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heres where i talk about cartoons and movies and review them so i dont actually forget abt shit i've watched,, feel free to read theyre just big infodumps mostly

  • lu over the wall
  • ping pong, the animation
  • space dandy
  • the night is short, walk on girl
  • paprika
  • tatami galaxy
  • dr katz, professional therapist
  • home movies
  • megalobox
  • ballmastrz
  • have a nice day (movie)
  • amphibia
  • owl house
  • ugly americans
apr 5 2020 ∞
may 5 2021 +
  • i rly enjoyed this movie!!! but lets talk abt the problems i have with it since thats all i can think abt it
  • was it funny.. YES. BUT. i feel like a lot of it relied a bit too much on pop culture references + old memes / jokes,, those can be fine a lot of the time but sometimes when theres too much it just rly dates the movie
  • like lol roombas cant go downstairs. ..okay.
  • i also think it was still a bit too "booo technology bad burn with fire" but i mean.. i get it. robots taking over the world what did i expect.
  • also something that was a little frustrating was that katie being a lesbian was all kind of subtext,, we get one line at the end implying she has a crush on a girl and a line from katie saying she wants to be her "true self" yadda yadda, and also...
may 5 2021 ∞
may 5 2021 +
  • i have no idea how to not spoil everything so. idk spoiler warning
  • hmmmm tbh i kinda didnt like lake's and jesse's dynamic in the first few episodes but im rly glad they started to get along
  • and the deer was cool..
  • i rly enjoyed the topics in this season and the way the characters developed!! i was happy everytime jesse's number went down and AUUGHH his little backstory made me rly upset,, he's so selfless and just wants everyone to like him and im glad he got that kind of development bc he rly needed it
  • and lakes entire struggle with being herself and making herself her own person.... she is nonbinary idgaf what anyone says!!!!
  • also the way they handle the chrome polic...
mar 22 2021 ∞
apr 15 2021 +
  • ive been waiting for this movie for 2 YEARS!!!! its been in production for 7!!!!!!AAAAAA
  • THIS MOVIES FANTASTIC its gotta be one of my fav movies ever now urhgkjhjdkfghkldfgh
  • okay.. plot. bunch of delinquents at high school start a band and play at a festival.. thats it. and its SO GOOD
  • the ost is rly rly good im listening to it rn
  • but the ANIMATION???? HOLY SHIIIIIT its some of my favorite animation ive seen in a movie in so long.. the choice to keep it all traditional and to redraw the entire frame when the characters are talking (and not just redraw the mouth) is such a small detail but it looks fantastic.. the way the medium changed to digital whenev...
mar 16 2021 ∞
mar 16 2021 +
  • ive wanted to watch this movie for years and holy shit
  • gahh im gonna try to keep this spoiler free but ohh my goddddd
  • the animation was absolutely beautiful, and the little details of the animation just make it soooo good,, you could read characters facial expressions and body movements, you could see them breath, see them think
  • it does such a great job of showing anxiety in the characters,, just the little details like rolling the characters long sleeves over their hands, lack of eye contact, self depreciation, etc etc
  • this movie just feels so.. intimate.. youre watching micheals every move, seeing how he reacts, theres hardly any time skips at all,, we see his day as it plays out and i think thats such an interesting yet super cool story telling choice to make...
nov 29 2020 ∞
nov 29 2020 +
  • oh boy i have some OPINIONS on this show..
  • i liked it but if someone told me they didnt i would TOTALLY understand.
  • i rly enjoy the concept and like. 80% of the writing. i genuinely teared up at some moments bc there were some scenes that were rly well written and sad,, you understand the characters motives and learn bits abt their pasts as you go on
  • but the biggest problem is the characters themselves...
  • the 20% of writing i didnt like?? mostly kevin and gary. and gary's literally the main character
  • kevin is purposefully written to be annoying, but holy shit,, theres a difference between that and just being absolutely obnoxious
  • and gary.... oh boy.. he's okay and i think he has some real genuinely powerful mo...
oct 3 2020 ∞
oct 3 2020 +
  • whyd i get invested in this show?? i dont know?????
