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I needed a place to write down the things I want to remember and here it is (including spoilers). Icon art by @itsx.m0on on IG. Background art by Jana Heidersdorf @checanty on Tumblr, edit a bit by me. Icons art by @DanielleLeeArt on Etsy

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Pilar Batista films (All The Horror Movies I've Ever Watched, Including Horror Comedies)
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laughing lady... mood tracker (2025)
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✔ finished | ➤ to finish | ↺ rewatch | ☒ dropped | ▣ on hold | ♡ ♥ faves

★⸻ January

    • Dungeon Meshi Dropping it because even if it looks good I'm not that interested at the moment
    • 30-sai made Doutei dato Mahoutsukai ni Nareru Rashii This one I'm really excited about! The only anime of the season that I really want to watch. I watched the trailer in japanese without subtitles when it first released so I thought it was just an office romance. But then! Crunchyroll's trailer released a few days before it started airing and it was subtitled and I was surprised to discover that it has a bit of magic. The title in english is "Cherry Magic - Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard" lmao. The main character can read others people's thoughts when he touches them. This is going to be so good. Also I0'm so glad that they are 30 years old. I'm tired of teenage romance
    • 16bit Sensation: Another Layer It took a turn that I'm not liking much. It's a shame that the story isn't normal, without any time travel and nothing distopic. They are making the whole thing about bishoujos such a big deal, conspiracy like. I just wanted an anime that was about old computers and games. Edit: Finally finished it, I didn't like the end at all
    • Seiyou Kottou Yougashiten: Antique Bakery
    • Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi
    • Pokémon: The Uncut Story of Mewtwo's Origin
    • Iro wo Kuu Akuma: The Color Eater
    • Shitasaki kara Koi: Love from the Tip of the Tongue

★⸻ February

    • 30-sai made Doutei dato Mahoutsukai ni Nareru Rashii
    • Seiyou Kottou Yougashiten: Antique Bakery
    • Atarashii Joushi wa Do Tennen Kind of sad that Momose left, they were practically married. But overall I enjoyed a lot this anime. It made me smile and laugh so much. Just happy feelings and sometimes almost crying because I am a sap

★⸻ March

    • 30-sai made Doutei dato Mahoutsukai ni Nareru Rashii Ep. 8, their first kiss and the reveal of Adashi's secret. It was so tender. Ep. 9! Draaaama. Ep. 10 more drama but with the other couple
    • Houseki no Kuni Me puse a revisar la lista entera de anime en Magis y vi este y lo coloqué. Inicialmente era para mis sobrinos pero no les gustó y yo me quedé pegada viendo hasta el episodio 4 eh. Hoy era nuestro último día de suscripción, espero que mi hermana la renueve porque me gusta mucho el catálogo tan largo y variado que tienen
    • 30-sai made Doutei dato Mahoutsukai ni Nareru Rashii It was really lovely and mature romance and I wanted another season to see how their relationship would grow now that they started living together but the way the last episode finishes left me wondering if we will get another season at all ♡ ♥
    • Dream Hunter Rem

