• Crazy die hard Yankee fans.
  • Taking off your bra after a verrrry long day.
  • When a cat affectionately butts you with its head.
  • A purring cat.
  • Putting on a shirt fresh out the dryer in the middle of winter.
  • Fresh shaved legs and underarms.
  • The sounds and feelings you get during a massive thunderstorm.
  • When a newborn baby grabs your finger.
  • Taking off your shoes after being in heels all day.
  • At the movies when the lights dim to show the previews...those cinematic appetizers.
  • How spooning leads to forking ;)
  • Getting an unexpected handwritten letter in the mail.
  • How the milk turns chocolatey in a bowl of Cocoa Puffs.
  • Walking hand in hand with someone you love.
  • When your love puts their arm around you affectionately and reassuringly during a scary movie.
  • Hugging big dogs on your lap that think they are small dogs.
  • When someone puts you to sleep by stroking your hair.
  • The kiss that takes your breath away.
  • Remembering things you haven't thought of since you were a kid.
  • Hearing really good gossip about someone you know.
  • Watching a movie that genuinely scares you.
  • Finding random trinkets and everyday items and creating something new and artistically genius with it.
  • When someone makes you blush uncontrollably.
  • Baby giggles.
  • When leaves turn different colors in Autumn.
  • when you are watching a movie and character in the movie says the name of the movie in the dialogue, like in the movie As Good As It Gets when he says, "What if this is as good as it gets?"...lol.
  • Completely unexpected kisses that are really good.
  • Home made cheesecake.
  • Getting a big tight hug from the one you love when you've had a really tough day.
  • Having a huge bucket list and having lots of things to look forward to doing in my life.
  • The point where the sex is so amazing that you and your lover orgasm together.
  • Finding money in the pockets of clothes I haven't worn in a long time.
  • TV series season finale cliff hangers
  • Having time off from work and sleeping in, having the deepest sleep.
  • The Yankees going to the World Series.
  • Christmas decorations in front of peoples' homes and stores at the start of the Christmas season.
  • Catching up with people you haven't been in touch with for a long time.
  • Walking on the beach with someone by moonlight.
oct 23 2013 ∞
feb 26 2023 +