  • i tend to rly like indie animation, and i rly like some of the stuff that mondo media comes out with, so it's kind of no surprise that i like gary and his demons
  • so whats it abt?? the "chosen one" born to protect humans from demons is just. fucking tired. he's a middle aged man and he's sick of everyones shit and doesn't care anymore,, he works at a demon hunting agency which i guess everyone in this world knows abt demons?? which is an interesting concept
  • i think this show has a lot of interesting concepts honestly?? like some of the demons and "myths" just being friends w gary and the idea that normal people can just get real jobs as "demon hunter!"
  • the art styles a bit.. weird. i enjoy it a lot of the time and i think it allows f...
aug 27 2020 ∞
aug 27 2020 +
  • okay so i rewatched clone high in preparation for the 2nd season
  • turns out i never finished watching it?? bc there were a solid 3 or 4 episodes that i just didn't remember
  • but i rly like clone high!! its rly funny and its got rly clever writing and characters (jfk is the best character btw)
  • i feel like im going to complain abt it a lot here though so pls dont forget i actually rly like this show ghkfdjg
  • okay so abe SUCKS. hot take but his ignorance in the beginning of the show was kinda like "haha he's just dumb! don't mind him!" but after about 12 episodes of that it just gets kind of... annoying.
  • i rly don't like how it takes place in a high school considering the amount of sex and stuff is in it,, i know teens are gonna do that kind of stuff anyways in high school but having to watch it considerin...
jul 30 2020 ∞
jul 30 2020 +
  • this came out 3 years ago about time i actually watch it
  • its. BEAUTIFUL.
  • with the shapey art style the inbetweens can seem kind of awkward?? but theyre not too noticable
  • the compostitions and backgrounds are just incredible,, just a very pretty movie in general
  • prepare to cry bitches!!! bc you WILL cry
  • also!! not entirely sure how accurate it is to real life foriegn affairs,, i dont know v much about taliban rule or anything of the sort so,, i rly hope this movie isnt inaccurate if that makes sense? it absolutely doesnt glorify it though, so thats good
  • the way fabric moves in it???? so fucking good
  • JUST A SUPER GOOD MOVIE,, v mature though...
apr 10 2020 ∞
apr 10 2020 +
  • i love this movie yall
  • robot boy r and the photography club go on a road trip across japan on a stamp tour for a prize!! but uh oh,, turns out the event was created by the school council president, who wants to take down the photography club (which tbh. they dont do v much photography). now they gotta get all the stamps on time and not lose their club funds!
  • oh yeah and one of the members is a robot.
  • i love this franchise a lot!! its just a robot boy trynna live in high school but hes too much of a doof to actually fit in. but he actually makes friends and joins the photography club! a whole group of misfits who go on wacky school adventures..
  • the movies very nice and calming.. fairly slow paced though!! i love the 80s aesth...
apr 5 2020 ∞
apr 5 2020 +
  • love these funky lesbians!!
  • so. plot. eripiyo (mc) is introduced to this idol group, and soon after, falls in love with one of the members, maina. although the idol group isn't that large to begin with, eripiyo is maina's only fan, as maina is the most unpopular member of the group. thus, the plots mostly eripiyo trying to deal w her lesbianism and supporting maina in any way she can (and i mean ANY way), and maina slowly falling in love w eripiyo due to her passion and extreme dedication.
  • they are in love.
  • i think the shows extremely funny!! BUT it'll probably only make sense if youre interested in idols / idol games.. i dont know if i wouldve enjoyed this to my fullest w out getting into gatcha games tbh. idol anime made by idol fans for idol fans!
apr 5 2020 ∞
apr 5 2020 +
  • this shits wild
  • basic plot,, some guys head got changed into a lizard head and now hes trying to find the sorcerer that did it! but along the way he and his friend get into wacky trouble w the sorcerer gang
  • i have not read the manga!! but i plan on reading it one day
  • the characters are all p loveable in their own way!!
  • the settings really interesting, shifting from the apocalyptic dirty world and the magic sorcerer world.. im rly interested in settings where everythings shitty and dirty and people just murder and have no second thoughts about it,, like shits fucked but damn i gotta make a living!
  • dont make the same mistake as me and just stop in the middle of the series and then try to pick it up again bc this show has many little details that you have to re...
apr 18 2020 ∞
apr 18 2020 +
  • writing this literally 2 minutes after i finshed the season i am CRYINNGGGGGGGGGHH
  • honestly one of my favorite cartoons / animes of all time now..
