- aquarius sun ☉
- gemini moon☽
- aquarius mercury ☿
- pisces venus ♀︎
- cancer mars ♂︎
- libra jupiter ♃
- aquarius saturn ♄
- capricorn uranus ♅
- capricorn neptune ♆
- scorpio pluto
- pisces lilith
- sagittarius north node
- leo chiron
- aquarius ascendant
- scorpio mc
- ravenclaw
- thunderbird
- sycamore wood, dragon heartstring core, 9'1/2", surprisingly swishy
- patronus: ragdoll cat
- mbti
- top three matches [from truity]: infp (the healer), intp (the architect), istp (the craftsperson)
- top match from 16p: infp-t (the mediator)
- the only difference between infp and intp is the f or the t and i basically straddle the percentages depending on how i'm doing that day lol
- daemon: american pine marten
- temperament: phlegmatic
- tarot: the star & strength
- zodiac: rooster
- enneagram [from truity]: type 9, the peacemaker
dec 16 2018 ∞
jan 16 2023 +