• It's big - and there's more elsewhere
  • Free education. shocking.
  • How clean is the air? Answer is yes.
  • Many trees, exotic plants, weird animals, gorgeous mountains
  • Quiet outdoors where you can chill as long as you'd like
  • Imagine 50-cent piece of a nutritionally balanced meal day and night
  • Something magical about open fields and ghibli-ish stairs
  • Such good libraries and books
  • More or less satisfactory internship opportunities
  • Intriguing rock formations all over
  • Free parking lots
  • Amazing labs (looking at you, mineralogy lab) and amazing telescope
  • LGBTQIA+ friendly as it should always be
  • Cozy cafeteria. Too bad it's expensive
  • Infinite spots for smokers like me
  • Politics everywhere which is good and healthy
  • Some teachers
  • Extra courses are top quality
  • Different cultures intertwined, though you'll probably have more of the same local people everyday
  • Friendly service workers
  • Quality PhD programs
  • International prestige
  • Collective fights against white supremacy, fascism and - not as much as it should - neoloconalism
  • Abandoned dogs going wild, caring students all over taking care of them
  • Great parties to those who enjoy parties
  • Some buildings lack structure but then others don't
  • Probably no one will judge you by the way you dress
  • Ramps for the disabled even still not ideal though
  • People are almost always willing to help you
nov 27 2023 ∞
jun 15 2024 +