting up with EXO in masks, and turning out that they are vampires coming after your blood. I know, I'm just weird with that one. I just wished that this song could be promoted as a music video.
  • Baby Don't Cry (XOXO) - I love this song very much, it was sad (something I like), and it has a bit of the original plot-line of The Little Mermaid there. It was possibly one of the few songs that I cried in (minus Miracles in December). My younger cousin and I played this on the piano as a duet, and now she loves the song, despite how sad the song is (she, however, has the Chinese version of the song). Chanyeol's rap in the song was so good, and sexy because of his deep voice, and the ad-libs were also well-done.
  • Growl (Growl Repackage) - the recurring theme in the song was actually quite nice. My younger cousins and I had jammed to this song, and they enjoyed it a lot. It was actually a really popular globally, which made me happy for them. This song also took me a while to try playing on the piano, because there is literally one chord throughout the song (minus the pre-chorus, which has at least some variety), but it was really jazzy (the piano versions I have seen).
  • MAMA (MAMA album) - this was the song that nearly got me into K-pop. My best friend showed me the Korean version of this, saying that this would be something that I like in a song. It was actually true! The electric guitars, the violin orchestra in the background, Kai screaming with the really epic face makeup (and Xiumin and Kris in the Chinese version), and the dancing. It was like a pop version of a metal song. It was totally my cup of tea. My best friend and her sister kept on giving me weird looks because I didn't find Kai's face makeup scary. Her sister told me that she had nightmares because of him. I tried playing this on the piano, but it took me like three years for me to get the chords down.
  • Angel (Into the New World) (MAMA album) - this song is so sweet and cute in a way. I liked the piano in this song, but in the Chinese version, I feel like Chen's voice overpowering the rest of them because his voice can be so damn loud (maybe it's just because I hear his voice a lot). It's very melodious, you can just imagine just hearing this song in your head while you're sitting on a hill having a picnic with your loved one.
  • Miracles in December (Miracles in December mini album) - I love this song, a lot! This is my ideal kind of ballad: sad lyrics, with a sad plot, piano and orchestra, and there was little to no use of drums in it. In my opinion, they have done a good job meeting up with my criteria of a ballad (but then again, people have very different tastes compared to mine). I played this during the Christmas/Winter talent show at my school, because the song was suitable, although it was sad. The vocal line never fail to amaze me with their vocal abilities, especially Chen, his voice is so beautiful! The music video was cute, in a good way, with Kai playing with his dogs, and also the product endorsement of Nature Republic, I found amusing. However, I did not listen to the Chinese version of the song, but the Korean version, although I wouldn't really see much of a difference in the song or the music video because it's just Luhan instead of D.O singing in the Chinese version along with Baekhyun and Chen. I think I cried when Tao was also crying and when Tao used his time-control power to turn back time...
  • Love Me Right (Love Me Right Repackage) - the dancing was actually really cool, the concept of the music video, however was a bit confusing for me. Were they doing American football (if so, why are they wearing a baseball hat of the New York Yankees?) or were they be doing the Alice in Wonderland concept? I couldn't really pick out the Alice in Wonderland concept until I have seen some posts on Tumblr about it, and when I watched it again, I noticed the way Kai hit the beer bottle with the baseball bat, it was like the Queen of Hearts playing croquet. The song was also really nicely well-done. The lines were distributed evenly (finally!), and Sehun has some rap lines now! And Kai singing?! I knew he had potential, but his voice though! Although there wasn't much Chen in both the Korean and Chinese versions of the music video...and he's on my bias pyramid. Love Me Right actually sounds better musically than Call Me Baby, in my opinion, but Call Me Baby is also a good song as well.
  • Overdose (Overdose mini album) - this song was actually one of the songs I listened to when I was getting into EXO, thinking "what's the hype with them?" I was quite fond of the dance, some favourite moments I like were the beginning when D.O is at the bottom with Suho on top, and Chanyeol and Kai were supporting him at the sides (while for the Chinese version, Xiumin on top, Tao on bottom and Chen and Lay supporting Xiumin from the sides), and also the chorus. Song-wise, the song was pretty good, BaekChen's high notes were amazing, the rap breakdown was really well done from Kris, Chanyeol, Xiumin, Sehun, Tao and Kai.
  • Let Out The Beast (XOXO) - first time listening to it, I was pretty much grooving to it. It's a fun song to dance to, a great song to add into every K-pop lover's dance playlist and a great song to chant the well-said phrase "Let Out The Beast!" Although people on YouTube were commenting that there was some sexual undertones with it, but still, it's a fun song to do some futuristic dancing, especially for those who are not really dancers, like myself.

Honourable Mentions: Don't Go (XOXO album) - I almost forgot about this song, that I didn't add on to this list, when I was done with my compilation. This song is actually a really good song, but I was so stupid on not adding that song onto this list! Minimal rapping, piano, and the drums, it was like I was in heaven!

Three.Six.Five (3.6.5) (XOXO album) - Also a really fun song, I play this when it's like the end of the year, and I also play it the day before my birthday (because, you know, it's the 365th day before I turn another year older, since there are 365 days in a year). It's also a great mood maker too, especially when you have some downsides in your life. And there was also minimal rapping, so that was also a plus!

Thunder (Overdose mini album) - I just realized that Overdose is not the only song I like out of the album. This song was also a nice to listen to, with all of the guitar fretting in the song. Also, I would like to have my super power to be something relating to sound, so thunder is one of my options, and Chen and I could be the thunder and lightning couple, since his power is lightning. Also has minimal rapping, and almost all of the members sing!

Black Pearl (XOXO album) - Geez, I have a lot of songs that I like out of the XOXO album, but that just makes this album my favourite album that they have. At first I didn't like the song, but then it just came to me. Now I ended up singing this song while I'm waiting for something, like waiting in line while going grocery shopping.

jul 6 2015 ∞
aug 29 2015 +