- abdurraqib - go ahead in the rain
- abrams - all the pieces matter
- adichie - we should all be feminists
- ariely - predictably irrational
- aron - the highly sensitive person
- atlas - emotional inheritance
- azerrad - come as you are
- bailey - hyperfocus
- bechdel - fun home: a family tragicomic
- berger - contagious: why things catch on
- berger - the shape of a pocket
- berger - ways of seeing
- bessel van der kolk - the body keeps the score ღ
- bourdain - kitchen confidential
- brooks - the social animal
- brosh - hyperbole & a half
- brown - change by design
- byrne - how music works
- byrne - the new sins
- cage - silence: lectures & writings
- cain - quiet: the power of introverts ღ
- carlisle - elegant complexity: a study of infinite jest
- carnegie - how to win friends & influence people
- chang - can't stop won't stop: the history of hip-hop
- chang - eat a peach: a memoir
- ching - a visual dictionary of architecture
- cialdini - influence: the psychology of persuasion
- clark - sysk: the incomplete compendium
- clear - atomic habits ღ
- cobain - journals
- coleman - check the technique: liner notes
- coleman - rakim told me: hip-hop wax facts
- coleman - vintage ephemera
- csikszentmihalyi - flow
- curtis - so this is permanence
- d'ambrosio - loitering
- didion - let me tell you what i mean
- dreyer - dreyer's english
- duckworth - grit
- duhigg - smarter faster better
- duhigg - the power of habit ღ
- dutton - the wisdom of psychopaths
- eagleman - incognito: the secret lives of the brain
- eco - the infinity of lists
- eno - a year with swollen appendages
- eno - perfume: sensory journey/contemporary scent
- epstein - range: why generalists triumph
- eyal - hooked
- eyal - indistractible
- fatsis - word-freak
- ferrazzi - never eat alone
- foer - moonwalking with einstein
- fogg - tiny habits
- foroux - think straight
- fox cabane - the charisma myth
- franzen - how to be alone
- franzen - the discomfort zone
- friedman - the best place to work
- fry - hello world
- gabbert - the unreality of memory
- gay - bad feminist
- goddard - the smiths: songs that saved your life
- gosling - snoop
- grant - originals: how non-conformists move the world
- haidt - the coddling of the american mind
- hallowell - driven to distraction ღ
- hansson - remote
- heath - switch: how to change when change is hard
- heath - the power of moments
- hodson - tonight i'm someone else: essays
- holiday - trust me, i'm lying
- hornbacher - madness: a bipolar life ღ
- irby - wow, no thank you: essays ღ
- jacobs - good talk
- johnson - rooms of their own
- jourdain - music, the brain, and ecstasy
- kahneman - thinking fast & slow
- kashdan - the upside of your dark side
- kaysen - girl, interrupted
- keaggy - milk eggs vodka
- kendall - hood feminism
- kisner - thin places: essays from in between
- klein - seeing what others don't
- klein - why we're polarized
- klosterman - killing yourself to live
- knight - shoedog
- kondo - joy at work
- laing - funny weather: art in an emergency (essays)
- lawson - furiously happy
- lawson - let's pretend this never happened
- leavine - attached: new science of adult attachment ღ
- leland: hip: the history
- lembke - dopamine nation
- levitt - freakonomics ღ
- levitt - superfreakonomics
- levitt - think like a freak
- lin - trip: psychedelics, alienation & change ღ
- lindstrom - buyology
- lipsky - although of course you end up becoming yourself
- little - me, myself, and us
- lowndes - how to talk to anyone
- mailhot - heart berries
- mars/kohlstedt - the 99% invisible city
- mccurdy - i'm glad my mom died
- mckenna - true hallucinations
- mckoewn - essentialism: the disciplined pursuit of less
- mcneil - please kill me: uncensored oral history of punk
- miller - know my name
- milner - perfecting sound forever
- miodownik - stuff matters
- monson - i will take the answer (essays)
- murakami - absolutely on music (conversations)
- nagoski - burnout
- nelson - the argonauts
- newport - deep work
- newport - digital minimalism
- norman - the design of everyday things
- nussbaum - i like to watch: arguing the tv revolution
- o'hara - city poet: the life + times of frank o'hara
- park hong - minor feelings
- persaud - from the edge of the couch
- pershall - loud in the house of myself
- pinker - how the mind works
- pinker - the language instinct
- pollan - how to change your mind
- pollan - the botany of desire
- postman - amusing ourselves to death
- redfield jamison - night falls fast
- redfield jamison - touched with fire ღ
- rogers - on becoming a person
- roson - the psychopath test
- ross - the rest is noise
- rubin - the happiness project ღ
- sacks - musicophilia: tales of music & the brain
- sacks - the man who mistook his wife for a hat
- saks - the center cannot hold
- saltz - the power of different
- schiller - the quiet room
- schwartz - the paradox of choice
- scott - fierce conversations
- serrano - basketball (and other things)
- serrano - movies (and other things)
- simmons - the book of basketball
- slate - little weirds ღ
- smith - changing my mind: occasional essays
- smith - how to be both
- smith - intimations: 6 essays
- solnit - men explain things to me
- solomon - the noonday demon
- stamper - word by word
- stone - difficult conversations
- styron - darkness visible
- sun - goodbye, again
- surowiecki - the wisdom of crowds
- sutherland - scrum
- syme - werner's nomenclature of colors
- taleb - antifragile
- thaler - misbehaving: the making of behavioral economics
- tran - sigh, gone
- walker - why we sleep
- watson - semi-colon
- weijun wang - the collected schizophrenias (essays)
- west - shrill: notes from a loud woman
- wulf - the invention of nature
- wurtzel - prozac nation
- young - i contain multitudes
aug 2 2017 ∞
mar 21 2025 +