★⸻ April

    • Pokemon Concierge Super cute!
    • Rilakkuma's Theme Park Adventure
    • New Dream Hunter Rem: Yume no Kishi-tachi ♡ ♥
    • Skip to Loafer
    • Link Click S2
    • Kuroshitsuji: Public School Arc Vi el OP primero en Youtube y no me entusiasmó mucho. El ED es bello, eso si. Pero acabo de ver el Ep. 1 y wow, todo es magnífico. Me emocionó tanto escuchar la voz de Ciel y Sebastian otra vez y diciendo nuevos diálogos. Ah, adoro Kurishitsuji demasiado ♡ Pero hablando del episodio, todo fue tan fluido, hasta la comedia no se sintió fuera de lugar (la escena del Lower Headmaster cayendo de las escaleras luego de tanta solemnidad me mató y más por como este reaccionó) y gosh, la animación! La escena final es difinitivamente mi favorita, le pusieron tanto esfuerzo. Me pareció gracioso como extendieron un poco la espera para "la frase" de Sebastian. Sabían lo mucho que la gente adora escucharla y nos alargaron la anticipación haha. Lo único son los colores, me parece que todo se ve muy brillante. Kuro siempre ha sido más opaco y lúgubre, algo gótico. Esto por ahora se ve muy colorido, la escena final es la que me parece se ve más como siempre se ha visto la serie
    • Whisper Me a Love Song Ep. 1 Yuri super soft and with a bit of music. Loving it so far
    • Seiyuu Radio no Uraomote: The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio Parece que esta temporada estaré viendo bastantes animes ʅʕ•ᴥ•ʔʃ Ep. 1 Este es de actuación de voz pero revisando los tags de la serie, creo que también es un yuri? No lo sé todavía pero sería gracioso que veré otro yuri accidentalmente
    • New Dream Hunter Rem: Setsuriku no Mudenmekyu

★⸻ May

    • Kuroshitsuji: Public School Arc Olvidé anotar lo que pensé de los otros 2 episodios! Mañana habrá otro nuevo por lo que trataré de escribir algo. Okay! Ep. 4 was good! I really liked the scenes that are at night, it's when Ciel and Sebastian are plotting. And this time we managed to see Ciel setting a building on fire without an inch of remorse just so he could get what he wants. Gosh, I love this little devil. Ep. 5 The two of them just sitting in a branch observing the chaos they caused was hilarious to me. And now Ciel is part of the cricket team, he looked so cute in the party. And it was funny how Sebastian seens a bit scared of Lady Francis. Elizabeth looked really pretty too, I loved her dress. Oooh, Vincent was mentioned. Ep. 6 and 7 Cricket! Lots of that and how Ciel twisted the rules enough to make Blue House win. He cheated so much and was delighted it when things turn his way but at the end of the day he was enjoing himself. It was the first time that he participated in a sport and share companionship with a team. Ep. 8 The way he injured himself to be able to win the match... he's certaintly a little devil ♥ He looked so handsome with his cox uniform aaaaaah It's one of my favorites outfits of his.

★⸻ June

    • Kuroshitsuji: Public School Arc Ep. 9 and 10 the big reveal and the confrontation. There's a part in the 10 episode that has all of us SebaCiel shippers really happy. The words that Ciel said to Edward aaaaaah, I love him so much Q.Q At the end of the episode we see him finally using one of his suits! Oh, I missed seeing all dress up like that. So fancy and pretty! I knew once how that fashion style is called but I forgot. If I had the money I'll probably dress like that, I think it's really a beautiful style. And the conversation they had in the carriage, the whole thing with the the photograph... Ciel having tea with the queen was a surprised. Ep. 11 OMG, best episode of the season. Nothing bad happens and everything is so wholesome and domestic. Ciel is once again dressed super cute ♡ And Soma and Agni appeared! I totally forgot about him too, it wasn't just Ciel. And Funton is expanding their market by making perfumes, I like that. But I agree with Sebastian, the mascot needs a little work. I though it was an ugly Moomin at fist. Pff Sebastian can't do anything without being dramatic. I can't believe it worrked! And after the ED they gave us a glimpse of the next arc, The Emerald Witch. I wasn't expecting that! Oooh, are we going to have a new season? It's not confirmed but why show us this then. Aaaaaah
    • Dungeon Meshi De repente comencé a ver de donde quedé. Ya voy en el episodio 5, me gustaron las armaduras vivientes. Edit: Laios es mi favorito (él es autista, de eso estoy segura) pero los quiero a todos. Es raro que una serie haga que le tenga cariño a tantos personajes. Kabru es gracioso, lo shippeo con Laios. Ya sacaron trailer de la segunda temporada, espero que no estén explotando a los pobres animadores

