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I am terrified by this dark thing that sleeps in me

lisa FILM
marido episodes (episodes seen in 2025)
kety 2025 (february)
malu movie log (2025)
Mia Livros (Medievais)
2 caroline
Alice carou
Alícia cassandra
Amanda chariot
Amanda cristiana
Amanda Montt dandara
Anite derura ihi
Anya doki.
Baudelaire dorothy
Beatriz downwithcapital
Beau elle
Bianca elly
Bliss emerson
Bruna Morgan emi
Candice Austen evan
Carol faërie luna
Carolina florrie
Carolina gabriel
Chris Ribeiro galaco
Cissa giovanna
Constance13 girl
Cristiane heloiza
Eli igor
Ellie illana
Emma janeiro1990
Ezra jolie
FER ju
Fairy julie
Flora . juno
Flá jéssica
Frida ka
Féerie Lily kaleigh
Gabriela katie
Gaby katya
Grazieli kay
Heloísa kety
Ingrid Marc keuri
J. laoise
Jessy Autumn laísi
Josephine leti
Jules letícia
Juliana lindsay
Jéssica lisa
Júlia lola
Júlia Recieri. lotte
Kat lua f.
Katt luca
Katya luna
Kay lunna
Kelsey lunnies
Kohl m.
Lara mali
Lari malu
Larissa manda
Lawlie marcella
Lee mari
Leila Girassol mari
Lola maria
Lu. mariana
Luciana marido
Läu marie
Mab. marruá
Maggie may
Max mel
May melinwonderland
Mermaid mellifluous
Mia mia
Moony monday
Nanda moon
Nereida moon river
Ondine moony
Paola morimoonie
Penny nana
Pri nana
Rosa nari
Sabrina Santiago nat
Sarah nathália
Snow nessa
Stavros nicole
Tainá nicole
Talie ohdeer
Tamara osagiri
Tetê priscila
The Girl Without renata
V ruptures
Valéria s
Venisse saeglopur
Y. seashell eyes
Yushen serena
aaaaa skye
aivin solar
alice o'bright sophia
alyss t
anisha tainá
anna tay
astrid thali
astrid thatá
baba yaga vei
barbara vetica
belie vicky
bianca victoria carol
bianca volupta
birdie xi
boa xuxu
bren yuu
brigtter zara
bru ̖́
camila אֵין סוֹף
carina maree
carolina 很伤心
list icon

"You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will"

        • VIII.
  • August 18 ▸ and what luana wrote on that letter and how i felt loved and good about myself and going to the terminal smiling | cuddle all day with gio all day and her face and her smell and watching a film with her trying not to take a nap | jaque saying "eu vou perguntar pra você porque você conhece todo mundo, você conhece o davi?" | going to carlos's house and gio making me food and then she saying "own que gracinha, você tá muito sapatão" when i came out of the shower wearing bruno's pants
  • August 19 ▸ statying at home with mom and wacthing volei with her like the old times | gio saying lots of time "eu to triste demais, queria passar o fim de semana contigo" | reading a lot before sleep | ana and thais wanted me to go to the emo party
  • August 20 ▸ the audio thais sent to me "bruna, você fez muita falta nessa festa, eu e a ana dedicamos muitas músicas pra você" | feeling useful at work after such a long time | thais staying there for me when i needed and giving me advices and all that stuff | talking to sara after such a long time and the audios of mingaus podre with the emo song on the background | all the stuff emilie said to me "porque é muito fácil te amar"
  • August 21 ▸ gio telling that big secret and "eu nem sei porque te contei isso porque ninguém sabe disso, nunca contei pra ninguém/eu me sinto 100% confortável com você, acho que foi por isso/sei que posso confiar em você" | waking up to the sound of the rain and the cold weather the whole day | wacthing the volei final with mom and just screaming a lot and being nervous and all the memes with gio and on twitter and winning the game and just loving bernardinho and serginho and bruno so muchhhhhhh | getting ready to the teather and feeling so pretty and good about my clothes | the horror movie with ana and thais and yuri and eating a lot and everything | staying outside the mall waiting for mom while thais smoked weed and just talk about random things and then talking about personal things when was just me and thais and she saying she loved me but not in a direct way
  • August 22 ▸ gio and "não faz muito tempo que eu te conheço e você já me deixou assim, você tá de parabéns bruna/assim tipo não sai da minha vida mais não por favor" | the cold weather in the morning | murilo trusting me again and telling me his stuff | coming home and staying in bed
  • August 23 ▸ lucas missing me and the menage thing and the "se não for com algum amigo proximo nem rola" | realising gio actually cares if i'm upset or not | lucas so happy to see me when i got to estevao's house | wacthing grey's anatomy at carlo's house and laughing a bit and gio cooking for me and then watching master chef and carlos saying "bruna, se inscreve nesse programa" because of the things i said
  • August 24 ▸ making gio listen to mcfly and staying with the cuddles till i seriously needed to go and the thing she sent to me after about getting late at work because of cuddles | staying in a good mood even with all the bad situation | talking a lot at work after the reunion and trying to find out what was going to happen | home home home
  • August 25 ▸ being in a good the whole day even tho the things was not okay | getting to say goodbye to bruno | going to gio's apartament for the first time and loving it and how happy she was and the "naõ vai conhecer o resto do apartamento nao?" | waiting the bus and laughing a bit and gio looking really happy to the thought of me losing the bus and sleeping with her | the funny messages with mom before coming home
  • August 26 ▸ the "te amo" and the textao gio didn't sent | getting a day off of work saturday | getting a ride to downtown | doing nothing all day with gio at her house | lucas saying "ah, você é um amorzinho" when we were talking about energies and seeing he really likes me | larrisa saying "olha como a bruna ficou linda, desgraçada" about the video she made of me | going to bed for a nap and lucas and jefferson coming for me "NAO, VAMO BEBER, LEVANTA DAI" and then them laying with me
  • August 27 ▸ feeling pretty for a bit | a bit of laughing | gio saying "aff eu te amo demais"
  • August 28 ▸ thais saying "te amo bebe" | ana saying "foi você que me acolheu, nem sei onde eu estaria sem você, não tenho nem como te agradecer" | livia tagging me on a flirt meme <333 | maite and "aaaaa minha nenezinha vamo abracinho vamo tudinho deixa eu me embola td em ti pfvr nunca pedi nd"
  • August 29 ▸ luana making me cafune for a bit | singing a lot with rob and all the "eu tô muito apaixonado" | guilherme making me a playlist really fast and the songs | jefferson really wanting to spend the day with me
  • August 30 ▸ listening to gui's playlist | getting a day off of work tomorrow | feeling a bit better when i got to salt | lorena asking me for a kiss and "quando você quiser me beijar, eu estarei aqui"
  • August 31 ▸ some cuddles and laughs | asking lots of questions to gio so she couldn't sleep | having someone to talk to at night
        • IX.
