gr8/golden lil scents
- chlorine water/clean public pools + fresh white warm towels
- burnt chalky firework bits (esp on cool summer evenings)
- freshly baked bread wafting out of ovens/bakeries
- freshly blown-out candles/matches + small lingering smoke
- freshly brewn ground coffee beans in the morning/anywhere
- frozen yogurt cafes (crystal clean/cold countertops+vibes)
- gasoline + hot cement (esp in the summertime)
- the smell of home after u've been away a long time
- the clean steam wafting into my bedroom after i shower
- fresh linen + fabric softener/clean laundry hangin on the line
- laundromat dryer exhausts & foamy soapsuds on the sidewalk(!)
- light rain blowin in thru open windows on a warm summerday
- sesame oil/coconut oil/jojoba oil (((so many oils)))
- suntan lotion/sunblock, cold aloe-vera + bugspray in summer
- the clean, sterilized scent of hospitals & airport terminals
- "the mélange of shopping mall food-courts that always makes u feel slightly depressed" (paraphrased from somewhere)
- impressively old books, newspapers, libraries & homes
gr8/golden lil sounds
- soft rain
- windchimes
- light/quiet windchimes blowing in the backyard
- compulsively clicking ur pen while studying solo
- a group of people slurping bowls of hot soup together
- unexpected church bells on a sunny city afternoon walk
- the funny sound of frayed/raspy voices still tryin to speak
- the satisfying slop & slosh of my rainboots walking in the mud
- the crisp n cool clacking of heels down a clean, polished floor
gr8/golden lil feelings
- cracking my knees or back
- having my hair washed/shampooed/massaged by another person
- hearing certain people say my name (esp bb, dom, my dad)
- receiving a nice card/letter/package in the mail unexpectedly
- holding a warm stack of papers fresh from a printer/copy machine
- crossing an item off a to-do list (esp 1 that's been there a while)
- putting cooled aloe-vera on ur hot & sensitive lil sunburn
- a clean/crisp/cold shower after a hot sandy day at the beach
- eating fresh, cold fruit in the summer (esp w/ only my hands)
- napping within a sunbeam in a park or a cool spot on the beach
- walkin barefoot in fresh, cool green grass (either in the morn when it's still moss-colored & dewy OR in the warm afternoon when u can feel ur small toes toastin in the sun)
- resting my hands over a hot fire/furnace in the winter
- the moment the roasty hot seat-warmers take effect in the car
- clutching a hot & comforting cup of coffee/cocoa in the winter
- making fresh hot coffee in the morning n quietly watching the colors crash & swirl when i add the sugar or milk into my cup
seemingly universal comforts
- putting on ur hood
- standing under the shade
- hiding under blanket covers
- closing/locking a bathroom door
- walking/standing with ur hands in ur pockets
- wearing a too-big sweater when it's rly chilly outside & letting the too-big sleeves drape in that v comforting/familiar nice way out & over ur hands
additional gr8/golden lil feelings/experiences
- the feeling of ur mum instinctively thumping her hand on ur chest when the car stops short unexpectedly and she reaches across to you in the passenger seat while still somehow keeping her trained & focused little brown driving eyes steady on the road
- the feeling of ur mum quietly/subtly plucking lint or strands of hair from the back of ur coat/sweater while she listens to u speak
- the feeling of ur mum hugging u harder during a hug