- also known as Lusophone World , it is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world
- official countries: Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Macau (China), Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe
- minorities: andorra, argentina, australia, canada, france, germany, japan, luxembourg, mslaysia, namibia, paraguay, south africa, spain, switzerland, united states, uruguay, venezuela
- the ancestor of modern portuguese, galician–portuguese, began developing in the north-west of the iberian peninsula, in an area encompassing present-day northern portugal and galicia, at around the 9th century
- the region of galicia in spain is not exactly classified as lusophone, but holds close ties to the lusophony. the galician language used to form a common dialect continuum with portuguese during the middle ages, denominated as galician–portuguese by historians
- efforts have been made by the xunta de galicia to promote cultural and linguistica...
aug 30 2024 ∞ aug 31 2024 +
as of now you won't find ready anywhere
(open list! other brazilians feel welcome to suggest interesting stuff at my worldoftext. I'll add credits too!)
- the rightful land of capybaras, caimans and huge anacondas!
- 5 biomes: cerrado (savannah), caatinga, amazon, mata atlântica (atlantic forest), pantanal and pampa
- many different soils and climates, so it can produce a great variety of crops. Agricultural exports include sugarcane, latex, coffee, cocoa beans, cotton, soybeans, rice, and tropical fruits
- South America's most industrial nation, producing chemicals, steel, aircraft, and cars
- it often snows in winter in some areas (southern brazil)
- the Amazon basin does not encompass all t...
aug 16 2024 ∞ sep 7 2024 +
- "We are travelers, constantly moving forward and looking back. Alone and as one. We have no choice but to try. For our insatiable curiosity. For our fear of what should happen if we don't. You are that explorer now. We will say goodbye, and you will look back one last time and know that wherever you go, we will be with you. This is Commander Shepard, signing off."
- — Commander Shepard, N7 Day Teaser
- “Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness.”
- "Hope clouds observation.”
- “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings ...
apr 1 2022 ∞ aug 26 2024 +
- coleta seletiva: terças e sábados a partir das 8h
- resíduos eletrônicos centro: segunda à sexta 8h - 18h, sábado 8h - 12h
- consulta e exames sus: portal da prefeitura ou app
- ecopontos: segunda à sexta 7h às 18h, sábados e feriados 8h às 12h
- feirinha orgânica: @feiramodelo
- cnh: app ou site do detran
- bike itaú: cadastrar cartão
- acidente de trânsito com vítima: 118 (eptc)
- qualquer emergência: 193 (bombeiros) 192 (samu)
- central de atendimento ao cidadão: 156
- smds - (51) 3289-2068
may 24 2024 ∞ aug 28 2024 +
excerpt from yale's science fiction dictionary (1908-1992)
- "Was the Green Sun the abode of some vast Intelligence? The thought was bewildering. Visions of the Unnamable rose, vaguely. Had I, indeed, come upon the dwelling-place of the Eternal?"
- William Hope Hodgson, The House on the Borderland (1908)
- "Frankenstein: In the name of God! Now I know what it feels like to be God!"
- Garrett Fort and Francis Edward Faragoh, Frankenstein (film, 1931)
- "I’ve been cursed for delving into the mysteries of life. Perhaps death is sacred and I profaned it. For what a wonderful vision it was. I dreamed of being the first to give to the world the secret that God is so jealous of—the formula for li...
jul 4 2024 ∞ jul 4 2024 +
- açude —
- aluvião — inundação de terras provocada por grande volume de águas; cheia, enxurrada; ɢᴇᴏʟᴏɢɪᴀ: quantidade de areia, argila, cascalho etc. provenientes de erosão recente e que são transportados e depositados por correntes de água
- arado — instrumento que serve para lavrar (arar) o solo, revolvendo a terra com o objetivo de descompactá-la e, assim, viabilizar um melhor desenvolvimento das raízes das plantas. Expõe o subsolo à ação do sol, ajudando a aumentar a temperatura e apressar o degelo
- araucária — árvore de tronco cilíndrico e reto, cujas copas dão um destaque especial à paisagem. A araucária chega a viver até 700 anos, alcançando diâmetros de dois metros e altura de 50 metro, o nosso pinheiro brasileiro
- arborescência — que se está fazendo árvore, ou que...