  • September 01 ▸ the whole protest thing and screaming the whole time and i felt alive like i never felt before | being with livia for a long time | joao saying "maravilhosa" when he saw me | hugging manu lots of times
  • September 02 ▸ making a grey's anatomy marathon | not dying from pain
  • September 03 ▸ waking up with no pain and not tired at all | finishing the season 6 of grey's anatomy
  • September 04 ▸ staying with mom | going to gio's house and getting a limon popsicle and walking with her at night and then making a one tree hill marathon
  • September 05 ▸ gio saying "te amo, volta" | talking about politics and luana saying she worried about me the day i didn't go to work | livia and "as vezes eu fico impressionada com a beleza da bruna" que mulherão da porra" | dardania and "se eu te achasse no tinder eu te daria like, mesmo depois da giovanna"
  • September 06 ▸ being able to apologise and not going to sleep like a total jerk | waking up with such a better mood | having a great day at work despise everything | gio starting grey's anatomy!!!!! and just feeling really happy about it | buying 2 books and then meeting bruno at saraiva and he buying me a new king book for my birhtday!!!!! | pizza!!! | having a great day and not feeling bad for a minute
  • September 07 ▸ going to the protest even tho it was hard to wake up early and seeing manu and pietra and joao ahd the hugs with manu and they acting and the "a gente tem que dançar de novo, saudades" from joao and joao saying "voce eu sei que pode" about me touching pietra | dardania licking my face and the "eu só lambo o rosto de gente bonita" after | the good mood at home | feeling cuking pretty afetr i arrivied into dope and seeing everyone there and hugging guilherme and thais and joao's friend saying "você tava no protesto? meu deus eu queria ter chegado em você mas eu sou otário, eu te achei muito linda" and livia and joao and pietra being there and just being so cute and livia kissing my belly and then saying "meu deus é tão bom, eu quero lamber" about my skin and joao saying "vovê ta linda" and fucking dancing a lot with them and dardania and joao saying "vc faz alfuma dança? voce tem cara de quem dança jazz" and then going to the bridge and taking lots of picutres without my shirt and lots of funny pictures and heitor "cala a boca, seu corpo é perfeito, você é muito linda" and then dancing some more till my legs couldn't work | gio watching grey's all day
  • September 09 ▸ feeling actually pretty after a long time | reading a lot at work | wacthing lots of grey's with gio and cooking at her house
  • September 10 ▸ hugging andreia at work | still feeling pretty and still loving my hair | doing nothing all day with gio | playing 2048 | livia listinening to my playlists | livia and "mulheres que são maravilhosas" | dancing lots of funk | feeling a good friend helping ana
  • September 11 ▸ gio coming hug me after she realised i was with my anxiety levels really high and how we stayed that way till we couldn't anymore | pietra taking a photo of me and then "você é linda, bruna, para" and murilo agreeing with him and "eu te acho linda sem maquiagem" |the huge hug manu gave me and all the kisses on my neck and her smile | the nice hippie who gave me a necklace and a bracelet and talked to me about random things | going for a walk with gio and buying her a necklace from nice hippies from rio grande do sul | sitting next to a tree really far from everyone with gio and staying there for awhile | seeing sara after a long time | the hug with guilherme and holding hands a bit with him | gio asking me to stay with her for her birthday | talking a lot to marcelo about films
  • September 12 ▸ gio saying i love you lots of times | andreia lending me her book | reading at work | watching grey's cuddling with gio | feeling a bit better at the end of the day
  • September 13 ▸ better mood | organizing my listography and updating my tumblr | feeling pretty and loving my soft hair | reading at work at the end of the day and talking about political things without hearing some absurd | the old songs at gio's and eating tapioca for the first time and the kisses and making weird noises on her belly
  • September 14 ▸ laughing a lot before going to sleep | reading at work without getting in trouble | feeling pretty on my clothes | gio and "eu só queria dizer que você é uma pessoa maravilhosa e eu amo demais estar com você, brigada por entrar na minha vidinha" and "o dia do meu aniversario que você falou que me amava foi o melhor presentinho que eu ganhei" | emilie sending me a poem randomly and "eu sei que você gosta de poemas entao..." | marcelo and "ai menina vira homem e vamo se beijar" and "se a bruna e a jac fossem homem viado eu ia ser feliz demais"
  • September 15 ▸ emilie's letter and the book she gave me and all the words and how i felt loved | being in a good mood the whole day | reading a lot at work and not seeing the time passing | gio and "EU TO COM SDD" | writting letters and feeling silly | "você não é temer mas deu um golpe no meu coração" | rob and "EXATAMENTE TUDO" on a post of saying what he likes about the person that commented his post
  • September 16 ▸ having a good mood the whole morning | buying 3 books on the second hand bookstore and gio giving me another one | the tarot thing one gio's bed and all the moments where i was still okay
