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I'm a girl who loves nerdy things and pretty things in equal measure. A girl who loves zombies and shoes. A girl who loves video games and eyeliner.

tenneil music (new releases to download)
films (watched in 2025)
tarfrimmer television challenges (2025 DVD Talk TV Challenge List)
movie challenges (2025 DVD Talk Academy Award Challenge Planning)
elena movies (2025)



  • Lau's on Stowell Street, Newcastle for cheap, tasty all-you-can eat


  • Jamdani in Whickham, for slightly expensive but delightful chicken tikka masala
  • The Rupali- amazing!
  • Flavours Indian Buffet


  • The Curry Garden, Gateshead, for their cheap midweek banquet with chicken dupiaza and chicken pakoras
jul 7 2010 ∞
feb 7 2011 +