  • of course a cartoon illustrating "the struggles of animation, yet glorifying how powerful of an artform it is" is going to be immediately one of my favorite shows BUT STILL
  • the characters?? perfect. the designs?? perfect.
  • okay but seriously,, although the art style can be somewhat awkward sometimes it makes up for it with the show's sense of humor, imagination, and just overall sense of comfort and enjoyment
  • the sound design whenever they're in the kind of "animation imagination world" and how it's all just.. the characters making the sounds of objects and such is SUCH ...
apr 14 2020 ∞
apr 14 2020 +
  • its 4am and i jsut finished binging tuca and bertie lets fucking goooooo
  • i just think this show is genuinely so so important
  • i adore the writing in this show and how its able to be so silly and so serious at the same time,, but this is (im assuming) from the same team that made bojack horseman so that makes sense (i think it works better her though since this shows fairly lighter,, still has its tough moments though)
  • i love how the environment is so dense and interactive and theres so many side characters to just fill in the space of the city but they all have so much personality which makes it feel so much more engaging,, and how the characters can manipulate the environment is so fun, theres so many examples... like their words physically appearing and hitting the wall, the sau...
may 18 2021 ∞
may 18 2021 +
  • LORD.
  • OH GOD
  • this season DESTROYED ME.. i dont cry very often when watching stuff but holy SHIT... this one got me.
  • theres like. no way i cant not be spoilery in this review im so sorry
  • i rly liked these characters!! it was rly interesting to have the villains from season 2 become the protagonists,, and seeing and trying to understand their point of view
  • and omg hazel and tuba.. so fucking cute!! i loved their dynamic and hazel's voice actor was just incredible,, especially for an actual child actor
  • OOOO THE MANIPULATION.. its rly interesting seeing characters with such high numbers just go in completely different direct...
apr 15 2021 ∞
apr 15 2021 +
  • elizabeth ito is one of my fav directors now her choices are just so well thought out and it helps the show feel so much more authentic and genuine
  • plot summary,, bunch of kids in a ghost club go around looking and helping out ghosts!! its so fucking cute but it allows itself to talk about serious topics in a way that younger audiences can understand and it manages that balance so beautifully
  • the art direction is amazing,, the backgrounds are probably some of the best backgrounds ive seen in a show in a long time, but also im just a sucker for cartoon characters in a mostly realistic looking world
  • the voice acting is so well directed, the characters are all really nice,, its jus...
mar 14 2021 ∞
mar 14 2021 +
  • okay for context i literally dont know anything abt star trek. funny aliens in space. spock..... weird hand signal thingy
  • this show got a lot of show for being 1. a reboot (?) of an old franchise and 2. for the art style,, and i totally understand both. the art style is definitely not my fav but once you see it in motion it gets a little better,, the riggings pretty good and sometimes this show rly impresses me with its visual effects and action scenes.. no spoilers but especially in the movie episode, im sure they had a lot of fun with the composition and the shading / special effects
  • the characters can feel kind of.. samey? they're all definitely distinct from one another but they all have this level of goofiness to them which kind of ruins thei...
dec 10 2020 ∞
dec 10 2020 +
  • so yall know im a slut for tv-14 cartoons,, i think they have so much potential w that kind of rating and yet theres so few of them...
  • i like china, il but boy i do have some issues with it
  • the characters are all rly fun but theres these little things abt them,, like how in season 1 steve was kind of a sleezy but cool teacher who gets all the girls, but in season 2 they rly amped this up and so now he's sleeping w a different student everyday,, its a college so the students are like 20-ish but theres such this weird power imbalance and just overall gross implication of his character that is never rly mentioned in the show by any of the other characters.. one of thems gotta know thats kinda fucked up right?
  • okay i'll say it baby cakes kinda sucks,, maybe hes just not my personal fav type ...
nov 16 2020 ∞
nov 17 2020 +
  • this little pilot is so fucking good i enjoyed it a lot
  • i rly enjoyed the mixed animation aspect of it (2 frame walking animation for the older lady, random rotoscoping, etc)
  • i can understand if people not liking the sort of gross-out humor / shock humor part of it, i thought it was good in small quantities though like it was in this pilot,, if they were to make more i hope they keep a good balance of that kind of humor like they did in the pilot
  • i havent watched v much of this show but ive rly enjoyed the what i have seen!