  • September 17 ▸ giving gio the letter | going out even wanting to isolate myself | getting a bit drunk and dancing tons of funk and the old songs and ana "a maria achou vocês lindos e adorou vocês mas ela ficou triste porque achou que vocês nao gostaram dela" and the hug guilherme gave me and "oi, maravilhosa" and dancing the hetero dancing with him and the hug he gave me on our goodbye and dancing a lot with ana and murilo and going to gio's house after it | the 30 minutes massage thing and singing to songs i love and then going to eat together
  • September 18 the "vamos jogar pedra papel tesoura" "ta" "eu quero tesoura" thing and me being mad and talking on my sleep to gio and all the laughs | seeing lots of cute animal videos right after i woke up | laying on the cold ground with gio because of the hot weather | laughing a lot with carlos trying to make me give up of wacthing grey's and the mouse stuff | them deciding to adopt a cat | livia and "EU TE ACHO MARAVILHOSA PRA CARALHOS" on my facebook
  • September 19 ▸ feeling useful helping gio in the morning | great morning at training | gio and "eu te amo demais, não queria ter te deixado assim, me desculpa"
  • September 20 ▸ meeting gio's cat and napping the whole day and all the bites and letting gio full of hickeys and feeling okay about her again | robson and "eu quero te perguntar uma coisa... COMO VOCE CONSEGUE SER TAO LINDA?" and "em breve estarei em minas com as alianças"
  • September 21 ▸ stephen king's brithday | the naps with andreia at work | rairon being nice to me and "qual o nome do livro desse tal de king? vou te dar" and the tattoo talk | going to the park with sara anda murilo and thais and getting drunk and laughing a lot and making the character tests with them and the cat | gio and "eu te vi ontem e estou com saudades, como isso é possivel?"
  • September 22 ▸ having a great day even tho was my birthday | waking up in a good mood and staying in a good mood at work | leticia being so nice to me and making everyone singing happy birthday | staying the whole day cuddeling | seeing ana and lais and the intern jokes and the gift ana gave me and the fucking letter and evertyhing she said on it | the huge text livia did and how loved i felt and all those stuff one twitter like "a mulher da minha vida" | jessica calling me | watching quinta categoria and some laughs | the playlist robson made for me and the audio singing happy birthday | how soft my skins and gio's skins werer after the shower beffore sleep
  • September 23 ▸ gio and "é muito dificil te deixar levantar da cama" and "quera ficar de conchinha o dia todo" | going to work listening to robson playlist's | the group for livia's birthday | making a playlist for rob and he loving it and all te cute stuff he said and he telling the things he imagine us doing | reading before sleep
  • September 24 ▸ rob and "BOM DIA MEU AMOR MINHA CHEIROSA COISA MAIS LINDA" | leticia being a cute at work and the lunch on the morning | the summer rain | going to the park with gio and the summer rain starting falling as soons as we got there and listening to the playlist i made for her birthday and the letter she gave and what she wrote and laughs and cuddles and the nature | gio and "eu te amo demais e quero muito que isso dê certo" | murilo and ana asking me to go to belgrano and trying to cheer me up and being cuties
  • September 25 ▸ murilo trying to cheer me up when i sat and stayed quiet | cooking with gio and telling her everything about what hapenned with gabriel and emilie and then feeling a lot better and forgeting about the day before and cuddling for the rest of the day and the shower together and how she laughed of me trying to take the water out of my ear and "dorme aqui" and walking with her at night to buy cigarettes | hugging larissa when she said she was sad and feeling a good person for a moment
  • September 26 ▸ being at home after such long time | starting a new book and reading a lot
  • September 27 ▸ watching before sunrise with gio and spending the whole day with and feeling good the whole day and the hydratation thing and the shower together and then seeing how happy she was because i accepted watching orange is the new balck with her and the hugs and cuddles
  • September 28 ▸ eating a lot at work and leticia being so nice to me | robson being cute | gio and "você é maravilhosa" after i left | coming home again and my bed
  • September 29 ▸ the cuddles with gio while wachting horror films and sleeping with her wacthing it and the "pode dormir, eu tô gostando do filme" and her face on the top of mine | realising maybe pablo likes me ???
  • September 30 ▸ waking up early and staying with the cuddles and all the cute stuff and then gio hugging me while i was crying and the "stay strong" thing when i was leaving | livia and pietra being such cuties and "Te amo e você é maravilhosa" from pietra and the "oi eu te amo e eu espero que as coisas fiquem boas alguma hora, cê é incrível e cheia de luz, t amo t amo t amo" from livia | rob trying to help me and the cake meme thing | gio and "eu ficaria" about knowing the bad thing about me and "vc é uma pessoa incrivel, eu ficaria perto de vc pra sempre, nao fica com isso na cabeça nao"
        • X.
