- floe (n): a sheet of floating ice
- regatta (n): sporting event consisting of a series of boat or yacht races
- stocky (adj): (of a person) broad and sturdily built; burly; chunky; blocky; brawny
- perennial (adj/n): lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring; (of a plant) living for several years; (of a person) apparently permanently engaged in a specified role or way of life ("he's a perennial student"); (of a stream or spring) flowing throughout the year; n: a perennial plant
- pennant (n): (north american) a flag denoting a sports championship or other achievement; a tapering flag on a ship, especially one flown at the masthead of a vessel in commission; a long triangular or swallow-tailed flag, especially as a military ensign
- ginkgo tree (n): a large shade tree, Ginkgo biloba, native to China, having fan-shaped leaves and fleshy seeds with edible kernels
- prefect (n): a chief officer, magistrate, or regional governor in certain countries ("the prefect of police"); a senior magistrate or governor in the ancient Roman world; (British) in some schools, a senior student authorized to enforce discipline
- stint (v/n): v: to supply an ungenerous or inadequate amount of (something); be economical or frugal about spending or providing something ("he doesn't stint on wining and dining"); to restrict (someone) in the amount of something (especially money) given or permitted ("to avoid having to stint yourself, budget in advance"); n: a person's fixed or allotted period of work ("a stint as a magician"); a limitation of supply or effort ("without a stint...")
- stave (n/v): n: a vertical wooden post or plank in a building or other structure; a strong wooden stick or iron pole used as a weapon; also- a verse or stanza of a poem; v: to break something by forcing it inward or piercing it roughly ("the door was staved in"); to avert or delay something bad or dangerous ("a reassuring presence can stave off a panic attack")
- terra incognita (n): unknown or unexplored territory (Latin for 'unknown land')
- spigot (n): a small peg or plug, especially for insertion into the vent of a cask; (US) a faucet; a device for controlling the flow of liquid in a faucet; the plain end of a section of a pipe fitting into the socket of the next one
- caliber (n): the quality of someone's character or the level of someone's ability; merit; distinction; the standard reached by something ("educational facilities of a very high caliber"); the internal diameter or bore of a gun barrel; the diameter of a bullet, shell, or rocket ("the caliber of a gun"); the diameter of a circular body, such as a tube, blood vessel, or fiber
- russet (adj/n/v): adj: reddish brown in color; (archaic) rustic; homely; n: a reddish-brown color; a dessert apple of a variety with a slightly rough greenish-brown skin; v: to make or become russet in color; (of smooth-skinned fruit) to develop a rough reddish-brown or yellowish-brown skin, or patches of such
- abstruse (adj): difficult to understand; obscure ("an abstruse philosophical inquiry")
apr 8 2015 ∞
mar 29 2024 +