- 1) jeffrey eugenides - middlesex (2002) (2/16/19)
- 2) dorothea johnson - modern manners (2013) (2/17/19)
- 3) ♡ keri smith - the wander society (2016) (2/17/19)
- 4) noor unnahar - yesterday, i was the moon (2017) (3/8/19)
- 5) ♡ l. ferlinghetti - a coney island of the mind (1958) (3/8/19)
- 6) alan feuer - i hope you find me: the love poems of craigslist's missed connections (2017) (3/31/19)
- 7) ♡ ella frances sanders - lost in translation: an illustrated compendium of untranslatable words (2014) (4/5/19)
- 8) lonely planet's best ever travel tips (2012) (4/5/19)
- 9) roberta sandenbergh - small space living (2018) (4/6/19)
- 10) jennifer lee - the fortune cookie chronicles (2008) (4/14/19)
- 11) abraham lincoln - wisdom & wit (1965) (4/23/19)
- 12) ♡ william j higginso & penny harter - the haiku handbook: how to write, teach & appreciate haiku (1985) (5/25/19)
- 13) elana varon - the ultimate side hustle book (7/6/19)
- 14) sterling - breathe list journal (7/6/19)
- 15) ♡ jan kerouac - baby driver (1981) (7/17/19)
- 16) d.zarella - social media marketing (2009) (7/20/19)
- 17) ♡ c.martan - my name is vincent van gogh (2006) (7/20/19)
- 18) ♡ keri smith - the imaginary world of (2014) (8/10/19)
- 19) ♡ mari andrews - getting there (2019) (8/10/19)
- 20) ♡ john medina - brain rules (2008) (9/14/19)
- 21) ♡ jack kerouac - maggie cassidy (1959) (9/28/19)
- 22) ♡ maggie nelson - bluets (2009) (10/18/19)
- 23) ♡ c.bukowski - screams from the balcony (1993) (12/6/19)
- 24) jack kerouac - desolation angels (1965)
- 25) maxwell maltz - the new psycho-cybernetics (2002)
2019 books total: 23
jan 9 2019 ∞
jan 2 2023 +