  • October 01 ▸ talking to emilie on the phone after years | staying at home and reading a bit and staying with mom | watching grey's anatomy drunk
  • October 02 ▸ going to ana's house and watching a silly film with her and how happy she was with me being there and she making me something to eat and we getting the cat a bath and ana's movies and she saying that her mother loves me and murilo and the "bruna, você é linda sim, cala a boca" really pissed off because i said i wasn't pretty | sharing all my secrets with gio and listening to hers and feeling a little better and the "você é bem yang" "ue agora você tem certeza que eu sou parecida com ela?" "sim" | talking a lot to emilie and getting better
  • October 03 ▸ writting gio another letter | staying in a good mood | leticia saying "bruna, você arrasa" | everyone at work saying what they like on each other | seeing gio again and "eu to muito feliz porque vou te ver hoje" and she being extra cute with me and so happy and the laughs and then making tea for her | rainy night and cuddles
  • October 04 ▸ gio waking up smiling at me | going outsite and seeing the cold weather | reading emilie's letter and feeling okay with myself | feeling pretty and luana "você tá mais bonita hoje" "não, você sempre tá, mas hoje tá destacando mais" | going to the bookstore and buying morangos mofados and a poem book | thee guy who works on the bookstore being nice to me and asking about my joy division tshirt
  • October 05 ▸ buying more poem book on the second hand bookstore | staying the whole day with gio and dyeing her hair and she paiting my nails while listening to songs i like and go eating churros with her and how cute she looks with ther new hair and taking pictures of her
  • October 06 ▸ gio making me milk with chocolate and the long hug before i lef where she layed with me like a baby | ana laura worried about me being upset with her
  • October 07 ▸ gio and "por que não me chamou? você poderia ter me ligado" about me not being able to sleep because of my anxiety | not hating myself thaaaaat much after changing something | geting a day off of work on saturday | alderico and arielle saying "que gracinha" when they saw my hair | luana buying me a sonho de valsa | going to gio's and hugging her a lot and making playlists and her laugh
  • October 08 ▸ making a marathon of greys with gio in the morning and buying food with her right after we woke up | coming home and not feeling so crappy | feeling pretty for a bit after i was ready to livia's birthday | murilo saying he liked my hair and laughing with him and ana at ana's parent's car | everyone so happy to us at the party and dayane happy to see m for the first time i gues and what manu said when she ws really drunk "eu tenho muita vontade de te beijar" and she touching me and pietra saying i'm pretty out of nowhere and murilo s. saying "você é linda" and being with ana before going home and seeing she's really my friend and singing the smiths and joy division
  • October 09 ▸ coming home and waking up a lot better | talking lots to thais | gio and "eu não beijei nenhuma outra boquinha depois que te conheci" "eu tenho vontade de te pedir em namoro desde a primeira vez que eu disse eu te amo, mas nao sei como, queria que fosse bonitinho" | walking on downtown with gio and eating popsicles and walking holding hands and sitting doing nothing and the couple photos and the flowers and "eu ia pegar uma pra te dar, mas daí apareceu aquele pombo" and the cuddles when i was depressed because of the film | pietra and th pom book she sent me
  • October 10 ▸ cuddles in the morning and waking up happy | emilie and "você é um dos unicos raiozinhos de sol da minha vida" and how she is liking one of my favorites books | mom supporting me when i told her i wanted to go to the psychologist again | pietra and "bruna vamo tomar um cafe e contar nossas tristezas"
  • October 11 ▸ good mood at work | spending the day with gio and the horror filme together and all the kisses in th dark whil playing vanguart and the hugs while i was crying and the thousand "i love you" she said and the "bruna, namora comigo" and how i stopped crying to laugh a bit
  • October 12 ▸ mom wating to get a dog or a cat to me so i could feel better | going to gio's and cuddeling and feeling better and the songs and the massage and making her feeling better after she cried
  • October 13 ▸ the cuddles in the morning and gio saying "você já mora aqui, trás suas roupas" | the rain when i was coming home with mom | the rain that didn't stop | all the cute things gio said about missing me
  • October 14 ▸ waking up to the sound of the rain and the rain during the whole day | ramayane and "seu cabelo ficou muito mais bonito de preto" | having all my day for doing nothing cause i got to work in the morning | marcelo and "estavam falando sobre fugir e eu disse que não iria sem você" | the girl on astrolin saying i'm from capricorn of scorpion | gio and "sagitário porque você é bem louca" | starting to like my hair | gio sending me cute thing while she was drunk saying how she was missing me
  • October 15 ▸ waslley buying me one sonho de valsa and me eating donnuts for the first time in my life | being in a fucking good mood the whole day whitout being sad at all | gio sayind "EU TO COM SAUDADE" | talking to ana about what was making me upset with the and she "você nem me convida pra sua casa pra ir ver sua mae e nem me conta nada" that made me see how she wants to be a part of my life
  • October 16 ▸ feeling okay at salt and laughing lots and the cunny pictures and not needing being drunk to fell okay | seeing gio again the cutest night with her with lot's of love and waking up in the midle of night with "bruna, me abraça, eu tô com saudade" and also talking a lot about the childhood memories with her and also she saying "pena que nao vai dar certo" about one friend of mine wanting to kiss her
  • October 17 ▸ having the whole day to watch films with gio | not feeling sad at all | gio saying she wanted me to live with her
  • October 18 ▸ a good morning before work | the twitter thing | gio asking me to stay even tho i was not talking that much
  • October 19 ▸ feeling pretty | sara and rairon wanting to see me when i asked for company and the things like "a gente vai te dar amor, vem" | livia and "nunca" when i said i am ugly | "vc eh linda te amo" and the coldplay song | mom and "você tá linda hoje" | gio saying "bruna, eu te amo e tô do seu lado, vai dar tudo certo" after everything i said
