- a magical girl retires, park seolyeon
- a psalm for the wild built, becky chambers
- abolition. feminism. now., angela y. davis, gina dent, erica r. meiners & beth e. richie
- adult children of emotionally immature parents, lindsay gibson
- ain't i a woman: black women and feminism, bell hooks
- against empire, michael parenti
- against our will, susan brownmiller
- are prisons obsolete?, angela y. davis
- assata: an autobiography, assata shakur
- babel, r. f. kuang
- between the world and me, ta-nehisi coates
- black marxism: the making of the black radical tradition, cedric robinson
- boy parts, eliza clark
- braiding sweetgrass, robin wall kimmerer
- carceral capitalism, jackie wang
- decolonial marxism, walter rodney
- democracy for the few, michael parenti
- evenings and weekends, oisín mckenna
- fearing the black body: the racial origins of fat phobia, sabrina strings
- female husbands, jen manion
- feminist theory: from margin to center, bell hooks
- future home of the living god, louise erdrich
- gender trouble, judith butler
- girl, woman, other, bernardine evaristo
- good girl, aria aber
- good material, dolly alderton
- half a soul, olivia atwater
- health communism, artie vierkant & beatrice adler-bolton
- how europe underdeveloped africa, walter rodney
- how to hide an empire, daniel immerwahr
- how we get free: black feminism and the combahee river collective, keeanga-yamahtta taylor
- i am a cat, natsume soseki
- i survived capitalism and all i got was this lousy t-shirt: everything i wish i never had to learn about money, madeline pendleton
- i who have never known men, jacqueline harpman
- insect literature, lafcadio hearn
- intercourse, andrea dworkin
- intermezzo, sally rooney
- inventing reality: the politics of news media, michael parenti
- is gender fluid?, sally hines
- lady tan's circle of women, lisa see
- laziness does not exist, devon price
- martyr!, kaveh akbar
- marxism and the oppression of women: toward a unitary theory, lise vogel
- mistborn: the final empire, brandon sanderson
- mongrel, hanako footman
- my year of rest and relaxation, ottessa moshfegh
- no logo: taking aim at the brand bullies, naomi klein
- non violent communication, marshall b. rosenberg
- normal people, sally rooney
- pachinko, min jin lee
- patriarchy and accumulation on a world scale, maria mies
- pedagogy of the oppressed, paulo freire
- piglet, lottie hazell
- prison by any other name: the harmful consequences of popular reforms, maya schenwar & victoria law
- prison notebooks, antonio gramsci
- project hail mary, andy weir
- queer palestine and the empire of critique, sa'ed atshan
- recognizing the stranger: on palestine and narrative, isabella hammad
- reform or revolution?, rosa luxemburg
- revolution manifesto: understanding marx and lenin's theory of revolution, party for socialism and liberation
- revolutionary suicide, huey p. newton
- separate and dominate: feminism and racism after the war on terror, christine delphy
- shady hollow, juneau black
- sister outsider, audre lorde
- small things like these, claire keegan
- socialism: utopian and scientific, friedrich engels
- teaching community: a pedagogy of hope, bell hooks
- teaching to transgress: education as the practice of freedom, bell hooks
- the coin, yasmin zaher
- the english understand wool, helen dewitt
- the fifth season, n. k. jemisin
- the handmaid's tale, margaret atwood
- the hundred years' war on palestine, rashid khalidi
- the origin of the family, private property and the state, friedrich engels
- the second sex, simone de beauvoir
- the serviceberry, robin wall kimmerer
- the twilight zone: a novel, nona fernández
- the well of ascension, brandon sanderson
- the whole picture, alice procter
- the will of the many, james islington
- the will to change, bell hooks
- the wretched of the earth, frantz fanon
- they called me a lioness: a palestinian girl's fight for freedom, ahed tamimi
- this changes everything: capitalism vs. the climate, naomi klein
- tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, gabrielle zevin
- unconditional parenting, alfie kohn
- unequal exchange: a study of the imperialism of trade, arghiri emmanuel
- value, price, and profit, karl marx
- war's unwomanly face, svetlana alexievich
- we gon' be alright, jeff chang
- we'll prescribe you a cat, syou ishida
- welcome to the hyunam-dong bookshop, hwang bo-reum
- what does israel fear from palestine?, raja shehadeh
- what is to be done?, v. i. lenin
- whipping girl, julia serano
- white fang, jack london
- white nights, fyodor dostoyevsky
- white too long: the legacy of white supremacy in american christianity, robert p. jones
- witches, witch-hunting, and women, silvia federici
- women, race & class, angela y. davis
- women's liberation and the african freedom struggle, thomas sankara
- you dreamed of empires, álvaro enrigue
- zami: a new spelling of my name, audre lorde
dec 12 2024 ∞
mar 11 2025 +