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I needed a place to write down the things I want to remember and here it is (including spoilers). Icon art by @itsx.m0on on IG. Background art by Jana Heidersdorf @checanty on Tumblr, edit a bit by me. Icons art by @DanielleLeeArt on Etsy

petra ‍ ‍ ‍
Pilar Batista films (All The Horror Movies I've Ever Watched, Including Horror Comedies)
love links (wikipedia, my love)
laughing lady... mood tracker (2025)
list icon

✎⸻ April

    • My Amgoo phone doesn't work, it reboots when I turn on Wifi. I'm using it just for reading now.
    • The Kilonotes app is a wonderful digital diary. I can make collages, stickers and covers and use cute stationery as backgrounds. And I can export it as a PDF!
    • They are going to make another Artmony in May.
    • I have saldo in my phone!
    • I want to fix my old TV but I don't have the money for it.
    • I cleaned my room and moved my bed to a new place for the first time in years.
    • I want to make phone straps with the trinkets I have but I'm really bad at choosing the beads.
    • Also I want to make more stickers for my phone.
    • I need to take some sunlight.
    • I need to cut my hair but I'm not sure how I wanted it to look
    • I made a phone case using an old tablet case!
    • I think our PC is dying.

✎⸻ May

    • My folder of FMA fanfics was deleted and I didn't notice!

✎⸻ June

    • I need a sunny day to be able to clean some plastic toys but the sun refuses to show! I have waited 4 days now. I need a hot scorching sun, please Dx
    • Still no sun.
    • Bilibili announced the new seaon of Link Click. I'm so excited!! It airs in July 14th <3
    • Once I finish wth the toys I'm going to clean my room real well because until that is done I can't clean
    • I need to share some music with Tim
    • At the end of the month is Gochi Pride and I'm thinking of going but idk
    • I forgot to mention but my Amgoo phone works again. But I'm cautious so I did not installed as much apps as I usually do. I'm using it just for Spotify and reading and so far, so good.

✎⸻ July

    • Didn't go to Gochi Pride.
    • Trailer for Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe!! Why I didn't know anything about this?! I'm so hyped.
    • Omg a new anime for Kuroshitsuji has been announced. I literally screeched!!
    • Maybe go out this Saturday?
    • Didn't go out, it was raining. And I got a cold.
    • Still sick.
    • Our PC died. I couldn't turn it on at all.
    • Our PC isn't dead, it just didn't want to indulge me.
    • My usb cable is broken, I need a new one to charge my phone.
    • I have officially read all of Susanna Clarke books.
    • Brigitte graduated kindergarten!
    • My charger also is malfunctioning. When I try to charge my phone it does the opposite. Fuck, I don't have money to buy a new usb cable and charger.
    • We are at the end of the month, when did that happen?
    • The 5th Season of What We Do In The Shadows started and I didn't even notice!
    • I'm loving way too much Undead Girl Murder Farce. Like, I have watched every available episode twice (currently we are at ep 3) and I'm probably going to do the same with the rest. The last time I watched an anime so many times is such a short time was with Mars Red.
    • I remembered a Pacific Rim fanfic I was reading a while ago 'cause I wanted to finally finish it so I started looking for it and... it doesn't exist anymore.

✎⸻ August

    • I went to the doctor and now I need to get done some tests. They gave me multi vitamins and said that I need to eat more healthy because I'm really underweight.
    • A friend confessed to me and I rejected them. They haven't reply to my messages since then. I hope they don't end our friendship because of this :(
    • Someone gifted a puppy to my brother-in-law so now we have a dog! She is a pinscher.
    • The microwave died. It's our second one.
    • Still no reply from my friend.
    • I don't think I'll ever get the tests done because they cost too much money.
    • The latest episode of Undead Girl Murder Farce was the first one I didn't like much (ep 7).
    • I was searching Tumblr for some of my favorite ships and discovered that HiJack/FrostCup gain more popularity somehow?? Like, it has now lots of fanart and even more AUs and comics and aaaaaaaah, it's so good!! I couldn't even find fanart I reconized while searching so that means that all of that good content is new and is a fucking lot. I'm so hyped, I need to search Ao3 to see how many fanfics of the ship are now there and read <3
    • I hate living with my family but I hate more that I don't do anything about it.

