- abecedarian - a person who's learning the alphabet
- absquatulate - to leave somewhere abruptly
- alegast - a person who never laughs
- anemoia - nostalgia for a time you've never known
- bildungsroman - a novel whose principal subject is the moral, psychological & intellectual development of a young main character
- brontide - the rumbling of distant thunder
- bucolic - in a lovely & rural setting; pastoral
- celerity - swiftness of movement
- charlatan - a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge/skill
- chryselephantine - overlaid with gold & ivory
- crepitate - to make a cracking sound
- crepuscule - twilight; dusk
- curglaff - the shock felt upon first plunging into cold water
- dactylonomy - counting using one's fingers
- defenestrate - to throw out of a window
- duende - the mysterious power of art to deeply move a person
- dysania - the difficulty found to get out of bed in the morning
- effervescent - bubbling; vivacious & lively
- embrocation - a bruised or diseased part of the body
- empyrean - the highest reaches of heaven
- exosculate - to kiss fervently or heartily
- gambrinous - being full of beer
- groak - to silently watch someone eat, hoping to be invited to join
- imbroglio - of a complicated or bitter nature
- ingenue - an innocent or unsophisticated young woman
- jirble - to pour out (a liquid) with an unsteady hand
- kairosclerosis - the moment you realize you are currently happy (consciously trying to savor the feeling—which prompts yr intellect to identify it/pick it apart/put it in context, until it slowly dissolves into little more than an aftertaste)"
- kenopsia - "the eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that once bustled w/ people but now sits quiet/abandoned (evening school corridors & unlit offices; after-hour, vacant fairgrounds); an emotional afterimage that makes it glow hyper-empty (w/ a negative total population/such conspicuous absence it glows as a neon sign)"
- lacuna - a blank space or missing part
- largiloquent - talkative; full of words
- lunting - walking while smoking a pipe
- mellifluous - sweetly or smoothly flowing; sweet-sounding
- nelipot - one who walks without shoes
- nepetnhe - drug found in homer's odyssey as a remedy for grief
- peccadillo - a relatively small or unimportant sin/offense
- petrichor - the scent of rain on dry earth
- qualtagh - the first person you see after leaving your house
- quixotic - extremely romantic & chivalrous
- recalcitrant - w/ an obstinate/uncooperative attitude re: authority
- redamancy - the act of loving in return
- resisentialism - the seemingly spiteful behavior of inanimate objects
- saturnine - (of one's manners/features) dark-colored, slow & moody
- sesquipedalian - prone to using long words
- siogne - showing sophisticated elegance; well-groomed; polished
- sobriquet - a nickname
- subsurration - a soft, whispering, rustling sound; a murmur
- sylph - a graceful & slender young woman
- taradiddle - a small lie
- tarantism - the urge to overcome melancholy by dancing
- tchotchke - an inexpensive souvenir, trinket, or ornament
- tintinnabulation - the ringing or sounding of bells
- wunderkind - a child prodigy
- zephyr - a gentle breeze; something airy, insubstantial & passing
jan 20 2013 ∞
nov 10 2023 +