  • the art direction really sells this show for me, i absolutely love how it looks
  • just a generally chill and fun and kinda cute show! i love the character designs and overall feel of the world
sep 15 2020 ∞
sep 15 2020 +
  • aggretsuko good!! aggretsuko good!!!!
  • honestly i was a little worried about this season bc iirc,, the lead writer said she was a bit burnt out in between season 2 and 3?? so i was a bit worried abt the quality but i rly enjoyed this season!!
  • if you know me it isn't going to be a surprise that i like adult cartoons that don't rely on being offensive and crude every 5 minutes and that's pretty much what aggretsuko is!! i would say this season had a lot more alcohol and umm... violence??? but i still rly liked it
  • i will have a spoiler warning for when i get into more spoilery stuff btw!!! but its kind of hard to not be spoilery uh oh
  • this season we got a couple of new characters and new friendships between different characters that you wouldn't rly expect to interact and i think that's so neat!!...
aug 27 2020 ∞
aug 27 2020 +
  • okay it's been a while since ive watched haikyuu but im gonna try my best.
  • funny volleyball boys!! i watched it w my friend bee and they were like "bro you gotta try out the funny volleyball boy show" and i was like "hmmm okayyyy but idk if i'll actually rly get into it" and then i did.
  • the animation was pretty good,, especially in the action scenes they really draw you in and help you feel the impact every time they hit the ball
  • my fav characters are asahi and tanaka (woah surprising right) i just think they're neat :^)
  • but the other characters are good too!! i don't think there was a character that i HATED bc they were all p well written
  • i kind of don't like how kiyoko's treated in the first season,, in the second season she's given a lot more character but i...
jul 30 2020 ∞
jul 30 2020 +
  • pendleton ward you fucking mad lad
  • ive always been extremely interested in cartoons that take genuine conversations of 2 or more people and animating it into a real story,, although i cant think of many examples (home movies + doctor katz, but those are more humorous)
  • the settings and background drawings, although on screen for barely a few seconds, are all beautiful.. ive followed the art director, jesse moynihan, for a fairly good amount of time on instagram, and his work never seises to amaze me,, the bright colors and gradients and visual noise are something that arent necessarily used often in animation
  • ive only watched 4 episodes of this (at the time writing this, anyways), but i can tell that its something truely unique and special
  • ive been really enjoying this series so f...
apr 20 2020 ∞
apr 27 2020 +
  • im like... 90% biased bc i love these girls. but i rly like this anime!!
  • afterglow and pastel palette stans are STARVING this season though,, yall get NO content
  • my fav episodes?? probably the one where they make a music video and the onsen one!!
  • the music video one was just,, super cute
  • the onsen,, its just rly fun to see all the different characters interact!! esp the drummers, that was probably my favorite scene... the fact that masking loves maya is SO good
  • i rly love rei and lisa's relationship,, they're super good i love them both
  • i feel like the drama was a little, forced??
  • IM JUST GONNA SAY IT i REALLY don't like chu2. shes stinky and annoying i dont CAR...
apr 10 2020 ∞
apr 10 2020 +
  • does this even belong in the film category?? idk
  • ahh.. mobert psycho. funny psychic boy with a bowl cut and a tax evading uncle go around hunting ghosts and ghouls,, what could be better!!
  • no but i genuinely love this show and it means so much to me,, what can i say that hasnt been said before?? the main cast are all so lovable and unique,, the arcs are all interesting and rly draw you in,, and the ANIMATION?? god tier
  • while i say this,, i do believe that the manga handles a lot of the things in the anime better,, esp the arcs in the second season and with the rephrasing of certain lines (which ultimately makes them way less impactful)
  • and while we're all like "mob psycho treats its children characters appropriately (which is just.. such a low bar to begin ...
apr 5 2020 ∞
apr 5 2020 +
  • haha funny furry anime
  • i love legosi so much,, i love aloof characters in general but the fact that hes this big bad scary wolf who also has a little pet beetle.. i love him
  • but hoo boy. this shows smth else
  • honestly,, extremely mixed on this show. i love the characters but the situations theyre put in and the fact that theyre all high school students makes me extremely uncomfortable
  • if they were in college, a solid 80% of my uncomfort would be gone immediately.. find it extremely creepy that they're high schoolers.