✎⸻ September

    • Ep. 8 of Undead Murder Farce was amazing!
    • I completely forgot to write something here at the moment but they released a teaser trailer for the new season of OFMD!! It premiers on Oct 5 aaaaaaah
    • Still not messages from my friend.
    • I still want to fix my old TV so I can play with my PS2 and PS1.
    • Ticky (the puppy) is a menace but we love her.
    • The weather has been awfully hot and humid. It's a nightmare.
    • I think I'm going to get one of my tests done this Tuesday, a renal ultrasound. And the next day I'm going to a psychologist. I hope everything goes well.
    • My nephews started watching Pokemon Journeys on Netflix and now I want to watch it too lol
    • I have been writing here a lot but because of that I have been neglecting writing on my actual journal :/
    • Went to the psychologist. It wasn't as bad as I thought and while waiting for my turn I drew a bit. The doctor gave me an apppointment for an early date so I have to be there the 20th. He gave me homework too.
    • I lost the necklace that I fixed. Really sad about it :(
    • Listening obsessively to "Of the Northmost Winds and Skies". I'm loving it so much.
    • I got up early to get my eco renal done. When I got out of the house it was raining and I saw a rainbow. It has been years since last I saw one.
    • Finished listening to OTNWAS and I'm a mess. One of my favorite fics of all times definitely.
    • I was so in awe listening to OTNWAS that I forgot to save my favorite quotes :(
    • I think I'm hyperfixating on HiJack. It has been quite some time since I hyperfixated on anything this hard. Maybe it's not just HiJack, maybe HTTYD and RotG too. Idk yet because I still have plenty of Hijack fics to listen and read to.
    • That's probably the reason why I get emotional so easily with them. Like, crying everytime I read a fan comic? That's so weird even from me. So, yeah, hyperfixating really hard.
    • I have been addig quotes so loooong on the quote's list that I have finally reached the limit of characters here on Listography. It's 65535.
    • I need to clean my room and to get out at least twice before wednesday.
    • Fuck, tomorrow is Wednesday and I still haven't gotten out. I need to do that today. Always doing shit at last minute. That's me.
    • I was outside all afternoon. I'm tired but I bought a new eyeliner at least. I want to buy a notebook too. Tomorrow I have my second appointment with the psychologist.
    • Appointment wen well. I need to get out for walks now.
    • We are having so many blackouts.
    • Ep. 12 of Undead Murder Girl wasn't to my liking.
    • I'm thinking of reaching out to my friend and see if tehy reply. If not, I'm giving up.
    • I took pictures of a church when I went to the psychologist. It was really pretty.
    • I've downloaded the HTTYD books! Yep, this is still happening.
    • I need to clean my room really badly.
    • I have been going out more as requested by my psychologist. i hope I can keep it up.
    • I wrote to my friend because it was their birthday and they replied! We are texting like normal again. But, we didn't acknowledge the reason we stopped communicating in the first place :$ I would do it if I didn't know I'll upset them and would stop writing to me again. That's how they deal with conflict. I'm tired of it but I would like them to continue to be my friend.
    • Finally cleaned my room the last day of the month!
    • I think I got carried away and listened to a lot of music this month lol
    • Aaaaand read a lot of fics too but I'm hyperfixating, nothing I can do there.
    • I manage to find the entire series of HTTYD. It's on as torrents. Just search "dreamworks dragons". Actually, I'm using the site to download everything now that The Pirate Bay doesn't work for me.

✎⸻ October

    • Wow, I really dislike DNI lists.
    • I must go out today.
    • I had a really cool dream but it had too much stuff and my brain forgot it immediately when I woke up. I remember a bit of what it was about but every little detail has vanished. It was a complete story with (maybe) an ambigous ending.
    • I went to a walk with my nephew. Hopefully tomorrow I'll do it again but with my niece.
    • Didn't go for a walk but to a birthday party. Well, more like a little gathering but with a lot of people.
    • I ate so much stuff! Before going I had already eaten 3 bowls of soup for lunch and there we ate a hot dog, two different pieces of cake, quesillo, puddin and pasapalos. I don't know how I did it but I couldn't stop myself. Everything was so good!
    • You know, I didn't wrote a single entry on my actual journal during September and the only thing I did was the cover, which is, you guessed it, a HiJack collage! Gosh, I'm so cringe lol
    • Today another appointment with the psychologist. Also today everyone in my family has an appointment to something at the same hour (first time this happens) so they are giving me a ride
    • I watched yesterday the Extras of Bambi on Disney+ and I've discovered the beautiful art of Tyrus Wong. I want to watch the documentary about him but I couldn't find it.
    • I really love the art of Bambi, I think is one of the most beautiful movies of Disney. The animation of the fawns are so lovely, I found it mesmerizing. When I was a kid I used to read the adaptation of the movie all the time. The book we have have a lot of Disney movies but that was the only one I read the most. I don't like the story much and the movie is kin of boring, but just appreciating the art is something I can do for a long time.
    • New chapter of The Lights of Avalon!
    • The appointment didn't go as well. I don't think my psychologist is taking my physical pain seriously. I wrote a really long entry about it and then when I was going to save it there was a blackout so this is all I'm going to write.
    • Still feeling stressed out over the appointment. It has been 4 days since and I'm still with this shit. My next appointment is this Thursday, I hate it.
    • I changed my Listography but honestly? I'm not feeling it with the color palette. Too simple and cold for my taste. I think I'm going to change it again. And the background and profile picture too.
    • Well, shit. It took me so long to make the background. Deciding which images to use, how to arrange them and testing out some things. Ugh, all for nothing.
    • It would be cool if Listography let us change everything and showed us a preview of how it would look before saving. That it would let us save a draft would be nice too.
    • I'm cleaning the toys I had in a corner of my room gathering dust for months.
    • OFMD's new season is making me sooo happy.
    • I found the old cinema tickets of the time I used to go regularly to watch them. The prices were so low those days. I can see how much the prices have raised through the years if I read them chronologically. It's sad. It had been so long since I last went. I wanted to see Into the Spider-Verse and Klaus, The Batman and Across the Spider-Verse. But now it's in dollars, not bolivares. I guess they should probably accept pesos but I don't think I would be able to spend so much in just a ticket to the movies. It would feel wasteful.
    • My appointment went well even though I almost thought of not going back.
    • I hate my dad.
    • I think I hurt myself without realizing it. It wouldn't be the first time.
    • Ugh, I wanted to write more about my week but I have been putting it off and now that I do I just want to scream, cry and get out of my house. I hate this.
    • I'm feeling better.

