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I needed a place to write down the things I want to remember and here it is (including spoilers). Icon art by @itsx.m0on on IG. Background art by Jana Heidersdorf @checanty on Tumblr, edit a bit by me. Icons art by @DanielleLeeArt on Etsy

petra ‍ ‍ ‍
Pilar Batista films (All The Horror Movies I've Ever Watched, Including Horror Comedies)
love links (wikipedia, my love)
laughing lady... mood tracker (2025)
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✔ finished | ➤ to finish | ↺ rewatch | ☒ dropped | ▣ on hold | ♡ ♥ faves

★⸻ January

    • Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku (Flower and Azura) Ep. 1 It was so good, I'm already loving it so much. I didn't expect so much Miyasawa Kenji, what a nice surprise <3 Ep. 2 was our introduction to the other characters. I like the more shy ones Ep. 3 So I'm kind of shipping Hana with Misaji. That girl doesn't understand what personal space is and is so handsy! I'm surprised Hana isn't bursting in tears or getting red like a tomato every time she gets on her face. When she said "let's do something fun" I hate to admit, my mind went in a different direction to what happened lol
    • Tasokare Hotel Ep. 1, 2 and 3 This series is just my jam! Mystery and a bit of angst, also having a murderer now amongst the characters made it more interesting. This serie is a lot similar to Dead Parade
    • ↺ ➤ Tsurune S1 I didn't notice that it was on Netflix
    • ↺ ➤ Blue Period I'm planning on starting the manga

★⸻ February

    • Tasokare Hotel Ep. 4 was like an episode of Jigoku Shoujo. Ep. 5-6 It's getting a bit boring and predictable but it's still nice
    • ↺ ➤ Blue Period
    • Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku (Flower and Azura) Ep. 4-7 Still loving this so much. Ep. 8 Another good one. Didn't expected one of the characters to mention Vocaloid, a nice surprise

★⸻ March

  • Tasokare Hotel Ep. 6-8. Things got a bit more interesting
jan 16 2025 ∞
mar 24 2025 +