  • havent read the manga, but i think a lot of things couldve been handled so much better,, or other things were completely unnecessary and just made me go "oh thats fucked up"
  • haru deserves so much better
apr 5 2020 ∞
apr 5 2020 +
  • i just finished watching it tehehe SPOILER WARNING
  • UMMM OKAY..... imo this was probably the weakest of all 4 seasons,, and thats kind of a bummer considering that this was the last one
  • BUT. ryan and min-gi are very good.. their struggles were kind of frustrating at points bc it felt like they were just in a loop?? but it gets better i promise
  • but omg.. kez.... auughhhghhhhh
  • okay so the problem w her is that she learns her lesson WAY too late.. we have to deal with her being inconsiderate and causing problems for almost 8 whole episodes and right at the end she gets redeemed with almost no consequences.. idk i was pretty annoyed with her
  • and the problem is she has good moments!! shes a rly fun character its just that i think her ending just wasnt, very.... go...
apr 15 2021 ∞
apr 15 2021 +
  • this show was pretty good!!
  • my only major complaint is that the episodes are soo so short and so jam packed with content,, theres not a lot of breathing room between scenes or episodes it just feels like theyre constantly spitting dialogue or lore in your face..
  • but part of me wants to say this is hbo max's fault.. it seems like they didnt give this show the attention or time it deserved which is extremely frustrating
  • but i got rly rly into the plot!! tulips struggles are rly understandable and that one episode abt her parents divorce destroyed me,, i thought that episode was handled rly well
  • the characters are all pretty fun!! i do think we could've gotten a little more from the big robot dude but im assuming that they'll be important in a later season
  • sometimes one-one's banter was a little a...
mar 16 2021 ∞
mar 16 2021 +
  • i have intial d brainrot dont talk to me
  • the eurobeat is such a weird but REALLY GOOD audio choice,, if they didnt play hype ass music during the races i dont think they'd be as effective
  • i cant even drive but damn this show has me hype as fuck for cars!!! wtf!!!!
  • i absolutely LOVE the beginning of the show,, the progression of them finding out that takumi is the one driving the 86 is sooo so good
  • idc what anyone says i love those shitty cgi cars
  • it was also nice seeing takumi and itsuki's friendship animated,, in the manga it kind of seems like takumi doesnt "like" itsuki that much (or maybe he has a harder time showing his appreciation) but in the anime we do have these rly nice moments between them!! it was sweet :^)
mar 14 2021 ∞
mar 14 2021 +
  • IVE ONLY WATCHED ONE EPISODE so i'll update this later but my monkey brain is vibrating rn bbbrbrbrrrbrbbrbrbrbrbrb
  • OOOOOOOO the backgrounds and animation is SO GOOD.. i absolutely love how you can see the comic book influence and it was 100% an intentional choice!! the colors, the poses, the character designs, the font choices all make you think of a comic book and it becomes even more apparent how the main character literally reads comics all the time gdfhjkg
  • the animation is sooooo nice i love how its mostly key poses (which also helps it get that comic book vibe!!),, im p sure i saw a 3 frame walk cycle (with maybe some secondary animation) but it was so so fun and its so cool seeing a more "professionally" made cartoon using this kind of animation style..
  • the art style is so nice too its a small ...
feb 3 2021 ∞
feb 5 2021 +
  • i thought i was gonna hate this show but im actually rly enjoying it ghkjdfg
  • the art style and animation style can be totally off putting for people but after a while i rly enjoyed it.. its so quick and odd looking but it works rly well and it rly helps enhance the comedy of the show
  • the way its animated is so fun like.. its usually animated in quick keyposes with little inbetweens but sometimes they just randomly rotoscope a character or fully animate smth just so that a joke will be even funnier,, sometimes they put in live action or just take one drawing and move it across the screen,, the way they switch animation styles just for one joke is so good
  • i hate to compare but you can rly tell this is from the same person who directed smiling friends and i also rly enjoyed smi...
nov 17 2020 ∞
nov 18 2020 +
  • idk why i fucking watched this show tbh but i only watched 2 episodes
  • uhh i rly love the concept honestly?? especially if it were to make fun of the sort of limited animation aspects and overall cheapness and uncreativity of those sort of "toy-selling" cartoons from the 80s but i feel like it doesnt take advantage of that..
