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I needed a place to write down the things I want to remember and here it is (including spoilers). Icon art by @itsx.m0on on IG. Background art by Jana Heidersdorf @checanty on Tumblr, edit a bit by me

Jessica Cappu... beauty (Nagellack - welchen als nächstes? 2025)
Aileen travel (updated travel bucket list)
the moonrise to read
rose postcards (postcrossing 2025)
Rusty Misc. Interests (Musicians +Favourite Songs By Each)

A Most Sensible Idea by HildyJ (The Hobbit, Bagginshield)

╰┈• Bilbo smiled. He hoped that Thora found someone to love in the end. Someone who was fine with her keeping dragons in the house. Someone who would love her even without her beauty, without her wealth, and without her family. Someone who wasn’t chosen for her by her father or any other dwarf.

The Haunting of Hanover-Square by StudyInScarlett (JSAMN, Johnsquared)

╰┈• This journey is farther than the ones which Segundus tends to accompany him on, which are generally eight or nine miles at most, but Childermass has been absent so often this month that Segundus had rather insisted upon coming with him today. Well, Segundus had not exactly insisted; he does not insist upon anything. He had but asked. And Childermass is quite powerless to deny him, so in terms of persuasive strength it is about the same.

╰┈• affection built wholly upon admiration is a very hollow sort of thing.

╰┈• He is eerily bright. Not enough to dazzle. Just enough to turn the darkness of the room from black to a softer sort of grey.

Designations Congruent with Things by cleanwhiteroom (Pacific Rim, Newtmann)

╰┈• “So the drift, I’m pretty sure,” Newton says, “is an empirical rejection of perspectivism. It’s an epistemological absolute of the subjective experience, consisting of the Other and the Look in an infinite loop where information transfer approaches whatever its maximum is while time approaches zero, so yeah, suck it, solipsism. Neuroscience validates intersubjectivity. That’s a great title, man. We should write a paper.”

╰┈• And even if it is, he’s not concerned about it, well that’s a lie, he is, he’d like to believe that there aren’t going to be any neurological consequences of his decision tree, but he can’t because there already are some like the fact that he just loves Descartes so freaking much right now oh god, but even while he is concerned about the electrophysiological state of his brain, ‘closing the breach’ and ‘no more kaiju,’ are things so monumental that neurological sequelae for himself and also for Hermann seem no more than expenditure line items detailing one more cost in a too-costly war.

A war that’s over.

And this, all of this, makes sense, because it is cogent and accurate.

It’s so accurate you could plot it.

On a coordinate plane.

Not really but kind of.

Intersecting number lines. Who thinks of that stuff? Who sits down one day and says, “I could really use a coordinate system right about now?” René De-epic-intellectual-badass-cartes, that’s who.

“Newton,” Hermann says sounding horrified and incredulous in confusing simultaneity. “Are you crying?”

“No, man,” Newton says, wiping his eyes. “I just love Descartes so much right now.”

Eurydice by Johns_Farthings (JSAMN, StrangeArabella)

╰┈• The room was crowded and warm, but he felt horribly alone – as if Arabella had touched him on the shoulder and vanished as soon as he turned to greet her.

dec 8 2024 ∞
jan 15 2025 +