  • October 20 ▸ sara saying "fica bem, te amo, seu dia vai ser melhor hoje, cor de rosa e com estrelinha" | waking up to the sound of the rain and the rain lasting the whole morning | staying with gio the whole day and how happy she was about spending the next weekend with me and the smile she gave me | coming home e talk to mom for a bit | the long shower and my soft hair
  • October 21 ▸ liniker and andreia talking and liniker said "eu tava dizendo que você é muito bonita" | the guy who works on downtown saying i was pretty today | reading before sleep
  • October 22 ▸ such good mood at work and flirting with everyone there | going to gio's and spending the day with her and playing damas | gio saying "não desiste de mim" after all of that and "vai melhorar"
  • October 23 ▸ having such a nice day with gio and the shower together and getting lost at downtown with her and then buying food and giving some to the birds and the laughs and then sitting somewhere near to her houser and listening to her ex histories and them coming to her houser and marcelo being so happy to see me | marcelo and "giovanna, eu vou ter que roubar ela de você" more than once and talking to him about vegetarianism and films and tv shows and feeling welcome | wathcing a film with gio's friends | the cuddles before sleep
  • October 24 ▸ the cuddles the whole morning | finding gio's cat | staying okay the whole day | mom saying "i missed you" | andressa from twitter "em nenhum lugar, tu é linda e maravilhosa e seria um desperdício ser outra pessoa" | the nice comment on my about list | "Oi, ce não me conhece, mas aff, tão fofa... você é o tipo de pessoa que a gnt precisa nem conhecer pra saber que é amorzinho"
  • October 25 ▸ feeling good for most part of the day | eating ice cream with gio after work and staying with her for a bit and waking her home | lais remembering me on the feminist thing "bruna, chega aqui"
  • October 26 ▸ gio and "do fundo do meu coraçãozinho eu nao vou te fazer passar por isso de novo nao, eu quero vc feliz do meu ladinho porque eu te amo muito garota, e eu nunca faria nada pra te deixar mal" and saying that she misses me lots of times during the day | seeing sara after a long time and "eu até comprei uma pistola de cola quente pra fazer teu presente"
  • October 27 ▸ the cold weather in the morning | watching two films with gio and the cuddles and the cute kisses and after it just staying with her and walking with her on downtown at night and "eu não uso metade do meu guarda-roupa, você pode usar se quiser" | adopting a cat
  • October 28 ▸ playing with the cat and the sensation of having to pick a name for him | meeting gio after work and eating a freaking lot with her till i couldn't walk straight and the laughs | tons of cuddles and she saying "te amo" after sex and the laugh "você é ridicula"
  • October 29 ▸ coming home and playing with oliver for a bit | feeling pretty after the cat costume | talking to ana about my depression | gio saying "eu vou também, aqui tá chato" when i said i was going home after staying just one hour at the party
  • October 30 ▸ gio and the sutff she said "eu tenho medo de você se cansar de mim e me deixar" and then the cuddles and the laughs when things got better and the shower together and the film we watched before sleep
  • October 31 ▸ the morning with gio | everyone at work really excited about halloween and the bingo and winning lots of sugar | oliver making a mess on my bedroom
        • XI.
  • November 01 ▸ waking up to the sound of the rain and see oliver sleeping with me | feeling pretty | going to the party and feeling okay about everything and tons of laughs and sara being there and how thais looke happy to see me and the hug she gave me and the "que saudade que eu tava de você, não acredito que tô te vendo"
  • November 02 ▸ going to gio's house and the cuddles and waking up with her and not leaving the room till 3 pm and the modern family marathon and then going with her at the mall and buying tons of food and talking a lot till the time to the the film at the theater and the "na nossa casa" when she was talking about her home | coming back home and oliver staying at my room
  • November 03 ▸ waking up with oliver sleeping with me | the cold weather | spending the whole day with a good mood | going to gio's house and watching modern family with her and the cuddles and laughs and just feeling okay
  • November 04 ▸ waking up fine and the cuddles | feeling fine at work | coming back to gio's house and eating together and the laughs and cuddles and the "é seu quarto" and she saying "nosso quarto"
  • November 05 ▸ feeling a lot better after awhile and watching two films | cute things gio said like the tons of "eu te amo tanto" and "eu to com muita saudade" and also the "bruna, você me faz muito feliz, por favor, não duvida disso, eu te amo tanto" | talking to emilie about films | mom bringing me sonho de valsa | oliver making a mess around the house
  • November 06 ▸ waking up with oliver on my belly and the he making a mess on my bedroom | waking up in a good mood and feeling like doing lots of things | reading a lot and loving the book | cleaning my room after such a long time
  • November 07 ▸ samantha being so nice to me and "essa menina aqui fechava todas as minhas provas" | having the whole day with gio and watching grey's with her and talking a lot about trust and the past and "vamos comigo, você é minha namorada" and the tons of i love yous said
  • November 08 ▸ waking up with gio and the "eu já tô com saudade, desgraçada" text from her | oliver missing me and coming to bed when i got home | gio and "bruna, eu vou te contar uma coisa porque a gente namora e podemos dividir as coisas" | talking a lot to emilie and making her getting out of her comfort zone and seeing she thinking about something else other than sadness | robson and the stuff that make him think of me "serial killers, músicas tristes, sotaque forte, viajar, mapa astral"
  • November 09 ▸ going to the other mall with gio and spending my whole day with her and sharing food with her and then buying more food and talking a lot about the beatles and stephen king and spending hours on the bookstore and sitting with her on the floor and we both reading out lound and then going to the teather and coming home listening to the beatles and sleeping together
  • November 10 ▸ coming home after work and oliver coming straigh to my bed | a bit of rain | making gio's gift and feeling really good about the letter i worte | talking a lot about the past and not feeling bad about it
  • November 11 ▸ bruanna day and spending the whole day with gio and the gifts and the hugs and the cuddles and the "hoje é nosso dia" and the laughs and then the snapchat thing with joao felipe and "meu deus eu já amo vocês duas e nem conheço a bruna" and then talking to emilie with gio and those photos and videos and the "você não é uma má pessoa"