aug 31 2024 ∞ sep 11 2024 +
↪english ↪long list
jul 31 2024 ∞ sep 6 2024 +
↪mostly portuguese
↪some pages in english
↪currently one journal in french
- —— Astronomy & Astrophysics
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
- —— Library and information science
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
mar 30 2022 ∞ jan 31 2025 +
- greenwashing — refers to marketing products with words like "all-natural," "eco-friendly," and/or "bio-degradable," to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers
- regolith — the layer rock or blanket of unconsolidated, heteregeneous superficial, rocky debris of any thickness that overlies bedrock and forms the surface. also known as mantle rock
- slit — sedimentary material consisting of very fine particles intermediate in size between sand and clay
- wadi — in the desert regions of southwestern asia and northern africa, a stream bed or channel, or a steep-sided ravine, gulley, or valley, which carries water only during the rainy season
- yareta (azorella compacta) — may look like a moss, but it isn't! broad-leafed plant in the carrot family, apiaceae. these plants can grow to bve over 3000 years old
may 29 2024 ∞ sep 13 2024 +
─── 『August』 (Total: R$300)
- 03 | tatami mat
- 04 | shoe rack
- 05 | borax
- 27 | wallet
- 31 | expointer
─── 『September』 (Total: R$45)
- 01 | pride flag
- 04 | credit card
sep 20 2023 ∞ sep 6 2024 +
- atenuar
- carcomido, comprazer
- entrecruzar, entronizar, exequível
- gredoso
- idílio, índigo, imprevidente
- pathos, probidade
- voçoroso
aug 30 2024 ∞ sep 22 2024 +
₪ historical fiction challenge for 2024
- The Pillars of the Earth (Kingsbridge, #1) ✞
- World Without End (Kingsbridge, #2) ✞
- A Column of Fire (Kingsbridge, #3) ✞
- The Evening and the Morning (Kingsbridge, #0) ✞
- The Last Kingdom (The Saxon Stories, #1) ♔
- The Pale Horseman (The Saxon Stories, #2) ♔
- Lords of the North (The Saxon Stories, #3) ♔
- Sword Song (The Saxon Stories, #4) ♔
- The Burning Land (The Saxon Stories, #5) ♔
- Death of Kings (The Saxon Stories, #6) ♔
- The Pagan Lord (The Saxon Stories, #7) ♔
aug 26 2024 ∞ aug 27 2024 +
➥Remember to always use an ad blocker and VPN everywhere you go online!
➥By all means let me know if you find cool stuff as well
➥drive with several books
apr 15 2023 ∞ sep 13 2024 +
Animal kingdom
sep 17 2023 ∞ aug 26 2024 +
- kona II
- anthology of fear?
- code vein?
- beneath the deep?
- please forgive me?
- song of horror?
- horror story; hallowseed?
- tdp anthology: house of ashes?
- demonologist?
- call of the sea?
- soma ★★★★★
- death stranding ★★★★★
- alien isolation ★★★★★
- alice: madness returns ★★★★
- metro 2033 ★★★★
sep 18 2023 ∞ aug 19 2024 +
- 2026 FIFA World Cup
- 2026 Olympics Winter Games
- 2027: FIFA Women's World Cup BR!
- 2028 Olympics Summer Games
- 2030 FIFA World Cup
- 2030 Olympics Winter Games
- 2034 Olympics Winter Games
aug 10 2024 ∞ aug 11 2024 +
- Rare Earth - Peter D. Ward, Donald Brownlee
- The Medea Hypothesis - Peter Ward
- Existential Physics - Sabine Hossenfelder
- Theory of the Earth - James Hutton (Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. 1)
- Haja Luz, Uma História da Química Através de Tudo - Jorge Calado
- Origem do Significado, A: Uma Abordagem Paleoantropologica - Walter Neves
- Assim caminhou a humanidade - Walter Neves
- With broadax and firebrand: The destruction of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest - Warren Dean
- Crianças de Asperger As Origens do Aitismo na Viena Nazista - Edith Sheffer
- Outra sintonia - A história do autismo - John Donvan
dec 4 2023 ∞ sep 21 2024 +
aug 4 2024 ∞ sep 21 2024 +
- nov 12th
- dec 10th
- blood tests january 12
- jan 14th
- jan 31st
- blood tests 6th march
- may 2nd
- blood tests somewhere in between mid to late aug
- sep 3rd
- feb 2nd
- july 2nd blood tests
- july 4
- aug 1st hospital blood tests, repeated it
- sep 3 blood tests
- oct blood tests
- dec 20
feb 5 2023 ∞ dec 30 2024 +