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I needed a place to write down the things I want to remember and here it is (including spoilers). Icon art by @itsx.m0on on IG. Background art by Jana Heidersdorf @checanty on Tumblr, edit a bit by me. Icons art by @DanielleLeeArt on Etsy

petra ‍ ‍ ‍
Pilar Batista films (All The Horror Movies I've Ever Watched, Including Horror Comedies)
love links (wikipedia, my love)
laughing lady... mood tracker (2025)

Sherronda J. Brown, Refusing compulsory sexuality: A Black Asexual Lens on Our Sex-Obsessed Culture

╰┈• I will always advocate for every queer person's right to be a fully autonomous sexual being-and that always must and always will include asexuals. Recognizing the significance of queer sex should not mean that every queer person should be mandated to meet an arbitrary sexual prerequisite in order for their queerness to be affirmed. Centering queerness around sex leaves very little room for queer folks for whom sex is insignificant, or for whom sex is never or rarely possible, or for queer folks who have never had sex before, or for queer folks whose only sexual experiences have been violent. It also leaves a lot of queer people, especially young ones, feeling pressured to have a certain amount or certain type of sex in order to legitimate or prove their queerness to themselves or to someone else.

Xel replied to my ask and I just think it's great and hopeful, I'm happy for them

╰┈• Hi!

I am okay! There's always a weird THING I have to deal with, but it's not feeling like life shattering now like it's been in the last 9 months or so haha

I've been working at an insanely convenient temp job since January. I have something resembling health care now, but it's so confusing I haven't used it yet. My crazy spine thing is way way better. I still kind of lock up when carrying things up stairs, almost no matter the weight of them, but it's getting better all the time! I can go up the stairs looking like a normal non-broken person like 60% of the time, it's pretty freaking sweet.

Being able to walk is great, I recommend holding onto that ability as long as possible.

I'm weirdly embroiled in a bunch of anime junk in case you haven't noticed a trend in the things I've been reblogging. Having a Sailor Moon flare up in the middle of my Tokyo Ghoul is a real Experience. I'm rewatching the sections with my favorite characters, who are mostly villains, turns out.

Also making a little series about characters who had an effect on me and my own Gender feelings. Most of them are queer male characters, even though I am definitely not a man and am definitely just None Gender With Left Lady-flavored nonbinary. I wish I could be the same kind of gender you get on amab folks doing 'girl' things, though. My body shape means a lot of things are just out of reach for me and it makes me feel like I'm in flesh prison so I try not to think about it a lot so I don't flip the fuck out.

Doing things with a lot of markers in a new marker sketchbook and red pencil sketching.

Button/print shop has been closed while printer was down, but now that I have one that is alive and functional, that can open up again once I make sure the colors are all calibrated properly. I'm going to add some designs after I mail any that were outstanding when the printers sputtered to death.

Got to see the full total solar eclipse this week, am rerooting a doll for lameass highschool nerd reasons, am going to have to rearrange a bunch because of the real estate the printer took up...

Had like a full week of emotional breakdown about a person I care about who seems to have just kind of given up on a number of things and got real existential about that for a bit, but I am still Fine, which is cool.

After so long of terror and insecurity and misery and pain, Fine is Great.


apr 3 2024 ∞
may 3 2024 +