  • November 12 ▸ taking some photos with ana and some of them being actually good and the "meu deus que boquinha" that ana said | watching gio making her tattoo and then going to her house and all the cuddles and watching modern family on carlos's bed
  • November 13 ▸ staying with gio and whole day and the rainy day and cooking together and the shower together and waking on the rain with her | seeing manuat salt and pietra and the kisses pietra gave me and murilo being happy to see me there and also thais and os meninos do bonde coming to the salt too and hugging denis and thais c. saying "ah, mas ta cedo ainda when i was leaving and listening to thais on the way to the terminal | livia on twitter "cê é uma das coisinha mais linda desse planeta terra é isso bo a noit" and "aaaaaaaaaaa eu não sei o quê falá mas, sendo assim, a gente ta no primeiro lugar dos serzim bonito" and "a gente pode dividir o primeiro lugar super" and "te amo" | marcelo and "@giovannachede eu tô muito feliz! Pq se tem um casal que eu shippo neste planeta é vocês! Mesmo pq se você for fdp eu coloco fogo em vc" and "@giovannachede só esperando vc terminar pra eu roubar a bruna pra mim"
  • November 14 ▸ waking to a super rain and the rain keeping the whole day | coming to work earlier than usual and knowing i don't have to work tomorrow | oliver staying with me when i got home | listening gio's cd for the first time and how it felt | staying home and the rain still falling | reading a bit
  • November 15 ▸ the cold morning and waking up early and being productive | going to gio's and laying with her and then cooking together | going to larissa`s together and spending some time with ana too and then leaving with gio and eating esfihas without planing it before | staying the rest of the night with gio on the bed
  • November 16 ▸ gio and "ontem o dia contigo foi bom demais" | discovering michele from work is obssessed with mcfly too | going to the theaters with gio again and spending the whole day with her and eating a lot and she bringing me soy meat from her home and the hippie guy making me a ring with gio`s heart
  • November 17 ▸ having a nice morning at work and the bit of rain | order pastel o ifood and eating a freaking hell lot | reading in english with gio to practice for her interview and laughing a lot with the funny words | the tons of i love yous gio said to me and the hugs and cuddles | being more intimate with gio
  • November 18 ▸ not doing anything the whole morning at work because no system | the bit of rain when i was going to met gio before her interview at algar | eating a lot of macarroni after not eating the whole day and then going to the praça with gio and the nice old guy who talked to us and the dog | going to gio's house and staying cuddleing till nine | the tons of "eu te amo tanto" she said when i was depressed and all the hugs she gave me when i was sad | all the kisses on the back and my neck and then kissing gio's back too and the laughs | gio stopping asking for cigarretes when i said i was sad about it because it is not good for her
  • November 19 ▸ oliver staying a bit with me when i got home from work | thais on twitter "vc só sabe reclamar, é por isso que eu te amo tanto" | the things karla reminde her of me "volta pra jaraguá meu, eterna crush, virgem, hematomas, triste" | gio saying over and over that she misses me | luis felipe and "oie, sou cada dia mais seu fã, ou você é uma ótima pessoa,ou sua namorada ta muito apaixonada,(ou os dois)" and gio and "ele me perguntou como vc era, eu disse que vc era maravilhosa, eu disse que vc é muito inteligete, gosta mt de ler, e que eu te acho incrivel"
  • November 20 ▸ sleeping a lot | seeing four documentaries | oliver and his cute paws | mom and "você é linda, só você não consegue ver" | gio in general | luis felipe and "já te amo e nem te conheço! você é (de longe) a mais legal do rolê da minha bff, sou seu fã! mas você é mt triste!! vc é incrível, se ame +"
  • __November 21__▸ being with gio after the weekend apart and all the cute "i miss you" stuff and going with her paying ther bills and then taking ice cream together and sitting in front of that hotel and then going home holding hands and she making me the special bath cause i was with a bad energy on me and taking a shower together and then cuddleing naked and sleeping with lots of cuddles | the cute girl on twitter and "Você é linda, com o cabelinho mais amor, nem acredito que você se sinta assim, por que não faz sentido, abraça aqui. <3"
  • November 22 ▸ having a fun last day of training even tho i was really late and samantha being so nice and talking a lot to her and raquel and wasley and getting 100 on the test | waiting gio on her interview and then going to the bar take her keys with carlos and laughing with jacque a bit and then going to her house and the showe together and the cuddles and how talky she was | coming home and talking to mom a bit on the car on our way home | oliver such a cutie
  • November 23 ▸ having a nice day at work | loving my hair and bangs after ages hating it | the theater day and walking around the mall with gio and eating lunch with her before the film and my boobs showing in random times and then waking to her home and the cuddles and she being conmfortable to talk about poop with me and all the cuddles and then crying from laughing so freaking hard with the snap filters
  • November 24 ▸ the cuddles in the morning and the cuteness and she cooking for me before work | gio getting the job | coming home earlier than usual and talking to my mom on our way home | oliver is so cuteeeeee | the twitter photo thing and all the "você é linda" stuff
  • November 25 ▸ waking up early and being in such a good mood the intire morning | going to work listening to marina and the diamonds and feeling a bit pretty | going to gio's after buying food and eating a lot and then she wanting me to see prayers for bobby really bad and then me making her watching lots of mcfly videos | how those guys from mcfly are fucking adorable | the tweets about what people think of me luis felipe "sad but cute" and mia "pelo menos aqui no twitter eu te vejo como alguém forte, inteligente, de bom coração, melancólica e manhosa ^^" and "uehuehuehuheuheu te imagino ronronando ao receber carinho" and estevao "que vc é lindaaaaaa" and marcelo asking me to runaway with him "pelo amor de Deus vamos fugir agora desses trabalhos e ir comer uma salada"