★⸻ July

    • Twilight Out of Focus The new BL of this season! The first episode was good, let's see how it goes. Ep. 2 started with the romance but also good angst. Ep. 4 Not much of a slow burn but kind of a nice change of pace. I think we are jumping in the next episode to another couple
    • Isekai Shikkaku (No Longer Allowed In Another World) Watching it just for the main character but I didn't like how the female characters are written in the first episode. If this continues I'm probably going to drop it. Ep. 4 I still don't like how the females characters are written and tbh the story isn't that good either but... I just love how the MC is drawn and his voice. That's it, that's the reason I'm continuing with the anime. I'm weak. Ep. 5 Actually the story got a bit interesting
    • ↺ ✔ Darker Than Black Finally finished it. I didn't remember how it ended at all
    • Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan (My Deer Friend Nokotan) Watched the first episode, it's a bit funny but I don't want to continue. I find Nokotan annoying and some jokes land flat

★⸻ August

    • Twilight Out of Focus Ep. 6 The other couple! Los actores de voz han trabajado en otros BL (o parecido) que he visto por lo que escucharlos me conforta y siento que estoy recibiendo a viejos amigos. Edit Ep. 7 Never mind, I changed my mind. I liked the episode and how the relationship develops. We'll get a new couple in the next episode. I think this series is a lot more "boyish" than the usual yaois or BLs out there. Like, the characters do and say some things that scream BOY. I like it, it makes them feel a bit more real. Ep. 8 Yoshinoooooooo!! Like the guy just appeared in this episode and I already love him and would die for him. And Rei is his intended?! I wanted to know more about him but I didn't expect him to be part of the main couples. I'm so happy! This is definitely my favorite episode and Yoshino is now my favorite character too
    • Whisper Me a Love Song Ep. 4 Oh, the other girl finally said something. Ep. 6 The concert was kinda anticlimactic but the scene where they hugged was really cute. Also I noticed that the anime isn't finished? Apparently the animators were still working on the episodes right before they aired and that's sad. I don't think I'm going to continue watching it and I hope the animators get treated better soon
    • Delico's Nursery Ep. 1 Estos vampiros son bellisimos pero tan poco vampiros. Pueden estar bajo el sol, comen, envejecen, tienen hijos! Es raro pero me gusta. Ya veremos que más descubrimos de esta sociedad de vampiros. Ep. 2 The OP and ED are so good, the animation and the music. Just *chef kiss* The ED is a bit weak compared to the OP but is also so mysterious. There was a lot of child rearing in the episode, I need to get used to so much crying. Ep. 3 Too much child-rearing and still not much about the rest of the plot. The butler killed me with the way he run to catch Dali lol I'm kind of dissapointed since I was expecting these vampires to be, well... vampires. But even though they have mentioned a few things about their vampirism it still feels like I'm just watching some aristocrats arguing while caring for their children. But the anime is good, don't get me wrong. I really like the scene with Dali and his wife and the characters are draw so pretty. It's just that I had other expectations
    • Isekai Shikkaku (No Longer Allowed In Another World) Ep. 7 The villain of this episode is cool, I like his power. Also I'm not sure but I think Sebastian's VA is voicing him. Ep. 8 Sensei is always surprising everyone

★⸻ September

    • Delico's Nursery Ep. 4 was good. The plot is finally showing more. Ep. 5 Okay, wtf the animation was bad. Are they having the same problems as Whisper Me a Love Song?
    • Twilight Out of Focus Ep. 9 I really love these two so much. Ep. 10 OMG they make me so happy

★⸻ October

    • DAN DA DAN No es mi tipo de anime pero adoro todo el trabajo de Science SARU por lo que vi el primer episodio. Pero creo que no veré el resto, al menos todavía

★⸻ November

    • Isekai Shikkaku (No Longer Allowed In Another World)
    • Mars Red I rewatched my favorite episodes
jan 4 2024 ∞
jan 16 2025 +