- alphaneumeric: alphabetic + numeric
- bankster: banker + gangster
- bionic: biology + electronic
- biopic: biography + picture
- blog: web + log
- bodacious: bold + audacious
- bollywood: bombay + hollywood
- breathalyzer: breath + analyzer
- brunch: breakfast + lunch
- carjack: car + hijack
- chortle: chuckle + snort
- cineplex: cinema + complex
- (a movie theatre w. several screens)
- clasp: clutch + grasp
- cosplay: costume + play
- cyborg: cybernetic + organism
- digimon: digital + monster(s)
- dumbfound(ed): dumb + confound(ed)
- ebonics: ebony + phonics
- electrocute: electric + execute
- ethiquetical: ethics + etiquette (coined by james joyce)
- flexitarian: flexible + vegetarian
- hangry: hungry + angry
- hazmat: hazardous + material
- infomercial: information + commercial
- internet: international + network
- listicle: list + article
- (article written in form of a list)
- meld: melt + weld
- metrosexual: metropolitan + heterosexual
- microsoft: microcomputer + software
- motel: motor + hotel
- nintendinitis: nintendo + tendonitis
- (a condition caused by playing too many video games)
- podcast: ipod + broadcast(ing)
- pokémon: pocket + monster(s)
- romcom: romantic + comedy
- shambolic: shambles + alcoholic
- sitcom: situation(al) + comedy
- skort: skirt + short(s)
- slacktivist: slacker + activist
- (one who tries to do good without too much involvement or without getting out of their chair; e.g., liking a post, signing an online petition; sharing a post for 'awareness')
- smog: smoke + fog
- spam: pork + spiced ham
- splatter: spill + spatter
- spork: spoon + fork
- taxicab: taximeter (tax) + cabriolet (carriage)
- telethon: television + marathon
- tofurkey: tofu + turkey
- twerk: twist + jerk
- velcro: velvet + crochet
- webinar: web + seminar
- wifi: wireless + fidelity
- yelp: yellow pages + help
sep 17 2019 ∞
nov 10 2023 +