  • im a SLUT for the mixture of 2d animation in a 3d realistic world so ofc i had to give this show a chance but aauhhghhhh
  • the show relies a lot on sort of sexual humor and it just becomes tiring after a while
  • the performances of the actual human characters is hhnngh not great?? but they did a pretty good job combining the 2d and 3d worlds,, until a real life person picks up a cartoon object,, i just thought that could look a little cleaner
sep 15 2020 ∞
sep 15 2020 +
  • okay idk if i like this show but i watched like 10 episodes so.
  • it's honestly just.. regular show but in 2018. it has a BUNCH of references to just modern pop culture that i feel like will REALLY date it in like. 5 years. like remember fidget spinners??? smart phones?? drones?? woah fucking wild!!! they even used the song "turn down for what" like that shit was when i was in middle school HELLO/??!?!? haha yall know abt instagram and hashtags and youtube?? SHUT UP!!!!
  • this show has a VERY specific audience of "30 year old adults who maybe have a kid and are trying their best to stay in touch with their youth" like just say you're old bitch!!!
  • i just don't think i like jg quintel's style of humor.. it's extremely "in your face"
  • these episodes can be VERY fast paced and...
aug 27 2020 ∞
aug 27 2020 +
  • okay im not done with the series as im writing this but i'll probably update this when i am
  • BUT BOY this shows GOOD
  • uuum plot: funny alien and robots planet gets attacked so they go to earth and have to chill on earth for a while and blend in,, they go to high school but also they can pilot a giant robot and they protect the earth from other giant aliens
  • i think the first 2 or so episodes aren't super captivating?? but get a couple of episodes in and you'll be HOOKED
  • its. its obvious that lance is my fav.... if theres a "rude boy who is secretly very nice and sweet he just doesn't know how to express his emotions" you KNOW theyre my fav. also hes punk oh my god. they made this character for me.
jul 30 2020 ∞
aug 3 2020 +
  • ive watched this show like 4 times so i might as well review it
  • god the colors??? the colors are always so nice, i love how they drastically change depending on the time of day
  • the backgrounds are also so cool too.. the settings probably one of my favorites in a cartoon so far,, i just really adore cartoons that take place in a city
  • the art style,, not my favorite but you get used to it!! it can be kinda stiff sometimes but i feel like they really do the most they can with it
  • i also rly love some of the visual effects, like a character stubs their toe and little stars pop out, or a characters looking at a specific place and theres little dotted lines,, these are somewhat rare but theyre really fun everytime they show up
  • i like the characters a lot!! you can rea...
may 23 2020 ∞
may 23 2020 +
  • its been almost a month since ive written one of these.... sorry im not active but also no one cares abt these and im just doing these for myself ANYWAYS
  • ive been having a lot of fun w this show!!
  • its EXTREMELY a part of its time though.. not saying that it doesnt age well but theres some jokes or words in general that arent too great now and days
  • i ADORE the voice acting,, not entirely sure how it worked since i cant find any production information on this show, but it really seems like they had a general script and improvised the rest of it. really wish more cartoons did that sort of thing
  • i like the characters but none of them like,, super stand out to me, which is okay! theyre just people living their everyday lifes and its just fun to observe
may 22 2020 ∞
jul 30 2020 +
  • plot. fight club but with theater kids. they fight to become the lead roles in the play. its fucking wild.
  • the art style is just,, kinda average anime.. i like to watch things w different art styles so if bee hadn't offered to watch it w me i most likely wouldnt have watched it
  • took a while for me to get into the characters, but i rly like some of them!!
  • best girls:
  • mahiru: im always a sucker for the shy girls but i like how awkward she is!! but on a deeper level i rly like her character development. it's like... you and your roommate have been best friends for months and suddenly one day some random transfer student shows up, instantly steals your roommates attention, MOVES INTO your room completely disregarding what you want, ...
apr 7 2020 ∞
apr 10 2020 +