  • November 26 ▸ having a good morning at work after a strefful week | coming home for a bit | oliver running around the house | the rain and walking on downtown listening to songs | gio's house and feeling a bit pretty | going to ana'a birthday and how gio didn't felt bad about going with me like before | seeing joao and how happy he was to see me and the "meu deus que saudade de você" and then he introducing me to his boyfriends and his boyfriend saying "meu deus ela é linda" and he replying "sim, ela é maravilhosa demais" and he saying "dorme aqui, você é importante" when i was leaving | lais being really happy to see me and laughing a lot on the party and getting really drunk and dancing and all those stuff
  • November 27 ▸ the modern family marathon and the shower together and sleeping a bit in the middle of day with the cuddles | "eu te amo demais desgraçada" text when i left | coming home and oliver staying with me for a bit | talking again to myllena
  • November 28 ▸ being in a good mood the whole morning | going to the second hand bookstore and buying a new King book and then reading out loud to gio | spending the whole day with gio and going to eat spaghetti on the pastelaria | how curious she was when i started the king book and her face and her smile
  • November 29 ▸ waking up in a good mood and all the cuddles the whole morning | gio wearing my joy divions tshirt | feeling good and reading out loud to gio again | coming home and the smell of strawberries on my bed | lais inviting me to her birthday and the "eu faço uma comida especial pra você" about the vegetarian thing | giovanna saying "eu nunca me abria com ninguem, mas com você é diferente, eu me sinto 100% confortavel com você"
  • November 30 ▸ feeling pretty and wearing a dress at work | the theater day and the "eu te amo muito" that gio said after the bathroom | walking home with the rain and my books arrieving and oliver stayig with me for a bit and biting me a lot
        • XII.
  • December 01 ▸ waking up early and in a good mood | oliver sleeping on my belly and playing around the house | pretty hair | meeting gio at downtown before her first day at work and eating spaghetti and helping her out and them going to her house at the end of the day and cooking togehter and the cuddles before sleep | having a bit of a good mood at work
  • December 02 ▸ cuddles in the morning and going to work with gio | feeling fucking pretty when i was leaving to work | "no jogo todo mundo me colocou como a apaixonada, daí minha treinadora tentou ligar pra você" | my bed after such a stressful day | reading a bit before sleep
  • December 03 ▸ going to work wearing a skirt and feeling really pretty and cute | waiting for gio and then going to eat with her and lucas and then going to her house and spending the day with her doing nothing and then laughing a lot with buzzfeed's posts and watching a film with her and marcelo and lucas and also marcelo going to gio's just to see me "a bruna tá ai?"
  • December 04 ▸ cuddles in the morning and then the shower together and then going to eat with marcelo | going to the arte na praça and not letting my anxiety win and how happy jessica was to see me and pietra and livia and walking around with gio and seeing thais there and sara and feeling good and the rainy weather on our way home | coming to gio' house and talking a lot about lots of things that happened before
  • December 05 ▸ bit of a cold weather | oliver sleeping with me the whole night and playing around me the whole morning | seeing gio after our work and coming to terminal together | wacthing tv with mom for a bit and her "que bom ter você em casa um pouquinho" | reading before sleep
  • December 06 ▸ reading in the morning | oliver being everywhere i was | the rainy weather | gio calling me at work to say she loves me in front of everyone | coming home and eating a lot of pequi | reading a lot before sleep
  • December 07 ▸ gabriel's audio and talkig to him till 2 am after one year | gio's going to work early so she could eat the food i was bringing for her | eating spaghettis together and then going to her house and on the way finding a kitty and taking him home and how happy she was with him and then watching how afredo would take the news and when carlos came home and said out loud "meu deus, que gracinhaaaaa" and the cuddles with gio
  • December 08 ▸ the cuddles all morning and then cooking together and then watching her making the ead's and then going to work together and she making a big wishlist for what she wants for christimas | going to the bookstore and getting my books | home finally and my bed | reading a bit before sleep
  • December 09 ▸ cutting my bangs | oliver sleeping on my bed | being productive the whole morning | ltting a nice note to my mom | going to gio's house and eating a lot before and the cuddles and her cats
  • December 10 ▸ walking on the rain and the rainy day | making an effort and going to that party with mom and seeing she a bit happy | emilie being there for me and not freaking out because of gabriel talking to me again
  • December 11 ▸ reading for a bit part of the day | oliver being such a cutie and staying on my room most of the time | listening to damien rice on the dark | and being a little calm | the big text gio sent me telling me she loves me and tries her best to make me happy and we being okay after it | seeing my baby photo album with mom and spending some time with her | ana tagging me on the post on facebook "um amigo que foi um presente em 2016"
  • December 12 ▸ feeling good about myself | lunching with gio at work | the day passing really fast | reading at work while waiting for gio and then coming to her house with run and running after the bus and the gifts the daysies she gave me and hen cooking together and the cuddles and kisses and how cute she was
  • December 13 ▸ waking early and lots of cuddles with gio | the good mood | lunch with gio at work again | how i was all smiles after i saw her | the rain | wait for gio and walking on the rain again | coming home and the rainny weather
  • December 14 ▸ seeing gio and getting better of my anxiety | luana and liniker saying cute things about me and gio | the rainy weather | going to gio's walking on a calm rain | all the laughs and eating habibis and then holding her when she needed and "vira pra cá, tô com saudade"
  • December 15 ▸ waking up with gio and the sleppy cuddles and the "to com saudade" when i was at work and then lunching with her | luana listing the cute things about me and gio she saw | the rainy weather again
  • December 16 ▸ feeling good about not having to work on saturday | going to bailse pesadao with gio and seeing the boys a bit and dancing a bit too | going to gio's and the cuddles in bed