✎⸻ November

    • I didn't go to my psychologist appointment
    • Maybe next week I'll go to another session at the conversational english club
    • I want to draw but I can't find the energy to do it. I still hope I can paint something this month
    • My birthday is next Thursday. I wish I could spend it with my friend but I know it won't happen
    • I didn't go to my psychologist appointment. Yesterday was my birthday ànd didn't want to spend it a single minute there
    • My friends wished me a happy birthday! Tim sent me a video of Miku singing happy birthday. It wss a really sweet gesture ♡ My niece gave a drawing where she wrote "Te amo mucho tía Que Dios la bediga Felis Cunpleaño" She's so cute ♡♡
    • I spent hours drawing until early morning the day of my birthday. A sketch I did not too long ago inspired me to try digitally drawing again. It's a Hatsune Miku fan art, from one of my favorite figures of her. And it's in part inspired by @virghoesxoxo on Tiktok. I just think she's awesome, inspiring and beautiful. I wanted to draw her but I left her a comment asking if I could draw her and she didn't replied so I guess that's a no for now. I'll have to ask her on a message next and maybe she will answer
    • My mom made me cake and my sister bought the ingredients. It was delicious ♡
    • I have been doing my laundry. I've let it pile up too much and it's taking more time than I like washing it
    • I was planning on going today to another meeting of the english conversational club but it's not happening. The teacher said we could do it online but I rather do it in person. I need socializing and I don't think it has the same effect talking through a phone
    • My friend gifted money for my birthday. I'm grateful and love him for that but at the same time it always frustrates me
    • Met with my friend! She gave me chocolates and treated me to pizza <3
    • My dad broke the computer. The screen is fill with glitching lines that hurts the eyes and it doesn't get past the logo of Windows. I don't have a way of downloading anything anymore. I hate this
    • Forgot to mentioned that virghoexoxo gave me permission to draw her. When I've finished the drawing of Nurse Miku I'll begin working on that
    • I'm sick, my nephews too. I have also been getting headaches because of my pillow and it's making it difficult to sleep. I always wake up with my skull hurting
    • The computer is working again! Thank gods
    • I contacted Sky Cambios to see if I can change my dolars to pesos. Let's see how it goes
    • I'm getting up early to meet the person with my money
    • Idk what happened but A. has been replying to my messages with monosyballics and dry responses

✎⸻ December

    • So, I watched hbomberguy's video about plagiarism on Youtube. I saw a few people mentioned it on Tumblr and I thought it didn't concern me because I had gullibly believe that none of the channels that I follow would be there. BUt then I saw one of the creators whose work was plagiarized talking about it and they were talking about how James Somerton did this. And I... I needed to watch the video. I'm fucking angry and dissapointed
    • My Amgoo phone isn't working properly. I'm going to reset it and see if that'll fix it. I hope so
    • I need to get more bonus points on My Anonamouse. My VIP Status already expired and I didn't get much points as usual to recover paying it. Like, normally I gain like 15000 points but this time I only got to 11000 and I bought another month of VIP so I'm left with only 6000... I need to fix this before I'm out of points
    • I've resetted my Amgoo phone. I'm going to leave a time log here to check if it starts to malfunction again. It started saying that "Google Play Services isn't working" and then others app did the same and didn't work. That was like the 14th or 13th. I reseted it yesterday 16th
    • I'm trying out another brownser instead of the build-in of the phone. It's called Stargon and aside for an error with Goodreads, it's fine. I like that I can save pictures even when the searcher doesn't allow it. That's was one of the reason I like the other one. Also it's pretty light and fast. So that's a plus
    • Today I've helped with the cutting of the meat and vegetables for the hallacas. Tomorrow we'll make them
    • I was watching sewing tutorials and I think I'm going to try to fix the neckline of two t-shirts that have been troubling me for some time
    • Also I'm thinking on giving it a go at hand sewing my pirate shirt. Otherwise I'm never going to wear it
    • My hyperfixation with HiJack and HTTTD/RotG is finally calming down. I'm still reading fanfics but I'm not as obsessed as I was when it started
    • I need to finish reading Nordic Tales so I can meet my Goodreads Year Challenge
apr 13 2023 ∞
jan 4 2024 +