  • December 17 ▸ staying at gio's when she was at work and reading for a bit | mom sending me medicine | gio taking care of me and look for my body tempeture all the time and also lots of cuddles and making her watch friends with me
  • December 18 ▸ all the cuddles in the morning and the shower togehter and then going to my secret friend with me | seeing all the boys again and laugh a bit | going to gio's again and talk a bit and listen to some songs and then she singing mcfly after sex | going hom feeling pretty good | seeing mom
  • December 19 ▸ feeling pretty good before going to work | my hair smelling really good | waiting for gio and going home with her | satying a bit with mom
  • December 20 ▸ waking up really early and mom saying she loves me | seeing gio after work | reading a lot before sleep
  • December 21 ▸ spending the morning with mom and the doctor saying everything is okay with her and then walking aroung downtown and buying two new dresses and she giving me a new bag and the nice girl who did me a ring and going to eat on a vegetarian restaurant and the text she sent "obrigada por passar a manhã comigo, amei a companhia" | the good mood for the rest of the day | going to gio's house and the smiles at the bus and kisses before sleep
  • December 22 ▸ the cuddles all morning and walking around downtown with gio and then the vegetarian restaurant | talking a lot at work like the old days | coming home and spending some time with mom | how pretty and big oliver is
  • December 23 ▸ feeling pretty and cool | going to the bank with mom and making my poupança | going to gio's eat before work | going to gio's after work and having no one there besides us and watching a filme with her holding my legs
  • December 24 ▸ cuddles till we had to wake up | going to worl together and then going with her to the bus station | calling emilie and talking for two hours
  • December 25 ▸ just surviving the day | gio saying she loves me even tho we just fighted
  • December 26 ▸ feeling a lot better | eating again | going to downtown with mom and feeling actually pretty after a long time and rain coming out of nowhere | seeing my parents for a bit theis accents and laughing a bit
  • December 27 ▸ oliver with me in the morning | eating lots of cereal before going to work | wearing my new dress and feeling really good with it | all the compliments | liniker and "eu precisava de uma fala maneira pra colocar no livro e acabei usando uma giria sua, a personagem é muito você, meu amigo ficou apaixonada nela quando leu o livro" and "você tá parecendo uma personagem com esse vestido" | spending time with gio at work and then going with her to her house and dyeing her hair and watch her showering and just feelinf really good before things got bad | the playlist rob made for me
  • December 28 ▸ waking up feeling a bit better and the situation better too | going to work feeling good and listening to the playlist rob made for me | the times spent with gio at work and then going to dardania's birthday with her and how happy lucas was to see me and the "ah, mas você tá sempre linda" and marcelo telling me lots of stuff and then the shower together and the cuddles and laughs | mom and "manda um beijo pra giovanna"
  • December 29 ▸ gio laying her head and holding my legs when i was getting ready to work | the moments with her at work | the rainy night | oliver staying with me and how much he missed me when i not at home | paul mccartney's video on twitter | mom wanting to give gio some cutlery
  • December 30 ▸ oliver being a cute still | feeling a bit pretty | my lunch with gio and gio's lunch with her | gio taking care of me when she got to her house from work and all the cute kisses and she worried about me
  • December 31 ▸ waking up to thing better after sleeping a hell freaking lot | spending lots of times on gio's bed doing nothing or wathing cartoon | going buy some food for new years | laying for hour on her balcony listening to lots of songs and then getting ready together for the party and singing avril lavigne before getting ready and gio worried about me because of my allergy
        • January 01 ▸ waking up really late and going to my house with gio for the first time and she being nervous to meet my mom | how nice my mom was and gio playing with my cats and my mom's dog and my mom talking to her and then me reading for her for hours and she reading for me for a bit and then wacthing two films and the cuddles and the secret kisses
      • January 02 ▸ waking up with gio on my bed and the shower together and getting ready for work together and making her watch my mcfly dvd | drinking milkshake with gio after work | coming home and mom hugging me | coming home dancing to songs
      • January 03 ▸ reading a bit before going to work | good mood | going to gio's after work an laughing a lot
      • January 04 ▸ waking up a bit early and helping gio to clean her bathroom and then cooking together and then the shower together and then going to work together | going to fraude for the first time and having a break from that hell i work for | going to the theather and wacthing a tom hanks's film
      • January 05 ▸ going to another training with samantha and laughing a bit and just staying away from my work vibe | gio coming home with me and cuddles on my bed | mom showing some photos to gio
      • January 06 ▸ the shower together | oliver is better and eating more | having a good mood the whole day | going to gio's and the cuddles
      • January 07 ▸ waking up with gio and the cuddles and then the good mood for a part of the day | coming home and sleeping for a bit and watching a bit o twd with mom | feeling pretty after getting ready | seeing thais after a long long time
      • January 08 ▸ the pillow fight and the laughs after such a awful day | "eu sinto frio na barriga quando te beijo" | cooking the huge vegetarian dinner for us when we were alone on gio's apartament
      • January 09 ▸ feeling pretty on my glasses and my dress | not having more problem with the break thing at work | eating a lot with gio | helping her at the mall by the phone before going into work | coming home and oliver | gio coming to my house all by herself and going to the bus station to pick her up | watching black mirror with her and the cuddles and oliver laying with us
    • January 10 ▸ waking up and the cuddles still and then the shower together and doing her hair and feeling really good | the good mood the whole day | the rainy weather | coming home and oliver is 100% again
aug 22 2016 ∞
oct 27 2017 +